《After the Aftermath》The curious case of Noah Flynn


After thee days of driving Richards men pulled the car into a garage. Elle's wounds had healed to a degree so that the blood had clotted and the bruise on her face was only sore when she touched it. Her broken ribs had gone unattended and were beginning to heal very painfully on their own. Her tears had dried and her hair was tangled. She was debating cutting it to just bellow her shoulders so it would be out of the way more, either that or she would just braid it every day. She decided the braid it, he didn't trust herself with scissors. The driver unlocked the car doors and they all got out of the car.

"Richard, do you have a brush?" Elle asked timidly. He nodded to one of the men. The man disappeared into another room and came back with a brush, blanket, pillow, and various articles of clothing. He motioned for Elle to follow him. Elle nodded and followed suit. He walked her into a room with no lights on. There was a shelf bed attached to the back wall. Underneath it was a desk. She walked over and opened up the first drawer, there was a small picture of her inside.Then it hit her. This was Noah's room.

She held back tears as the man set up everything in her room. There was a bathroom to the right. And a closet to the left. The windows were coated in the night's rain. The moonlight shone through the drops. The man in her room turned on the light in the bathroom. The bathroom light seemed to be the only source of light in the room. Elle sighed still fighting back tears as the man walked out the door. When she closed the door her wall of strength broke. She sat down against the door and cried. What did I do? She thought.


Lee paced as Noah laid asleep in the hospital bed. Their mom had gone out to get food while Lee and his dad watched Noah. Lee couldn't help the stress. Elle had gone home. He had called her this morning and there had been no answer. He tried everything. He even called the police. They said she might just be sleeping in and to be patient and call her later and that they had to wait at least forty eight hours to report a missing person. So Lee was forced to sit there in the hospital and do nothing. The doctors had told Lee and his parents that Noah was healing and that although he wasn't in a coma he would sleep until his body fully recovered from the shot. Apparently his nervous system was in shock, and needed time to recuperate. If Noah knew Elle hadn't answered him, he'd be storming her house in his medical nightgown. Lee sighed and sat down in a chair. Noah's breaths were shallow and quick. He's having a nightmare. Lee sighed again. He hated when Noah was upset because then all hell broke loose on earth. There was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Lees dad called. Mrs. Flynn entered the room with take out from Raising Canes. Lee sighed. Although he loved their chicken strips he couldn't bring himself to eat at a time like this. Just looking at the food made him sick.

"Any word from Elle Lee?" His mom asked.

"No, I was beginning to get worried so I called the cops and they said that she may just be sleeping in and that I have to wait two days to report her missing." He rolled his eyes. Lee had become quite the skeptic of life nowadays. He was becoming cynical. Rachel his beloved girlfriend had ended their relationship because he was becoming distant and more attached to Elle and her problems. Now no offense to Rachel but Lee put Elle's rape, his brothers near death, and Elle's car accident, ahead of Rachel's mom and Dad fighting. Now he loved Rachel and though he wouldn't admit it anymore, he needed her now. But it was too late it seemed. He had become the very thing he swore he'd never be, Noah. He'd lived in Noah's shadow with Noah's bullshit for so long that he had becomes him. He had turned into a cynical bad boy over the course of a week. Sam, Alex, and Trevor had been sent home after the car accident, after, they had tried to contact him, but he refused them. He had shut them out, like he had Rachel. He had surprised himself as well as his parents. He hadn't thought he was capable of being such an asshole like Noah had been in the past.


"Lee aren't you going to eat?" His mom asked.

"No, I'm not hungry." He stood up and walked out of the room. He needed some air.

Elle climbed on top of the bed and had curled up into a ball. She missed Lee. She wished she had his bright and lighthearted smile to guide her through her sorrow. She'd left her phone with Noah's personal belongings so she couldn't contact anyone while she was here. She wondered what had happened to Alex, Sam, and Trevor, she wondered if they'd even stop by to see Lee while he waited for Noah to wake. She wished she had some sort of way to tell if Noah had awoken yet or not. She wished she had some way of finding out if her was safe and awake yet. She'd live the rest of her life loving him and wishing she could know if he was awake. She wasn't told how long she'd be here, helping these men, but she was sure that she'd hate every second of it. She was willing to give her stamina and her life to save Noah, but for these men, she was only willing to give a kick in the ass when the time was right.

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