《After the Aftermath》Limits


Noah raced his motorcycle along the dry Georgia path. He'd been driving for a week until finally got to Georgia. He quickly pulled into a gas station. He hurriedly got gas and then parked to go inside to get food. He bought a snickers. The burly man at the register grunted at Noah and rung up the bar. The sun was setting filling the parking lot with a pink and gold glow. Noah rested against his bike while he ate his snickers. It had been Elle's favorite candy bar, now it was his. He sighed as he threw the trash away and started his bike. He missed Elle so much. And he was worried. What was Richard thinking? He knew Noah would kill him for taking Elle, so why would he, why would he take her?

Elle had been wondering lately how Noah was doing. And wether or not he was awake yet. They had filed her into a car and drove her there a week ago. They were now in a shady looking warehouse near the Maryland/ Virginia border. Elle was sitting in her room praying to God that Noah would wake soon when there was a knock at her door.

"Come in!" She called as she stood. It was Eric.

"Richard wants to see you."

Lee had been pacing in his room for an hour now. Rachel sat at his desk on his computer looking for- he didn't actually know what she was looking for. He continued to pace restlessly as Rachel typed silently. Noah had gone missing a week ago today and Elle had now been missing for four weeks. This was the absolute worst time for the Flynn's and Elle.

"Rachel what are you looking for?" Lee asked for about the fifth time that hour.


"Hold on!" She had been saying that for the past six hours they'd been there. Lee had had enough. He spun her swivel chair around to face him. Resting his hands on the arm rests he leaned in.

"You gotta let me in, here, Rach." She sighed.

"Like you let me in?" She asked. He rolled his eyes and stood up.

"Lee look," she said standing, " I know this sucks okay, but you have to trust me."

"With what? I don't know what you are doing!" Rachel rolled her eyes.

"Well it was you and then you broke up with me." She muttered. Lee was taken by surprise. Rachel was usually sweet.

"What's with the attitude?" Lee asked finally.

"Nothing." She sighed. "Just forget I said anything."

Lee rolled his eyes. He didn't understand the need for Rachel be passive aggressive and petty.

"Whatever." He said.

"Don't 'whatever' me." Rachel accused standing up.

"What do you want from me then?" Lee asked his arms crossed.

"I don't know, some support couldn't hurt! I'm doing this stupid thing for you because you've been angry and depressed over Noah's departure and Elle's friggin disappearance and all you can do is make unhelpful, snarky comments!" Rachel blurted out. Lee stared at her angrily and kind of impressed. She sighed and sat back down.

"Ah ha, here it is!" She exclaimed. Lee rushed to the computer.


"Here look. These are traffic cam recordings from three weeks ago." Lee was shocked.

"W-what! Can you find Noah?" She shook her head.

"I haven't tried yet, I've just been hacking into the footage." Lee was still excited.

"Rachel I could kiss you, this is amazing!" Rachel's breathe hitched.


"Then why don't you?" She stood up from the chair. Lee was taken aback. This was like the kissing booth all over again, him alone and depressed and her saving him with a kiss.

"Why don't you buck up and be a man and kiss me? Why can't you see that our break up was a mistake and that you should have held onto me? Why won't you admit that you need me and just kiss me?" Rachel looked at Lee with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. Lee slowly shook his head.

"I have no idea." He said as he moved toward her. He bent down and she leaned in to him and their lips crashed together. His hands fell at her waist, lifting her up onto the desk. They moved with each other, each kiss deeper then the last. Lee's hands fiddled with the hem of Rachel's shirt. He paused and looked at her for permission. She nodded as he tore off her shirt.

Noah had been riding in Georgia all night. He was a little tired but his adrenaline kept him going. Elle was the one thought on his mind. I

He'd never given much thought to their future before, but he swore to himself that if he could save her, after she graduated he'd marry her. He knew this thought was only hopeful words whispered between two love struck teenagers, but he still loved her no matter what. As he rode on he noticed city lights glittering in the -distance. He'd been on a dirt road with only his headlight as a guide for the past hour and a half. This must be South Carolina. He thought. The sooner he got to Boston and kicked Richard's pretentious, sunglasses wearing, ass the better he'd feel.

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