《His Red Eyes {SasuNaru}》Chapter 17


"That should be the last of it," I said, as Naruto placed down a box that seemed rather heavy for him.

"Jeez, Sasuke. What's even in here?" he asked me.

I took the knife off the kitchen counter and sliced the tape, opening the brown container. After cutting the box open, I opened it, revealing several heavy books inside.

"Textbooks? Couldn't you have brought that with the rest of your school stuff? It would have made it so much easier on me," he told me, panting.

I shrugged. Naruto groaned and walked outside the door of his small apartment to throw away the empty boxes and leftover tape that we had cut off.

Naruto's 'father' left a week or two ago, and he let me move in with Naruto while he was away. He wouldn't be back for another six months anyway.

This move was a positive thing for me for two reasons. One, I'm closer to Naruto, and two, I can find out what he's been keeping from me.

I grabbed the stack of books with both hands and carefully placed it next to the rest of my school supplies on the small table in the middle of the living room.

I sighed. It had been a busy day, with all of this unpacking. I stretched my arms before walking back to Naruto's room.

The room was the same as ever, probably never changed once in its life. I made my way to the orange nest of blankets, shutting the door behind me, and laid down on top of it all with my hands behind my head and legs crossed.

The bed was surprisingly comfy. Naruto wouldn't mind if I rested here a bit. I closed my eyes and listened to the birds chirping outside, the cars passing by this lonesome neighborhood.

I heard the door open opened one of my eyes, "Oh god, I'm tired, I'm never doing this again," he complained as he walked over to me, swaying in the process.

He came to my side and climbed on top of me, resting his head on my chest, his arms gripping my shoulders and closing his eyes. I laughed silently before holding him in my arms gently.


He opened his eyes and looked up at me, his chin resting on my chest. "Hey, Sasuke," he called for me, curiosity overflowing in his voice.

"Hn?" I asked him, in a way he was familiar with, "Why'd we stop the search for your soulmate?" he asked me, "I mean, you seemed really set on that goal when you first told me,"

"Well," I started, "It just started with curiosity, but now that I have you," I explained, kissing him on his forehead, "Do I really want to find out? I prefer staying like this,"

A tint of scarlet rose to his cheeks before he hid his face into the crook of my neck. "I really do love you, Sasuke. I hope you know that," he murmured into my neck.

I grinned and buried my face into his spiky blond hair, "I love you too, Naru," I tell him, for the millionth time since we had been dating.

I felt him smile into my neck. I tightened the embrace before we drifted off into a deep sleep, which we wouldn't wake up to the next morning.


"Okay, everyone has their things correct?" Kakashi asked the class. He had some hiking shorts and a dark blue button-up shirt.

The class nodded in unison. Today was the day we were to have a class trip to the mountains. Everyone had been looking forward to this for a long time, the whole class, including Naruto.

I didn't understand the fun of it. We could have done this separately, and besides, who wants to spend a night in a forest?

"Okay, I'll be calling you out in your groups. You all better remember them from this morning because I'm not calling them out again," Kakashi explained, walking out of the classroom to meet up with Guy sensei.

The class burst into chatter as soon as he left, "Sasuke! Isn't this exciting?" Naruto asked with excitement while beaming at me. Naruto wore camo pants with a plain black top, while I wore some black shorts with a white top.


"Hn," I responded, "Oh come on, show some enthusiasm, won't you?" he asked me, shaking my shoulder.

I shrugged, "I'll just be glad that you didn't ditch me today." he said, trying to look on the bright side of things.

I nodded. I saw Kakashi stand next to the doorway, "Group 1, come outside," he declares blandly as Guy sensei from behind him started challenging him to a race on who could reach the top of the mountain first.

Group 1, me and Naruto were in that. Kakashi made the groups so he could dismiss a little bit of the class bit by bit. The class was divided into four groups, with six students in each group. Naruto and I were in group 1.

"Come on, Sasuke," Naruto said, hauling me along with him outside the classroom to meet up with the rest of the group.

Outside stood the rest of our group. Sakura and Ino, who both wore matching black hiking shorts and casual tops, along with Kiba and Shino, Kiba followed Kakashi's sense of fashion, matching with him entirely. Shino wore grey sweatpants and a grey hoodie.

Most of us weren't really acquainted with one another, so we all silently agreed to get outside and separate from each other as soon as possible.

Walking outside, we stared at all the yellow buses, lined up with students and teachers filing into them.

Me, Naruto, and the rest of group 1 made our way to bus 36, the bus for our class, and made a line to get inside.

Sakura and Ino made their way into the bus first, following with Shino and Kiba, with Naruto and me going in last.

The bus was completely empty besides the rest of group 1, so we got to pick wherever we wanted to sit.

Naruto guided me to the last row on the bus, "I call window seat!" he asserted, taking a seat near the window, with me following behind him.

We placed our bags near our feet, letting our stiff backs rest for the time being. Naruto looked out at the window while I observed the rest of our classmate's file into the bus.

They all appeared very tired. I guess it was unnatural for the rest of our class to wake up at 6 in the morning to prepare for our trip. We only actually left after lunch anyway, so there wasn't a necessity of waking up so damn early.

Once the class finally settled on the bus, a worn-out Kakashi got onto the bus. "Okay, everyone, we'll be leaving in just a minute," he stated. Then taking a seat next to the chatty bus driver who wouldn't leave him alone, for once I pity our teacher.

I felt the bus startup. I took a peek outside as the magnificent scenery began to move. The class burst into conversation with one another, while Naruto and I were the only ones soundless.

After around 10 minutes, out of the three and a half hours left of driving, Naruto poked me on my face.

I turned to face him, "Sasu," he groaned in a tired voice, "What is it?" I asked him. As I cupped his soft cheek, he leaned into the touch.

"Can I sleep on your shoulder?" he asked, "Did you not get enough sleep last night?" I questioned him. Naruto shook his head, "I was too excited," he explained.

I laughed, "Sounds like you, come here," I said, putting an arm around him pulling him closer to me, letting him rest his head on my shoulder.

"Thanks," he mumbled, drifting off into a deep sleep that he seemed at peace in I smiled, watching him. I might as well rest too.

I drew him a bit closer to me, and I rested my head on his hair. It was soft and comfortable like always, "Sleep well," I whisper to him, "I will," he murmured back.

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