《The Football player's Nanny.》Chapter 10


"Man throw the damn ball". I said to Antonio who kept acting like he was gone throw it but ran around the field.

"Shut up bitch boy". He said throwing the ball to me.

Catching it I stick up the middle finger before throwing it back to him. We were supposed to be practicing on our throws while couch worked with other players.

"Keep on I'm gone lay you on your back". I said and he dropped the ball running towards me and I took off running.

Running over to the coach I try to hide behind him but Antonio saw me and ran towards me so I had to fake a left and a right before running off.

"Okay stop I'm tired" Antonio said causing me to laugh.

"Tired you barely ran anywhere Anderson just for that I want 20 field touches that means run touch the ground and run back and touch it 20 times". Coach said causing Antonio to smack his lips as I laughed.

"I know what it is coach". He said before walking off and I still stood there laughing.

"Just for that take your ass right on with him". Coach said pointing to where Antonio was.

"Man come on coach". I said throwing my hands up.

"Go". He said before turning back around towards the guys he was helping.

Jogging over to Antonio he was laughing and I pushed him playfully.

"Shut up dude". I said laughing a little bit.

"I bet you 2 grand that I finish this 20 before you". He said holding his hand out.

"You got yourself a deal cuzzo".I said slapping hands with him and we bent down touching the grass.

"One". I said looking over at him.

"Two". He said looking over at me.

"Three". We said at the same time and took off running.


Coming up on the last one we were neck and neck but he fell giving me the lead.

"MAN HELL NAH I WON". He said standing up as I shook my head no.

"Nah son you gone have to run me my money". I said rubbing my fingers together in a money motion.

"Nigga fuck you and your money". He said slapping my hand down.

"But I know you gone give me my money". I said and he shook his head laughing.

"Yea okay". He said just as coach blew the whistle.

"GET IN POSITIONS". He yelled out and everybody ran to their spots.

"We gone run the play a few times and then I'm gone let y'all go". He said and we all started cheering.

"Let's play". He said before walking over to the side line.

After running the play and making a few adjustments we went to the locker room and got dressed.

"I'm coming by your room with the money" Antonio said as I got ready to walk out.

"Alright good looking out". I said walking out the stadium and to my car.

Getting into my car I start it up before driving off.

Finally making it to the hotel I get out the car and walk in giving a head nod to the receptionist before making my way to the room.

Walking inside I drop my bags and walk into the bathroom cutting the water on. Taking off my clothes I step inside and start to wash off.

Throwing my clothes in the washer that I had in the room I make my way towards the livingroom to wait for Antonio.

" DO YOU WANT THIS MINEY OR NOT". I heard him yell as he beat on the door.

Shaking my head I walk over and open the door and he slapped the money on my chest before walking past me.


Closing the door I follow him to the living room and he was already sitting down watching tv.

"You talked to my sister today". He asked and I shook my head.

"Nah man not today I was getting ready to call her in a few but I'm about to call now". I said pulling out my phone and dialing her number.

"Hey little bit I missed you how my lil man doing". I ask smiling as soon as the call connected and putting it on speaker.

"Novalee didn't make it". The voice said and I recognized it was her mother.

"What how did this happen". I ask in shock as Antonio just stared at me.

"She lost a lot of blood and they couldn't stop the bleeding". She said and I put my head down in my hands.

"What about the baby what did she have". Antonio asked because I wasn't saying anything.

"She has a little boy he won't be named or anything I'm going to leave that to you Tyrann but you have to get him from your mom's house because he can't stay with me". She said and I looked at the phone crazily as if she could see me.

"When are you going to start planning her funeral". I ask picking the phone up.

"She's being cremated there won't be any funeral". She said and that sent me over the edge.

"FUCK YOU MEAN SHE GETTING CREMATED I WANT TO SEE HER". I yelled into the phone and Antonio touched my shoulder and I shrugged him off.

"Don't use that tone with me now if you want to see her you better be down here tomorrow because she's getting cremated around noon". She said and I threw my head back letting out a fustrated sigh.

"Man I can't make it tomorrow I have a game can you please put it off man". I begged rubbing my temples.

"No tomorrow is the set date". She said and I smacked my lips before hanging up.

"That shit crazy man why she trying to cremate her". Antonio said shaking his head.

"No why is she trying to cremate her so fast she just died". I said tearing up.

Standing up I walk to the back and slam the door. Screaming I start punching the walls before sliding down the door crying.

Why did she have to die...

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