《Ms.Oblivious (✔️)》-23-


The next morning was hell. The girls and I woke up with a massive hangovers.

I turned my body towards the ground and held my mouth,I felt throw up rise from my stomach and sting once it reached my throat. I rushed to the bathroom and threw up ,I missed a bit of the toilet but I made most of it in there. "You okay?"Jessie calls out. All I could do was groan.

Jessie gets out of bed and brings me a cup of water. "Here,here" she says as she handed me the cup. She placed my hair behind my shoulders and threw it into a low bun. "You're so good to me"I say with a weak chuckle. "I know"Jessie says. "You just had a lot to drink".

We're distracted by a knock at the door. "Gabbie can you get that?"Jessie asks. "Yeah". Gabbie rushes out of bed with the blanket wrapped around her. "Hey. Is my sister here?"I knew it was Alex. "In here !"Jessie yells.

"Hey I need to talk to you"Alex says once he reached the bathroom door,exposed to me in my underwear and an oversized t-shirt. I was sitting against the bathtub like if I've just lost a boxing match. "Is she okay?"Alex asks pointing at me. "Yeah just a huge hangover"Jessie updates. "Right,well mom and dad sent some money"Alex says giving Jessie an envelope. "Alright ,thank you. How much did they give?"Jessie asked taking a deep breathe. "$150 not to much but not to little. They said to have fun and spend it on useful things" Alex says with an eye roll. "Alright well ,yeah thank you"Jessie says once more. "See you later"Alex says before making his way out of our room.

Even when we're not at our campus,he comes wherever Jessie goes.


"Jess,I have to tell you something"I say. "What is it?"Jessie asks taking a seat next to me. "What's going on?"she adds. "It's about Ethan"I say. "Yes?"Jessie says desperately. "Well,he started h-" before I could finish I threw up into the toilet again. I was so close.

"Alright,we're going to head down to the cafeteria and eating breakfast ,just fill your stomach up with something else ,Kay?"Jessie says. She's such a mom.

"Goodness,I'm stuffed"I commented as I took the last bite of my French toast. "Here"Gabbie says handing me a pair of sunglasses. "Life saver"I say before putting them on. The sun beaming through the windows were not cooperating with my eyesight.

"So,I know right now may not be the time. But remember when you were telling me about your little accident freshman year? I still want to know what happened"Jessie says with a chuckle. "Now?"I ask with a grunt. "Oh I know that story to well"Gabbie says with a laugh. "I can't believe I'm telling you this. After picking dare,I was dared to dance on the kitchen counter top but I had to strip as I did it,and I did. The end"I say then taking a sip of orange juice. "Wow,I didn't know you had it in you"Jessie says with a small laugh. "Me neither" I jokingly agree. "Well that's not to bad"Jessie says. "Yeah but when there's pictures it's worse"I say raising both eyebrows. "Alright I'm going back into our room, I'm exhausted"I say.

I stand up to go back into our hotel room and before I could even walk away from the table someone bumps into me and led me to spill orange juice all over of my shirt. "I'm so sorry"he says as he rushed to grab napkins. He began to clean my shirt for me as I just stood there like an idiot. "No it's okay,I promise" I say. "It's just a shirt,it's not a big of a deal"I add taking the napkins from his hands and wiping my shirt on my own.


I only took the napkins from him and started cleaning my shirt myself because I saw Ethan giving me an angry stare,and I already knew what that meant.

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