《STAY DOWN |2020|》Twenty Five.


"Um, you okay sis? You're limping" Kelis said.

I laughed, "my kitty is sore."

"Chile" Sammy said, shaking her head.

"East be tearing that ass up huh? He looks like the type" Kelis said.

"Oh, he is baby."

"I can tell girl. It's all in his walk" Kelis said as I laughed.

"Y'all are so cute together though. We always knew that y'all would end up fucking around" Sapphire said.

"What made y'all so sure?"

"Kareem pointed it out first. He knows East like the back of his hand. When he seen y'all smoking together at the pool party, he already knew the vibes. When do you ever see East sharing his weed? NEVER sis" Kelis said as I laughed.

"It's just funny how I never used to see him anywhere then BOOM, he shows up at Cheetahs. I started seeing him everywhere after that. God knew what he was doing."

"Don't look behind you Genesis. Just act casual" Sammy said.

Of course I had to be hardheaded and turn around. I froze when I seen Kaiser's father walking with a group of men. I could feel his evil ass energy. I knew he was around, but seeing him in the flesh put even more fear in my heart.

We left as soon as he was out of our sight.

"Are you okay Gen?" Sammy asked.

"I'm fine, let's just go get something to eat. Meet me at that Mexican restaurant that we like."

The truth is, I wasn't "fine" at all. My day got ruined the moment I seen his face. I started thinking about the day I met him. The day that I regret MOST.

I was a shy nineteen year old that was just trying to figure life out. Kaiser's father was a ruthless, emotionless, kingpin. I crossed paths with him at a gas station. He was way older than me, ten years to be exact. I've always looked older though, so I wasn't surprised when I caught his attention. He was so sweet to me at first. He bought me things, he complimented me, and he even let me live with him. Things started going downhill when I turned twenty.

It started off as yelling, and then it turned into hitting. I was alienated from all of my friends (including Sammy). He would hit me for no reason, force me to have sex with him, and cheat on me with multiple other women. One time he made me watch him fuck another woman. I felt pathetic and worthless with him.

At the end of that year, I found out that I was pregnant with Kaiser. He was happy about my pregnancy, but I was horrified. I was scared that I would be stuck with him forever. Lord knows I didn't want to be stuck with him forever.

I thought that my pregnancy would make him ease up, but even that couldn't save me from getting my ass whooped. I grew attached to my baby, and I knew that I had to save both of us. One day he came home angry, and put a gun to my stomach. He threatened to kill me and my baby. I left him that same night. I didn't pack any clothes, I didn't take any money or my phone, I just put my shoes on and left. I ended up having Kaiser the next day.


I was in the hospital stressing about a place to live. I had no job, no money, and nothing to offer my son. Kaiser and I were sleeping in a park during his first few days of life. Thank God I was able to breastfeed him because I didn't even have money to buy him milk.

I eventually got us into a shelter. It was crowded and filled with strangers, but at least we had a roof over our heads.

One day I was walking through the city when I seen a nightclub called Cheetahs. I ended up getting a job there as a bottle girl. Within a week of working there I had enough money to get a small apartment. Kelis is the one that told me about these cheap apartments in the projects. Most people would complain about living in the projects, but I was just grateful to have a place to call home.

I ended up meeting an older woman that lived there, y'all know her as Helen. Helen was like a mom to me. She watched Kaiser for me, and she always made sure that we were good. That lady was such a blessing to me.

As time went by, my life started to get a lot better. I enrolled myself into college, I bought a car, I moved to a better neighborhood, and I even reconnected with Sammy. I was so happy before made his way back into my life. Now I feel like I'm living that nightmare all over again.

"That food was so fucking good. I live for good Mexican food" Sammy said.

"Yes girl, I'm super stuffed. I need to chill out on the food though. I have to work tonight, and I don't want my stomach poking out while I'm dancing" Kelis said.

Sammy laughed, "those niggas ain't tripping off a lil gut."

"Period pooh! Niggas love bitches with guts" Kelis said.

I would've joined in on their conversation, but I was too deep in my thoughts. My vibe has been off ever since I saw Jayceon. Although he never approached me or saw me, I still feel like he was way too close to me. It just didn't feel right.

"You okay Gen?" Kelis asked.

"I'm fine. I'm about to head back home. I wanna be in my man's arms right now."

"I know that's right girl" Kelis said.

"We'll see you tomorrow boo" Sammy said as she hugged me.

"I love y'all. Drive safely please."

"We love you too baby" Kelis said as she blew me a kiss.

I smiled then unlocked the doors to my car. As soon as I got into my car somebody grabbed me by my face. I tried to scream, but my screams were muffled. That's the last thing I remember before I blacked out.

"Genesis" I heard a familiar voice say.

My eyes slowly fluttered open then wandered the room. They landed right on the devil himself. I immediately started kicking and scooting, attempting to free myself from the chair. Jayceon laughed at my attempts.


"Untie her" he demanded.

One of his guards untied me then ripped the tape off of my mouth.

"Did you miss me?' Jayceon asked as he smirked.

"Go to hell."

"You took my son away from me. I should be telling yo ass to go to hell" he said.

I got up then darted towards Jayceon. I was immediately pulled back by his guards. It made me sick to hear Jayceon refer to Kaiser as his "son". Kaiser is NOTHING to him.


"LET ME GO!" I shouted as I attempted to free myself from the guard's grip.

"Let her go" Jayceon demanded.

As soon as they released me I slapped Jayceon. I expected him to beat my ass, but he just stood there.

"I deserve that" he said as he nodded.

"You deserve worse. You deserve to die."

"The tongue is a powerful thing. I know you still love me, so watch your words" Jayceon said.

I laughed, "me? Love you? You're funny as shit."

I feel nothing for Jayceon. If he died today, I would probably throw a party. I'm not sure what makes him think that I still love him. If anything, I hate his evil ass.

"Follow me, let's catch up" Jayceon said as he winked.

"I don't think that's a good idea boss. She might run off or something" one of the guards said.

"She won't" Jayceon said as he gave me a look.

I rolled my eyes then followed him up the stairs.

"Why am I here Jayceon? Are you going to kill me?"

"No, why would I kill the mother of my child?" Jayceon asked with a smirk.

"Let's not pretend like you won't do it."

He ignored me then opened a door that led to the main area of his house.

"You hungry or thirsty?" Jayceon asked as he sat down on his couch.

"I wanna get back home to my son."

"Our son" he corrected.

"You can go to hell if you think my baby is your son. You are NOTHING to him."

"Sit down" Jayceon demanded.

"I'm good right here."

"I wanna be in his life. I have a right to be in my son's life" Jayceon said.

"Do you hear yourself right now? You beat my ass during my whole pregnancy, and you just snatched me from a parking lot! You really think I'm about to let you be in my son's life?"

"I knew yo stubborn ass wouldn't come on your own terms. That's why I sent somebody to get you when I seen you at the mall. I know I did some fucked up shit to you in the past, and I'm sorry for that. I'm a changed man though, and I'm nothing like the man I was two years ago. I was on drugs. I wasn't in my right state of mind when I did all that shit to you. I'm clean now, and I'm trying to do what's right. Let me be in my son's life" Jayceon said.

I looked at him like he was crazy because he had to be if he thought that I was about to let him into my son's life. Jayceon doesn't deserve to be in Kaiser's life. I don't trust him as far as I can see him. He's a dangerous man.

"You are an emotionless, reckless, evil, and sadistic man. You really think I want my child around you?"

"I'm heartless when it comes to a lot of things, but my kids ain't one of those things. I can admit that I don't give a fuck about you or my other baby mamas, but my kids mean the world to me. Give me a chance to be a father to my son Genesis. Don't keep him away from me because of your feelings towards me" Jayceon said.


"You keep bringing up the past. Let's worry about the present" Jayceon said.

"Jayceon, I need to get back home to my child. People are probably worried about me right now."

"People, as in that nigga you're playing house with? I don't care about that bitch ass nigga. I'm worried about my son, and you're not leaving until we can come to an agreement. I won't kill you because you're the mother of my child, but I will start killing everybody that you care about. You ain't 'bout to keep running away with my son" Jayceon said.

I shook my head, "you haven't changed a bit."

I knew that Jayceon was serious. He won't hesitate to kill everybody that I love. I can't let him get his hands on Kaiser though. If I have to run for the rest of my life then so be it. I will do ANYTHING to keep my son safe.




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