《The Football player's Nanny.》Chapter 2



Sitting on the computer I continue scroll down looking for a job.

"Dog walker, no". I said skipping past it.

"Nanny, yes". I said excitedly.

I love children so this will be the perfect job for me if I get the job. Hearing a knock on my room door I look up and see my mom standing there staring at me.

"Did you find a job yet sweetheart because a friend of mine is looking for a maid". She said and I scrunched up my face.

"Actually I did I'm just waiting on an interview". I said smiling back at her.

"Oh well get dressed dinners almost ready". She said walking out and closing the door.

Rolling my eyes I sit my laptop beside me before throwing the covers off of me and standing up.

Stretching I walk into the bathroom and cut on the shower letting it run while I go look for something to wear.

After finally finding what I was going to wear I walk into the bathroom and strip out of my clothes stepping in.

Getting out I dry off and put my clothes on before walking out of my room and downstairs towards the kitchen.

"There she is my beautiful daughter". My dad said throwing his hands up with a smile.

Smiling I make my way over and lean down giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey daddy". I said as I leaned back up and took a seat beside him.

"What you do today babygirl". He asked cutting into his steak.

"Nothing really just looking for jobs". I said with a shrug before putting a piece on steak in my mouth.

"I told you I'll get you an apartment". He said causing my mom to scuff and roll her eyes.

Looking away from her I look over and my dad and smile shaking my head.


"No thank you daddy I'll do it myself". I said and he gave me a sad smile.

"Why are you always trying to hand things to her she has to work for it". My mother said causing me to roll my eyes.

"Because it's my money that I've worked hard for just so my daughter can live good so that when she wants it I will give it to her". He said looking over at her.

"That was when she was little she's 19 now". She says slamming her fork on the table.

"I didn't ask how old she was I said if she needs something then I will get it for her because that's why I work and I know she wants to get the hell away from you". He said raising his voice a little.

"Is that true Novalee you want to get away from me". She asks as I picked up my glass of water.

"Hmmm". I ask taking a sip looking around at nothing in particular.

"I said is it true Novalee". She asked again sternly.

"I meeeaann". I said dragging it out looking over at my dad for help.

"That's besides the point the point is for you to let me do shit for my daughter no matter the age you been doing this shit since she was a baby". He said and they started going back and forth so I pick up my plate and walk to my room.

Closing the door I hear my phone ding letting me know I got a notification. Opening the phone I see that I got and over the phone interview but it's only for right now.

After waiting for a minute a number comes through and I call it. It rings for a moment before the person picks up.


"Hello". The voice said and I got a sharp pain in my head causing me to hold it.

"Yo hello". The voice said again.

"Yes hello I'm here". I said rubbing the temples of my head.

"Cool so I'm gone ask you a few questions then I want you to come in some time this week to see how you interact with my son". He said and I nod as if he could see me.

"Okay". I said and he started asking questions.

"Alright I'll see you then". I said before hanging up the phone.

Hopefully I get the job...

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