《The Boy》Chapter 28: Parenting


Life in the new Uchiha household was now louder, highly obnoxious, inappropriate and vague ever since Sasuke married the blonde. They've lost four neighbors over the months and have gained quite a fan base with their adorable children, especially the twins.

On one occasion the nanny they had hired to watch the kids while they worked, had tried to kidnap them resulting in Naruto staying at home permanently. He was sort of used to it anyway from having Minochi. However, this meant he had to give up on college and let that secretly bother him.

5 years have passed since the little devils were born and now they were walking around the new vast one-story ruby house, causing trouble with Naruto and Minochi when dad wasn't home. They had grown allot and were at the proper height their big brother should have been at this age if not taller.

Sasuke took them to work every now and then on the days he could. He paid more attention to them than his job anyway so why not bring them with him? What Tsunade had said was true. They were daddy's boys. He was their first attempted word, first person they walked for and the only one that could get them to behave at times.

Right now the Uchiha was messing with the twin boys' hair at their play table. It had a habit of flattening out in the back and he couldn't stand it. The duo just laughed at every brush and gel attempt put on their unruly hair. "Hold still, Akimeto," he said kindly, brushing out the child's hair while he played with the blocks.

"Okay, daddy." Meto spoke perfectly and clearly with the good schooling his father got for him. He also behaved because he liked his hair fixed. His twin on the other hand, started to climb under the table.

"Zeto, get form under there!"

"No." He couldn't see but he felt the table and knew it had underneath from how many times he hit his knee on the edge. He bumped his head a bit too while trying to get under there. He shrieked when his daddy grabbed his ankle, bringing the red pj's clad boy out from underneath. "Noooo!"

That was his most fussy boy's favorite word. He had learn talk by sound so he picked up fast on the key ones. He chuckled and smiled, bringing the little thing up over his lap despite all his squirming. One kiss to the noggin seemed to settle him down some.

Meto pouted out of jealousy and crossed his arms. "I want one too."

And he was given one without a second thought.

"Sasuke what are you doing?" Naruto asked after he'd rolled into the bedroom to see his husband on the floor with the amused pair now crawling all over him in their nap time pajamas with the fan symbol on the back.

"I was trying to do their hair!" The raven father smiled at the hugs he was getting from one of his little boy's.

Zeto was trying to escape and head towards his other parent's voice. "M-Momma!"

The blonde chuckled at the cute scene. His husband seemed to spoil these boys. If anything he was more lenient on them than Minochi. Reason being because he'd messed up and gotten the little tyke a cellphone some weeks ago. "Leave their hair alone, Sasuke. They don't have to look like you 24/7."


Sasuke shrugged, feeling the exact opposite. He held his boys securely and asked them, "Do you two want to look like daddy?"

"Yes!!" Akimeto shouted and wrapped his arms around his father as much he could.

"No!" His look-a-like started crying this time, arms out for mom. "It's my hair, not yours!"

Naruto knew he'd lost the war with Meto. That boy loved him too but so far if Sasuke was home he went to him without a second thought. He wondered if it was because during his pregnancy he hated the raven the most resulting in one the twins feeling the opposite. He doubted it.

"I think they feel otherwise Naruto."

"Oh go fu-stuff yourself!" He corrected with a hand over his mouth. "Only Meto feels the same."

Sasuke stuck his tongue out at his husband just to turn back to see Akimeto doing the same thing from his lap.

"Nice going bastard. He'll never stop doing that now."

"Yes he will. Watch! Meto, stop."

The boy only stuck his tongue out more until eventually, he threw up.

"Naruto, did you overfeed him again?!" The father freaked at the upchuck all over his jeans. He quickly put down Zeto to pick up his sick boy who looked as if he was about to cry too now.

The blonde backed out of the room with the wheelchair slowly. His bad habit was stuffing his babies now that he had the means to do so. It wasn't all his fault! Sometimes the twins would look so cute when they were eating and he'd feed them more....and more...and more.

Sasuke gently patted Aki's back and let out a sigh of relief when the child burped and giggled again. He then caught his husband trying to sneak away and stopped him with a glare.

"What?! It's not my fault! You should see their chubby little cheeks when they're eating, and then they smile so it's just.......! I can't help but feed those faces!"

"You have a problem!"

"I don't!!"

Zeto started to feel around for the route to take, meeting something wet and so unknowingly began touch his brother's puke as his parents argued over their health.

"Do you want our boys to be fat?!"

"There's nothing wrong with being a little chunky!"

Sasuke shook his head at his helpless husband before he noticed his other child. "Zeto, don't eat that!"

The boy wasn't going to eat it. He sniffed the weird substance on his hand first since he couldn't see it. The smell itself was enough to trigger his stomach. In five seconds the child hurled onto his father's leg. That burning in his stomach and lungs made him hiccup as the waterworks started.

He was bawling in no time. "W-Wah- WAHHH!"

"You see what you've done!" The raven scooped up his other son in his arms and tried to calm him down despite the chunky mess in his lap.

"I'm sorry!!" Naruto rolled over to his husband and held out his arms for one of the pair.

The father hesitated for a sec and handed over Meto since he was calm and a little drowsy already.


"There, there it's okay, Zeto!" He tried to comfort him while holding his other child on his lap.

"No it's not," Sasuke said exasperated. No matter how many times he told Naruto not to do something dealing with their kids he'd do it anyway.

"I said I was sorry." The blonde rolled his eyes getting aggravated over how protective the man was. It was cute sometimes but other times it was too much. People in general will throw up whether you over feed them or not.

"What if you seriously hurt them one day?"

Naruto pretended he didn't hear that. He was having a good day and wasn't going to let his husband ruin it. "Give me Zeto."

"No, why?!"

"Because you have puke on you, genius. You need to go get cleaned up and so do they." Naruto held out a free arm for the baby boy that had burped and fallen asleep against his father's shoulder.

Thankfully the twins had in sync sleeping times so when one went out, they both went out.

"...C-Can I have them back when I'm done?"

The blonde chortled and shook his head saying, "No, it's their nap time."

"Oh...do they have to sleep?"

"Oh so you can deprive them of sleep but I can't stuff them? Give me my baby."

Sasuke hung his head and handed his little prodigy over.

"Make sure you wash the floor too."

"Mhm." He took off his pants on the bed so he didn't track puke on the floor. Standing there in his boxers he took that time to apologize to his husband.

"Hey I'm sorry....you can feed them more if you want..."

"Sasuke you're either trying to butter me up so you can keep them awake or you don't want to be king of the couch for the fifth night. Either way.....I forgive you." The blonde flashed a heartwarming smile and left the room to put the little duo in theirs.

Sasuke thanked god he wasn't going to be on the couch for his little outburst. He took a quick shower and put the baby vomit items in the washing machine. He then snuck through the living room only to pause at his eldest son on the phone on the couch watching him curiously.



Minochi silenced completely baffled until he remembered Naruto coming through to put his brothers to bed.

"Oh dad let them sleep!"

"Hush, and Uchiha's don't need sleep!"

"So I can stay up tonight?!" The boy whispered all excited while he clutched his phone.

"Sure, sure...Wait why?"

"To talk to my friend." He said with a glance down to his phone when he received a text.

"A friend?" Sasuke stopped whispering and took on his overprotective fatherly role. He'd been meaning to ask his son whom he was texting so much lately but never got around to it.

"Yeah..." Minochi looked up from his cell not sure why his dad had murderous intent all over his face.

"Boy or girl?"

"Um a boy? ...."

"What age?"


Somewhere in Sasuke's mind a glass mirror that represented his controlled world just shattered. He thought that he wouldn't have to deal with people chasing his precious little boy till he was 16...but no. Minochi was 10 years old and had now caught some 'freaks' eye. A five year older 'freaks' eye.

Naruto came back into the living room to see his husband about to blow a fuse.

"Sasuke?" He rolled over to the man and looked at his eldest child for a hint of what was going on.

Minochi shrugged not understanding what the big deal was.

The raven's right eye twitched and he pulled out his phone to call his brother.

"Sasuke are you okay?"

"Yeah, Hello? Hey I need to know how long it'll take to learn how to snipe."

The blonde blinked at lost and tugged on his husband's hand.


"Yup that's what's going on...No, no I want to do it!........Okay you can have the second shot."

"Uchiha Sasuke!" Naruto pinched his husband this time still not getting a reaction.

"Oh, hold on. Minochi what's his name?"

"W-Wah why?!" He stuttered out with panic in his voice and clung to his phone.

Sasuke starred at his first born for a sec before returning back to the phone saying, "He's not going to tell me so I'll just get it off his cell."

"I won't let you!"

"Minochi my company made your phone and probably that sick fucks phone whom your texting. I have access either way. I just wanted to ask first."

"Wait, sick fuck? Who?" Naruto turned to his son whom was starting to get more and more afraid for his friend's life.

"He's not a sicko! He's just a friend that has lunch with me sometimes! He's really nice!"

Sasuke had to get off the phone so he could voice his outrage but his husband butted in.

"Oh that's okay! Sasuke why are you freaking out? He's just a friend. How olds your little friend sweetie?" The blonde smiled and clasped his hands together over his lap.

The father smirked as he leaned down to his husband's level and said in a comically wicked voice, "15."

Authors Note: You all should know the reason this took so long.... I made allot of alternate chapters compared to this one because I didn't know where to go with it lol...I had skipped babyhood and went five years into the future.

I did that because I was afraid you'd guys had seen all the baby moments there is to see. Of course I changed my mind again and well...yeah. This one is pretty cliché as well but hopefully it's somewhat different and ended on a funny note.

It ended this way so I could come back and add more chapters to it when I can.

So thank you all for staying this long!! I've read and am still reading every single comment and I loved them all even the controversy. They make me laugh my ass off every time and also gives me ideas on what to explain more and such. For those that were confused I'm sorry!

Hope everyone got what they wanted for Christmas!!! Toodles~

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