《After the Aftermath》Death


Noah had been on the road for yet another week and he was almost through Maryland when he had to stop at a hotel. He was tired and needed more sleep than he was getting on that blasted road trip. He was beginning to wonder about Elle every minute now. He loved her and she was in danger because of him. He knew he'd hurt her before, but he couldn't help feeling like if he'd disappeared she would have been safe. He got up the next morning begrudgingly. He needed supplies to take the Boston fort down. He knew the old warehouse in Maryland that they had had was filled with unused supplies. Maybe he could swing by and grab a few weapons? It couldn't hurt.

Lee woke up to the sound of Rachel's soft breathing. God how he loved her. The early morning light shown through the open curtains. The soft putter pattern of drizzling rain tapped at the near frosted over window. Noah was able to be found, Lee had his girl back, the only thing missing was Elle.

"Hey Lee." A groggy voice whispered. Lee turned to look at Rachel cuddled up in his arms.

"Hi." He whispered back.

"Want to check on Noah?" She asked. Lee chuckled.

"Sure." He smiled as he kissed her. It wasn't a full reboot of his life since Elle and Noah were still gone, but it was enough.

A whole week had gone by Elle was pacing in her new room/cell. Eric had given her the talk that morning about how the door needed to remain locked for "her protection" but she knew he was jus blowing smoke out of his ass. Richard didn't want her escaping. They had a job tonight. They were going to a club in the city where another gang was waiting to give them something that was "need to know" for Elle and apparently Elle didn't need to know. She paced back and forth faster, the stress was building. The sound of bullets and shouting broke the stressful silence. Elle grabbed the gun from underneath her bed in hopes she could use it properly. She heard footsteps careening down the hall, closer and closer. Two shouts, two bullets fired, one scream, one thud. There was banging on her door, then a loud thud, the door fell open. Noah, covered in blood and scars, stood in the broken door frame holding a bruised and bloodied Eric by the collar.

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