《The Football player's Nanny.》Chapter 8


Sitting on the bench with sweat dripping from my face I couldn't help but think about my son and how his birthday was tomorrow and I wouldn't be there because it's game day.

"Ty man you need to snap out of it you doing this for a reason so he can grow up with the things we didn't have". Antonio said walking over taking a seat beside me.

"Yea but I never missed a birthday". I said shaking my head.

"Nigga he turning one you was just extra having six month birthday party". He said causing me to laugh.

"So man I was excited to be a father but you right I don't want him to do shit I used to do". I said nodding my head.

"Good now let's get out here and practice so we can whoop these niggas on they home field". He said standing up and making me stand up.

I went to go stand in my position when dude that I beat up who name I finally figured out was Rello came to stand beside me.

"REESE MOVE AROUND". Coach yelled out and he smacked his lips before walking down to the other side.

"BLUE 42 BLUE 42". I heard and we all started shifting our positions.

"Let the games begin". I said to myself bending down with one hand on the field and one on my knee.


I woke up bright and early to get things set up for Tyreses birthday.

"Are you excited to see daddy today". I ask finding and outfit for him to put in since he just got out of the tub.

"Dada". He said as I started getting him dressed.

"Yea dada". I said in a baby voice as I put pillows around him.

Walking into the bathroom I quickly fill the cup halfway with water before taking my pill.


Stepping off of the plane I look for the car place that I rented a car from after I grabbed our bags.

Once I found it I gave them my information and they gave me the keys. Going outside to the car I strap his car seat in and cut on the air before putting our bags in the trunk and closing it.

Getting in the car I put the address to the hotel Tyrann was staying in the gps before driving off.

After a few minutes of driving we made it since it was fairly close to the airport. Getting out I grab Tyrese and then grab our bags before making my way inside the hotel.

"Hi I made a reservation for Novalee Flores and also there is another key card waiting for me". I said and he began to type before handing me the key cards.

Thanking him I walk off towards the elevator.

Making it to the room I unlock the door and sit out things down before grabbing the bag I had full of party stuff.

"Time to decorate". I said to myself opening Tyrann's room.

Placing Tyrese's play mat down I sit him on it and get to work.

It only took me two hours to do the room and an hour to get both me and Tyrese ready.

Right now we are taking our seats for the football game that's about to start. Looking down at Tyrese with a smile he looked so cute in his jersey with his dads name and number on it.

As the game begin the home team ran out and I just sat there while other people screamed. Then it was time for Tyrann and Antonio's team to come out.

Seeing them run out I jumped up and started screaming startling Tyrese and he started to cry.


"Aw I'm sorry big man". I said rubbing his back as I looked from the field to him.

Sitting down the game started.

I left a little bit before the game ended so that we could surprise him when he walks into the room.

After a while of laying in his bed watching cars I heard the door open causing me to stand up from the bed and grab Tyrese.

"What is all this". I heard Tyrann ask as I walked from the back.

"SURPRISE". I yelled causing him to look over at me.

He started to tear up before he walked over hugging me and taking Tyrese from me.

"Happy birthday baby boy". He said kissing him before hugging me again.

"Thank you for bringing him to see me". He said before releasing me and Antonio came and hugged me.

"It's no problem really and congrats on the game you was a beast out there". I said smiling up at him.

"Y'all was at my game". He asked with a shocked look and I nodded my head yes.

"You knew about this shit huh". He asked looking over at Antonio.

"How you think she got in". He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Thanks man". He said dapping him up.

"Let's get this party started I'm trying to see what that cake hitting on". Antonio said dancing his way to the table that held the cake.

"We have to sing happy birthday first". Novalee said causing him to smack his lips.

"Happy birthday to you". We all started singing but the whole time I was staring down at Novalee and she held Tyrese's hand singing to him.

I wish she could remember...

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