《The Football player's Nanny.》Chapter 7



Over the past few weeks of staying here I've gotten close with Tyrann and Antonio.

"Lee you coming to our away game". Antonio asked as soon as he walked in the house.

"I can't I have to meet up with my parents today". I said with a small pout as Tyrann came in with Tyrese on his hip.

"Yo pops got back with your mom". Tyrann asked causing me to look at him confused.

"How do you know they split up". I ask and Antonio scratches the back of his neck before walking off.

"I told you Novalee I've know you for years we have a son together". He said and I shook my head no.

"I think I should get going". I said standing up from the couch.

"You taking Tyrese right we got an away game". He said and I nodded my head taking Tyrese from him.

"Say see you later dada". I said grabbing his hand making him wave at Tyrann who smiled at us.

"Alright bye". I said walking out and to the car.

Strapping Tyrese into his car seat I get in and start the car up driving off to the restaurant I'm supposed to be meeting my parents at.

Pulling into the parking lot I get out grabbing my purse before going to take Tyrese out.

Since it was cool out I kept the blanket over him as I laid him on my chest. Closing the door I walk into the restaurant and look around to see if I could spot my parents but I only saw my mom.

Walking over I take a seat placing my purse in the chair beside me.

"Where's dad". I ask adjusting Tyrese on my shoulder.

"No hello". She asked causing me to sigh.

"Hello". I said giving her a fake smile.


"You could say it with more enthusiasm". She said staring at me.

"Anyways I called you and dad here to ask you a few questions so where is he". I ask again.

"We got into an argument". She said and I shook my head.

"Typical". I said under my breath with a small laugh.

"What was that". She asked and I shook my head.

"Nothing but I wanted to ask about a guy named Tyrann". I said and she still had the same stone cold expression.

"Who is that and how am I supposed to know him". She asked leaning back into her seat.

"He's my boss and he says that we've dated and this baby is my son". I said staring at her to see if she has any reaction to what I was saying.

"That's ridiculous Novalee do you honestly believe that". She asks making it seem like I was crazy.

"What no I-I just wanted to know why he would say such things". I said quickly trying to defuse the situation.

"I think it's best that you come back and live with me". She said and I quickly shook my head no.

"I can't just quit I'm making good money and soon I'll have enough money to get my own place". I said with my eyebrows scrunched up.

"He's poisoning your mind Novalee can't you see that". She said raising her voice drawing attention towards our table.

"I-I have to go". I said grabbing my purse and standing up.

Before she could say anything else I walk out to my car and buckle Tyrese inside his seat and get in. Starting the car I pull off down the road.


Going over the play I look over at ole dude that I put on his ass and he was mugging me.


"You got a problem". I ask causing everybody to stop talking.

"And if I did pussy boy". He asked and I stood up walking over to him.

"See me on the field". I said smirking as the coach blew the whistle.

We all walk into the field and get in our positions. I look over at ole dude and he was already lookin at me. As soon as couch blew the whistle I grabbed the ball and moved back to see who I could throw it to and I see Blake the wide receiver was open so I threw it to him.

Just as the ball was out of my hand the boy came running towards me to tackle me but I picked him up and slammed him before throwing punches at him.

"Chill out man". I heard Antonio say as he picked me up and then out of nowhere someone came and tried to sneak me but Antonio laid they ass out.


Not looking his way I snatch off the helmet and walk towards the tunnel with Antonio behind me.

Changing out of our clothes and putting our gear up we walk out of the stadium towards the parking lot.

"Something wrong with you ass man". Antonio said causing us to laugh as we threw our stuff in the car.

"Nah that nigga had me fucked up he saw I passed the ball to Blake and still tried to tackle me". I said getting in the drivers side and starting the car up.

"I saw that shit too that's why I was already over there". He said and I nodded my head.

"I just want to hold and kiss my son before we have to leave". I said stopping at the read light.

After I did that it was quiet for the rest of the ride. Pulling up outside the house Antonio got out the car and ran in.

Getting out I close the door and walk inside the house.

"You gone miss uncle ant huh". I heard Antonio say as I made it close to the living room.

"No cause he gone miss daddy". I said walking over and grabbing Tyrese.

"Actually he's not going to miss any of you because he's going to have me". Novalee said causing us to both smack our lips playfully.

"Girl please he don't even like you". Antonio said jokingly.

She gasped grabbing her chest as I shook my head and kissed Tyrese.

"We need to pack so we can go". I said walking over handing Novalee Tyrese.

Walking upstairs we go to pack our things.

Walking downstairs with our bag I see Novalee and Tyrese sleep like they always are. Not trying to wake them I lean down and kiss Tyrese before going to kiss Novalee but I decided against it. Leaving out of the house we put our bags in the car and got in.

"That was cute". Antonio said causing me to smack my lips.

"Just drive nigga". I said leaning the seat back.

It's gone be hard being away from my son...

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