《The Football player's Nanny.》Chapter 1



Waking up I stretch and look around the bed for my son tyrese who's usually in the bed with me.

Standing up I pull my shorts down a little bit before walking out of the room and down the hallway. Once I'm at the end I can hear the tv on In the living room so I head that way.

"Man what are you doing here". I ask Antonio as I made myself known.

"We got practice today remember nigga". He asked as I gave him a confused look.

"What is you talking about I thought practice was next week". I said walking over and taking tyrese from him.

"Dude I swear you only hear what the fuck you want to hear, coach said practice was this week". He said shaking his head causing me to smack my lips.

"How the fuck was I supposed to know". I ask taking a seat on the couch.

"You supposed to know cause you was there nigga". He said as we both laughed.

"But serious question though who gone watch lil man while we in practice". He asked nodding his head towards tyrese.

"I would ask moms but she go to her little book club meetings". I said with a shrug leaning back into the couch.

"He just gone have to come with us but you need to find you a nanny especially when game season start". He said and I nod agreeing with him.

"Hold him while I post the job online". I said standing up and handing Tyrese to him.

Walking to the back I grab my lap top and make my way back to the living room. Taking a seat Tyrese starts to whine for me so Antonio hands him over to me.

Opening the laptop I go and post the job ad online while trying to stop Tyrese from pressing keys on the keyboard.


"Alright nigga now hurry up and go get dressed we already late because of your ass". He said looking over at me from the tv.

"Nigga I don't tell you to bring your ass to my house you do that by yourself". I said standing up and walking to my room to get dressed.

"Your uncle gone get his ass beat". I said to him as I laid him on the bed and he laid here kicking and smiling.

"YOU NOT GONE DO SHIT". He yelled from the living room causing me to laugh.

"DUDE STAY YOUR ASS IN THERE". I yell back taking off my clothes before taking off Tyrese's clothes.

"Let's go get in the shower dada". I said picking him up and walking into the bathroom.

Cutting on the water I feel it and make sure it's the right temperature for him to get in. Once it was warm I step in and put his back towards the water and he jumped in shock once it touched him causing me to laugh.

"Chill out man that water ain't gone do nothing to you". I said looking down at him before looking up to grab his wash rag.

He started slapping my chest as I washed him off.

"I wish your mama was here to do stuff like this with you". I said with a sigh thinking about my long time girlfriend Novalee that died.

Hearing banging on the door I snap back to reality.

"MAN HURRY UP WE GOT TO BE OUT OF HERE IN TWENTY MINUTES". Antonio called out from the other side of the door.

"COME GET HIM AND GET HIM DRESSED. I called back and the door opened as I pushed the curtain back a little handing him Tyrese.

Grabbing my rag I begin to wash up. Once I finish I step out and walk into the room and get dressed.


After getting ready I walk into the living room and Antonio stands up as I make my way to the door.

"Let's go man we already late". I said just to mess with him and it worked.

"Bitch I almost called you something". He said walking out and to the car as I locked up.

Getting in the car I start it up and pull off towards the stadium we gone be practicing at.

"Hopefully you have some luck with getting a nanny cause we can't be late everyday he gone bench us". He said as I made a turn down the street from the stadium.

"I don't know how I'm gone feel with a stranger staying in my house watching my son". I said voicing my opinion.

"Man if they do some crazy shit we gone get our cousin Celeste to beat they ass". He said and I nod agreeing.

Pulling up to the stadium we get out and make our way inside to see our team mates doing bear crawls.

"Bring that baby here and give me 60 bear crawls". Coach said without even looking our way.

Sitting my bag down I walk over and hand Tyrese to him before going beside Antonio to start our bear crawls.

It's about to be a long day...

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