《After the Aftermath》Road trip


Elle had been riding in the back seat of Richard's car for hours now. She couldn't begin to describe the pain she felt as the hospital became further and further away. Being in this car with these men surrounding her was suffocating. It reminded her of that night with Dan. It had all caught up to her now, the flash backs, the memories, the pain. He tore off her clothes. He clawed at her stomach. He had en-

"Elle are you okay?" The man sitting beside her said. It wasn't out of the kindness of his heart, it was the three hour check up he was ordered to perform on the car ride. Elle gave him a nod,

silently thanking him for distracting her. The car rode on for what seemed like hours. She had said goodbye to Lee and his parents before leaving, she'd told them she was being driven home to get some ordered rest. Tears welled in her eyes as the realisation that she may never see any of them again sunk in. She wondered if this is how Noah felt when he was with these people. She let silent tears roll down her cheeks. She couldn't help a sob as the tears progressed. The road panned out in front of the car as Richards driver stepped on the gas. The sky was clouding. Elle's long brown hair was still matted and tangled from the night before. She looked in the compact mirror she had in her pocket. She was bruised and had cuts all over, not a good look. Noah would probably shy away from kissing her when she looked like this. She shook her head. Her insecurities never failed to show themselves in the worst possibly moments.

She was in Noah's shirt and her underwear. She was running as fast as she could down a black and white beach. She had bruises on her legs and arms. She sprinted until she was shot in both shoulders. She fell forward into the sand. She could move the pain was too severe. She felt someone turn her over. It was Dan.


"You can't run far bitch I'll always find you!"

Elle shot forward. She sat up straight in the middle seat where she'd fallen asleep. The man beside her awoke with a start too. She'd scared him awake.

"Elle Jesus Christ are you alright?" Richard asked from the front seat in an annoyed tone. Elle nodded silently, she'd felt that dream. They were getting worse these dreams, and every time she had one, she wished for Noah until the very end. She wondered if she'd wake up soon, if this was all a dream, because in that moment, she wanted Noah. And she'd most likely never get to see him again. Tears started falling down her cheeks.

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