《Braden x Oc》The Last period of The Day!!!


I smiled as I entered my sixth period class,I give Olivia,Laila,Lela,and Rebecca a thumbs up as I go to my seat to put my bag down and walk over to the teacher"um may I use the bathroom quickly?"

"Of course you may"my teacher smiled.

"Thank you"I grabbed the pass and waved my friend over as I walk out the door,they smile and follow.

(Time skip cause I'm lazy)

I sat in my seat next to Greg a few minutes before the late bell,as do my friends as Greg looked at me with a frown."lucky..."he frowned.

I smiled"yep"I began to draw in my notebook completely tuning out of everything.

"...we have a new student joining us,Braden Higgins"i quickly snapped out of my trance and look up to the front of the class.I sigh and go back to my drawings taking no interest to the topic.I stop drawing as feet walking past me came to view and I looked up at Braden,realizing how short I am....I already knew the seat he's taking because the kid behind me is and looks like a total wimp.The boy held out his money,assuming Braden would take it as I face palm.

"No,this is my seat"Braden said in a intimidating way,to most people...

I sigh as Greg and Andre start to geet Braden and talk good things about Marcus.

"I wanna smash his face"Braden said.

I sigh and continue drawing,waiting for school to end.

I feel uncomfortable when I feel like Someone is staring at me.I look at Braden and see him starring straight at me,his blue eyes meeting my brown ones.I blush slightly and go back to my drawings,hearing him chuckle slightly.

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