《The Football player's Nanny.》Chapter 3



I been up all night trying to get this lil boy to go to sleep but he ain't been having it.

"Man take your ass to bed I'm tired and I only got 10 hours before I have to go to practice". I said look down at him as I rocked him.

"See this why I can't spend the night at your house man y'all got to much going on". Antonio said walking into my room.

" that's why you got your own place I don't know why you be over here anyway". I said looking over at him as he made his way to my bed.

"Shut up bitch and you should have took him to mama house she been wanting to keep him for a night". He said getting under the covers.

"Just because you older don't mean nothing and get out of my bed nigga". I said pushing him but he still laid in the same spot.

"Don't touch nigga I'm trying to sleep". He said closing his eyes.

"This my side so move". I said pushing him again.

"It's my side now lil bro". He said causing me to smack my lips.

"Man whatever". I said taking a seat on the other side.

Noticing Tyrese finally calmed down and went to sleep I let out a sigh before lying back and closing me eyes.

This interview for a nanny needs to happen ASAP.


Looking at myself in the mirror I hear a knock at my room door causing me to turn around just as the door opened.

"Hey babygirl you look beautiful". My dad said walking over and standing beside me.

"Thank you". I said looking over at him.

"I just came to wish you luck on your interview and also to apologize for how I was talking to your mother no man should talk to a women that way no matter the circumstances and I don't want you to think that it's okay for men to talk to you that way". He said and I nod letting him know I understand where he was coming from.


"Did you apologize to mom". I ask and he nods his head.

"You shouldn't have because she never apologizes to you". I said and he laughs shaking his head.

"I know but I have to set an example of how you should expect to be treated". He said and I start tearing up as he bring me into a hug.

"Why are you crying babygirl". He said rubbing my back as I laid my head on his chest.

"You've put up with so much abuse for me over the years and it's not fair to you". I said as we rocked back and forth.

"And I'll do it all over again for you but you're going to be late for your interview if you don't head out now". He said and I nod lifting my head and stand back as he wipes my face.

"Good luck sweetheart tell me all about it when you get home". He said before walking out.

Let's get this show on the road.

Pulling up outside of a mini mansion I get out and lock the door. I start to get nervous when I see a lot of cars parked along the road.

Walking up to the door I knock and a guy opens the door with a shocked and confused expression.

"Novalee". He asked in disbelief.

"Um yes are you Tyrann". I ask with a confused look on my face.

"Nah I'm Antonio you don't remember me you used to always call me ant bite". He said and I shook my head no.

"I'm sorry I don't know who you are". I said and a look of hurt went across his face.

"We thought you died". He said and I tilted my head to the side.

"Died and-and who is we". I ask with a confused expression.


"Me and Tyrann". He said as I just stood there.

"Come inside he should be finishing up with an interview". He said stepping to the side letting me walk in.

Looking around the house is decorated very man like which is expected. Following behind him he leads me to a room where other girls were seated.

"Sit right here". He said and I nod sitting down and watch him walk into a room down the hall.

A few minutes later the doors open and a girl walks out before a man steps out looking around. Once his eyes landed on me we had a staring contest.

"Interviews are over everybody get out". He said still staring at me.

Everybody got up murmuring and complaining as I grabbed my purse standing up.

"No you stay". He said causing me to stay put.

After all the women left he walked closer to me standing directly in front of me causing me to look at him.

"Little bit". He asked rubbing my face and my head started to hurt causing me to grab it.

"Little bit you need to wake up ant got a game today". The voice said shaking me.

Turning over I smile opening my eyes but I couldn't see the persons face.

"Novalee". The voice said.

"Novalee". It said again but this time it was distant.

"Novalee can you hear me". The man said tapping my cheek but I blacked out.

Great first impression for an interview...

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