《After the Aftermath》Choices...


Elle stood looking at Richard Noah's old boss and the two men he had with him. They had given her a choice, stay there and wait for Noah to die, or go with them and they could save him. They needed her for something but she didn't know what.

"Will you save him first? Before we go?" She asked hopefully.

ANoah meant everything to Elle, she knew what she had to do.

"Yes, that's the deal Elle." Richard said.

"Prove it! Save him now, and I'll go." Richard nodded to Elle.

"Eric, go give Mr. Flynn the kiss of life." Eric nodded and walked out of the room.

"What's the kiss of life?" Elle asked.

"It's a certain way to preform a surgery. Eric is a a gifted surgeon. We can go back to the waiting room this will take a few hours." He put on his coat and lead Elle back to the waiting room.

"How is she?" Noah's mom asked.

"She'll be fine. It's just a few cuts and bruises."

Mrs. Flynn nodded. Elle sat down next to Lee. Lee hadn't spoken since the ambulance. Elle would wait for hours before Eric came back. And when he did she'd have to leave.

But Noah would live...

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