《STAY DOWN |2020|》Twenty Six.


"Where the fuck is she at?" I mumbled to myself as I tried to call Genesis for the twentieth time.

It was going on ten o'clock, and Genesis had yet to come home. Her phone was going straight to voicemail. I knew something was off. Genesis would never stay out late without letting me know, especially when I have Kaiser.

After continously getting sent to Gen's voicemail, I decided to call Kareem to see if he was with Kelis.

"Yo" Kareem said as he answered the phone.

"Is Kelis with you?"

"Yeah, why wassup cuzzo?" Kareem asked.

"Put her on the phone real quick."

I heard shuffling then Kelis' voice came through the line.

"Hey East, what's going on? Is Kaiser okay?" Kelis asked.

"Kaiser is good, but I'm worried about Genesis though. Did she say she was going anywhere else?"

"She told me and Sammy that she was going home. That was hours ago though. She hasn't called or anything?" Kelis asked.

"Nah, her phone is going straight to voicemail. Something ain't right about this shit."

"Wait, we seen Jayceon at the mall today. Oh my God! Do you think he kidnapped her or something? She always says that he's crazy and evil. What if he took her? We have to find her East" Kelis panicked.

"Who the fuck is Jayceon?"

"He's Kaiser's sperm donor. Genesis is probably in danger right now" Kelis said.

"FUCK" I shouted as I ran my hand over my face.

"What do you know about this nigga? I need to know everything."

"I don't know anything about him. All I know is that he's evil and dangerous. He did some horrible things to Genesis" Kelis said.

"Where is he fro-" before I could finish my sentence, Genesis walked through the front door.

"East, you still there?" Kelis asked.

"Genesis just walked in."

I hung up the phone then placed it on the counter.

"Where you been? You had a nigga worried and shit."

"Kaiser and I have to leave" Genesis said.

I knitted my eyebrows, "what happened? Kelis told me that y'all seen that nigga at the mall. Did he hurt you or something?"

"He snatched me from a parking lot. Kelis and Sammy were across the lot, and his people still managed to take me! Me and my son are no longer safe here. I have to get him out of here. Jayceon wants to be in Kaiser's life, and I can't let that happen" Genesis said.

"You and Kaiser ain't going no where. Y'all are safe with me. I would never let anything happen to y'all. Tell me what you know about this nigga, and I'll handle this shit."


Genesis shook her head, "it's not that easy Jeremiah. Jayceon is a dangerous man. I don't want you getting hurt because of me."

"With all due respect, you don't know the old me Gen. Not one nigga on this Earth can put fear in my heart. I'll kill for the people that I care about."

"It's not your problem. I have to dig myself out of this hole" Genesis said.

"Fuck you mean it's not my problem? Your problems became my problems when we made this shit official. I'm your man right?"

Genesis nodded, "yes."

"Okay then, let me do what a man is supposed to do for his woman. Let me be your protector. You and Kaiser are mine now, and I protect what's mine."

Genesis wrapped her arms around my waist, hugging me tightly. "I'm so grateful for you."

"I told you I got you baby."

"I just have trouble believing people when they say that. They usually don't mean it" Genesis said.

"I mean it. Keep staying down for me, and I got you for life."

Genesis smiled, "is Kaiser sleeping?"

I nodded, "his lil ass been out since 8:30."

"Thank you for having him in bed on time" Genesis said.

"Stop thanking me for doing the shit that I'm supposed to be doing as your man."

"You don't have to help me with Kaiser, but you do it anyways. I appreciate that" Genesis said.

"I do have to help you with him. Any nigga that sits around and watches his girl struggle with her child is a bitch. If I can help then I will."

Genesis smiled then kissed my lips.


"I know of Jayceon. He's been lowkey lately, but he's very powerful in Los Angles. You in some kind of trouble with him?" My dad asked.

"Something like that. I need to know everything that you know about him, and I need a secluded spot for Genesis and Kaiser to stay at."

"I'll help you, but you gotta talk to me son. What's going on?" My dad asked.

"Jayceon is Kaiser's father. He wants to be in Kaiser's life now, but Gen ain't having that."

"Why not? What's wrong with a man wanting to be in his son's life?" My dad asked.

"He abused her and threatened to kill her while she was pregnant. She's trying to do what's best for her son. Jayceon doesn't need to be around him. He kidnapped Gen yesterday then threatened to kill everyone that she cares about. I can't let that nigga get anywhere near Gen and Kaiser."


"You're about to start a war with one of the biggest kingpins in California. Ask yourself if this shit is worth it. You've been out of the game for years now son. You're willing to risk your life for a woman that you met two months ago?" My dad asked.

"She's worth it. I love her, and I love her son. I don't give a fuck about time. You ride for the ones you love, right? You protect the ones you love, right? Well, that's what I'm doing. I'm their protector, and it's my job to keep them safe. That's my family now."

"You love her? You really mean that?" My dad asked.

"When have I ever told you that I loved a woman? Never right? I've loved a woman before, but it was nothing like this. I don't just love Gen, I'm in love with her too. She makes a nigga feel something different. I've only known her for two months, but it feels like I've known her for years. I don't know what it is, but I know that I love her, I know that I would do anything for her."

I've never been the type to pour my heart out, but I needed my dad to know just how important Genesis is to me. I know being in love after two months sounds crazy, but I can't help that shit. I was fucking with Lola for years, but she never made me feel the way that Genesis makes me feel. This woman is the one for me. When you know, you know.

"Where are we going?" Genesis asked as she watched me load the suitcases into my trunk.

"Somewhere safe, you'll see when we get there."

"I'm gonna lose my job, my apartment, and everything else that I've worked hard for. This man is ruining my life all over again" Genesis said as she shook her head.

"All of those things are replaceable but your life isn't. Ima make sure you and Kaiser are straight."

"I can't let you take care of me Jeremiah. You shouldn't have to do that" Genesis said.

"I know you've spent years taking care of yourself and Kaiser. I know you're an independent, strong minded woman. You don't have to do everything alone anymore though. I'm here now, and I got you and Kaiser. Y'all are my family now."

Genesis smiled, "God snapped when he brought you into my life."

I chuckled then opened the car door for her.

"You ready to go lil man?" I asked Kaiser as I got into the driver's seat.

He smiled then nodded excitedly.

"How far is this mystery place?" Genesis asked as she put her seatbelt on.

"It's three hours away."

"Are you sure that it's safe?" Genesis asked.

"I'm positive. I wouldn't take y'all there if it wasn't."

Genesis nodded then shifted in her seat until she was comfortable.

"Wake me up when we're there" Genesis said.

I laughed, "you going to sleep on me?"

"Mhm" she mumbled, closing her eyes.

I shook my head then pulled out of the parking garage.

"Wake up Gen" I said as I pulled into the driveway of the cabin.

My parents used to take me and Yesenia here every year around this time. It's hidden and secluded, and most people don't even know that it's here. It's the perfect hiding spot.

"We're here already?" Genesis asked as she stretched.

I nodded then got out of the car. I took Kaiser out of his car seat then carried him to the front door. Upon entry, we were greeted by eight security guards. They'll be watching after Genesis and Kaiser while I'm gone.

"Who are they?" Genesis asked as she clinged to my side.

"Security guards for you and Kaiser. Don't worry, they won't bother you. They're only here to protect y'all while I'm gone."

"Gone? Wait, you're not staying?" Genesis asked.

"I can't stay."

"I don't know if I can stay in a secluded cabin with a bunch of strangers Jeremiah" Genesis said.

"I've known most of these men since I was a kid. Y'all are in good hands."

Genesis sighed, "when are you coming back?"

"When this situation is handled."

"Where do you want these bags sir?" One of the guards asked as he approached us.

"Put them in the master bedroom."

He nodded then walked off with the suitcases.

I stayed with Genesis and Kaiser for a few hours then headed back to LA. I didn't wanna leave them, but I have to take care of this situation. I can't let Jayceon get anywhere near Kaiser and Gen. He has to go, simple as that. I guess you can say the old East is back, temporarily.





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