《Braden x Oc》On the way to no school!!


Well dad's driving the school bus....great...

Anyway Kurt Mackenzie joined my dad in the front of the bus when Andre and Charlotte got on.Andre went to sit with Greg and Charlotte sat with Donna.I am sitting with my friends Olivia,Laila,Lela,and Rebecca.

Olivia has pale skin,black hair,and dark eyes,lean build.5'3"

Laila has dark color skin,brown hair,and hazel eyes,fit.5'9"

Lela has lightly tanned skin,light blond hair,and blue eyes,thin,5'4"

Rebecca has dark blond hair,pale skin,and a greenish-blue eyes.slightly bigger but fit,5'8"

"hey are your parents okay with us going to the quarry,also with sleeping over at ur house?"Olivia asked.

"Yep,all good!"i smile.

"Yay!"Lela laughed.

I smiled but my smile turned to a frown when I saw some kid start to tease Donna.

Rebecca growls"he better stop before I cut his vocal cords"

"Becca that so messed up!"Lela laughs.

"Hey,we have are moments,"I sigh and look at Rebecca"some more then others...but we don't act on it"

"Yep!"Rebecca smiles.

I growl as the fat ass starts to pick on Keithie.

"Burn the fat off him,literally"Olivia joked.

"Yay!"I smiled.

I quickly looked to the front of the bus as I hear my dad's voice"Attention K-Mart shoppers."I chuckled slightly as he continued,"let's find a seat please,yes,you in the camouflage jacket and Maria Carrie hair do...yeah just pop a squat,thank you"i laughed,but frowned as the fatso continued to pick on Keithie"beanbag with arms and legs!seriously,take a seat,or seats,before someone gets hurt"i snickered at my dad's comment as the bully took a seat.

"Your dad is cool.." Rebecca smiled.

"Yep!" I grinned.

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