《The Football player's Nanny.》Chapter 9


"Novalee stop playing man". The person said pushing my hands away from their hair.

"Why you always do it to me". I said as I still looked at the tv.

"Okay but I can do that you can't". He said causing me to smack my lips.

"Do y'all really have to go away for a few weeks".I ask as he laid his head on my stomach.

"Baby I'm doing this for us I don't want our child doing the shit I used to do before". He said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"So when do you leave". I ask looking at the tv that played our favorite Halloween movie hocus pocus.

"I head out tonight". He said and I didn't say anything causing him to smack his lips.

"I'm gone call you everyday". He said kissing my stomach.

"Promise". I said holding my pinky out to him and he latched his on to mines.

"I promise baby". He said kissing it before we started watching tv.

Hearing movement around the room I sit up rubbing my eyes.

"Baby". I ask watching him move around the room.

"Yea". He said placing his suitcase on the foot of the bed.

"Are you getting ready to leave". I ask laying back down.

"Yea the bus is downstairs waiting for me". He said putting on his jacket since it was cold outside .

"You gone walk me out". He asked and I nod getting up from the bed grabbing the blanket before following him downstairs.

Once we made it to the front door he opened it before turning around and kissing me. I couldn't see his face because it was so dark.

"I love you". He said into my neck as I hugged him.

"I love you too". I said smiling before he pulled away giving me one last kiss.


Watching him grab his bag and run to the bus. He stepped on the first step before looking back and waving at me.

Waving back he got on and the doors closed. Still standing there I watch as the bus pulled off before stepping back into the house.

As I'm walking up the stairs I hear my phone ringing from the room.

Finally making it to the room I walk over to the night stand and pick it up seeing baby flash across the screen. Smiling I slide the phone symbol across answering the phone.

"I miss you". He said causing my smile to grow more.

"You just left". I said taking a seat on the bed.

"Oh so you don't miss me that's cool". He said causing me to shake my head.

"I miss you too". I said as I cut on the tv.

"What my baby doing". He asked causing me to run my stomach.

"Sleeping and it needs to stay that way because I'm convinced I have a soccer player". I said causing him to laugh.

"Aye who you on the phone with". I heard somebody say in the background and he smacked his lips.

"Man back up you nosy as fuck". He said and I heard shuffling before he came back on to the phone.

"Baby I got to go I'll call you when we make it I love you". He said and I nod as if he could see me.

"Alright be safe I love you too". I said before hanging up.

"Oh shit they playing the nightmare before Christmas and Matilda". I said to myself trying to decide which one to watch.

"Matilda it is". I said before placing the remote down.

Feeling a sharp pain in my stomach I sit up in the bed and grab my phone dialing My moms number.


"What". She said once the call connected.

"I'm having stomach pains". I said rubbing my stomach.

"I'm on my way". She said before hanging up.

Walking out of the room I go and throw on some pants before making my way to the nursery and grabbing the baby bag.

After making sure everything way in the bag I make my way downstairs and sit on the couch.

Noticing that she wasn't on her way I stand up from the couch I feel water going down my leg. There was no time to change clothes so I grab the keys by the door and go outside.

Throwing the bag in the passenger seat I start the car and pull off.

Pulling up into the parking lot I lean over to grab the bag I look down and see blood.

Quickly exiting the car I rush into the hospital as a nurse that was walking by saw me and lead me to a room.

"The doctor will be right with you". He said walking out of the room as I changed into the gown.

After a few minutes the door opens and my mother walks in.

"What took you so long". I ask grabbing the rail as pain came again.

"I had something to do". She said and I just rolled my eyes.

"Push come on you can do it". The doctor said and the nurses held my legs and feet.

After one last push I couldn't hear anything and everything was going in slow motion.

"She's hemorrhaging I need Tranexamic acid stat". I heard before everything went black.

Waking up I look around the room and my mother rushed over to me.

"What's going on what happened" .I ask trying to sit up but pain in my stomach stopped me and my hands instantly went to my stomach feeling stitches.

"Sweetheart you were stabbed in the stomach coming home from the park". She said grabbing my hand rubbing it.

"Why can't I remember anything and my head hurts". I ask with a confused look as I rub my head.

"That's what comes with so much blood loss but I've proscribed you some pills to help you with the head pains". She said and I nod hearing a phone ring.

Watching her she walks over and grabs a phone looking at it before looking over at me.

"I have to take this outside". She said and I nod laying back closing my eyes.

I can't believe this happened to me...

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