《Ms.Oblivious (✔️)》-17-


Daniel finally gets prepared to leave our dorm and I couldn't help but be happy about it. As selfish as it may sound I've been needing alone time with Jessie. I feel as if we haven't caught up in a bit because we've been so busy and focused on our relationships.

"Alright I'll see you tomorrow?"Daniel says throwing his book bag over his shoulder. "Yeah definitely"Jessie responds. "What are you doing tomorrow?"I ask,in hopes that I get to third wheel. "Daniel and I are going to go watch the lights in downtown. The place has tons of Christmas trees up,lit up snow mans. just many lights"Jessie brags. "Yeah. You and Ethan can come if you want"Daniel suggested. "That's really great,I'll tell him about it. Thanks"I say. "Alright well,I'll see you later babe"Daniel says before giving Jessie a peck and walking out of our room.

"Can you come lay with me"I ask Jessie as I pulled up my blanket and making room

for her. "Of course"Jessie says as she made her way towards me. She gets under the blankets and makes herself comfortable. Jessie faces me and I couldn't help but smile at her. I'm not sure how I got so lucky with Jessie,but I'm grateful that I did.

"I'm so happy for you Jess,seriously" I say. "For what?"Jessie says leaded by a chuckle. "You're just so happy,your classes are going well,you're relationship,you're just mentally happy. I'm just happy you're content"I admitted.

In reality , those are all the things I didn't have that Jessie did. My classes are great but I wasn't happy in my relationship,I feel like Ethan and I are just constantly fighting all of the time and it's mentally and physically exhausting.

"Well in that case,I'm happy for you too"Jessie says. "How are you and Ethan doing?"Jessie asks. "We're good,"Lies. "We're great actually",Lies. "Well that's good"Jessie says before hopping out of my bed as it it were acid.


"Our sophomore trip! I forgot to tell you" Jessie says as she searches through her bookbag for what appeared to be, a flyer.

"What is this?"I ask as she places the flyer in my hand. "So every year there's trips in the winter,you know,during break and they're broken into classes. So this year our sophomore class will be going to Florida. The cost is $250 but that's not to bad"Jessie says shrugging her shoulders. "Well what are we going to be doing in Florida?"I asked. "It's just a trip to have fun. A hotel is rented and there are people placed in rooms,obviously"Jessie says leaded by an eye roll. "Well who's going to shopperone?". "There is no shopperone . It's just us. Some girl named Stacey planned it,she's like the most privileged girl in our sophomore class. She somehow got her father to organize it,I'm not sure how,but we should go! It'll be fun!"Jessie begs. "I don't know,I really wanted to go visit my mom over break" I admit. "Come on,it's just one week,we have three weeks for break. You can go visit them the other two weeks"Jessie says with a huge smile.

"Well I guess it couldn't hurt"I say giving in. "Yay!"Jessie says jumping up and down. "I'm going to have so much fun with my best friend"she says hugging me and squeezing the only oxygen I have left in me.A knock at the door interrupts Jessie and I and Jessie finally gets off of me and opens the door.

"What up"Jessie says. Alex steps into our room and doesn't even make eye contact with me. He goes into Jessie's mini fridge and pulls out a bottle of sprite. "Dad said call him,he hasn't heard from you in days"Alex says. "Sure thing" Jessie responds as Alex walks out. I fall back onto my bed, "I hate him"I say letting out a sigh.

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