《STAY DOWN |2020|》Twenty Four.


I'd just finished a call with a client when Lance approached me. I was very skeptical about coming back to this job, but I definitely need the money. I may be living with East right now, but I still have to pay the rent for my apartment. Hopefully this awkwardness between Lance and I fades away soon.

"Good morning Genesis" Lance said.

"Good morning Lance."

"Did you enjoy your weekend off?" Lance asked.

"I did, thanks for asking."

I was just hoping that he would walk away and leave me alone.

"You flaked on me. Why is that?" Lance asked as he smirked.

"I had an emergency."

"So let's reschedule then" Lance said.

I sighed, "I can't reschedule. I have a boyfriend."

Lance chuckled, "it's just a friendly outing."

"I'm good, thanks" I said as I put on a fake smile.

"I understand" Lance said.

He smiled then walked off to his office. Things felt awkward, and I found myself wishing that I never agreed to go on a date with him. I'm hoping that Lance can remain professional. I just wanna come here to make my money then go home.

"Hey girl, you wanna go get lunch?" Brittany asked as she approached me.

"It's time for lunch already?" I asked as I looked at the clock.

"Yes, I was thinking about going to that new Italian restaurant. What do you think?" Brittany asked.

"Italian food sounds bomb right now."

"I know right! Let's go before it gets crowded" Brittany said.

I grabbed my purse then followed her out to the parking garage.

"So, Lance asked you out on a date? I can't believe you blew him off" Brittany said as we got into her car.

"How do you know about that?" I asked as I knitted my eyebrows.

"Nosey Mary said that she was headed to the fax machine when she heard you two talking" Brittany said.

"What the hell? That's some nosey shit."

"Tell me about it. She always has the tea though. Anyways, back to you and Lance. What's going on between you two?" Brittany asked as she pulled out of the parking garage.

"Not a damn thing sis. I have a man now."

"Wait what? You were just single a few days ago. Who is your man? Is he hot? Is he rich? I have so many questions" Brittany said as I laughed.


I didn't have any pictures of East in my phone, so I went to his Instagram.

"This is him" I said as I handed my phone to Brittany.

"Holy shit, he is gorgeous! I would've turned Lance down too" Brittany said as I laughed.

"It's not even about his looks though. East is just a real ass person. I started feeling him because of who he is. Don't get me wrong, the man is fine, but that's not what drew me to him. It was that vibe, that realness, and that genuineness. It's crazy because I used to think he had evil energy, but I was so wrong about him. He's a great person."

Brittany smiled, "he sounds like a great guy. Are you in love?"

"I don't know. It's too early for me to determine that. He makes me happy though, and I really care about him."

"Awwww, I'm happy for you girl. Make sure I get an invitation to the wedding" Brittany said as I laughed.

"There won't be a wedding any time soon, but you'll definitely get an invite when that time comes."

"My sister said the same thing then BOOM, she got married four months later" Brittany said.

I laughed then waved her off.

"You stepping out tonight? Or you still on daddy duties?" Zander asked.

I ignored him, continuing to read an interesting article about Jeffrey Epstein.

"Aye nigga, I know you heard me" Zander said.

"I heard you, but I ain't feel like responding to yo ass."

"You one rude ass nigga" Zander said as he shook his head.

A knock on my front door caused me to finally look up from my phone.

"That's Kareem. Go open the door for him."

"You get up and open it bitch" Zander said.

I smacked my lips, "just go open the fucking door."

Zander sighed then got up to answer the door. Moments later I heard a familiar female voice.

"I know that's not who I think it is" I mumbled to myself.

Sure enough, it was Lola's crazy ass.

"It wasn't Kareem" Zander said.

I mugged Zander, "no shit Sherlock."

Zander doesn't know about Gen and I which is why he didn't hesitate to open the door for Lola. He thinks that I'm still fucking with her, but that ship sailed the moment I decided to get with Gen.


"Is that Genesis' kid?" Lola asked as she looked at Kaiser.

Zander looked at Lola and I then sipped his patron.

"What you want?"

"I was coming to chec-" before Lola could finish, Genesis walked through the door.

I already knew how this shit was about to go.

"She has the code? You barely even know her. I don't even have the code" Lola said.

"Um, what's going on?" Genesis asked as she placed her keys on the counter.

"Nothing ma, Lola was just leaving."

"No I wasn't" Lola said as she crossed her arms.

"Why is she even here? Are you still fucking her?" Genesis asked.

"Nah, chill out Gen."

"Why are you worried about our business?" Lola asked.

"His business is MY business. That's my nigga" Genesis said.

Zander spit his patron out then started coughing.

Lola laughed, "bitch, please."

"Yo, watch your mouth."

"Oh, so it's true?" Lola asked.

"Why doesn't she know about us? Why is Zander so surprised? Are you trying to keep me a secret or something? Like, what's really going on right now?" Genesis asked.

She was visibly angry at this point.

"Get out" I demanded as I looked at Lola.

"Are you serious right now?" Lola asked.

"GET THE FUCK OUT" I shouted.

I could see the hurt on Lola's face. I felt bad because I should've BEEN told her about Gen. The shit happened so fast, and I guess I wasn't focused on telling the world about my relationship. I'm not keeping Gen a secret or anything though. I'm just a private person.

Tears fell from Lola's face as she turned to walk away.

"Lola" I called out as I grabbed her arm.

"Don't touch me!" Lola snapped as she snatched her arm away.

I sighed then watched her walk out.

I felt bad about what happened, but I want who I want. I still care about Lola, but Genesis is my priority now.

"Genesis looked pissed off. You better go handle that" Zander said as he smirked.

"Nigga, get the fuck out!"

"The fuck did I do? Don't be mad at me because you in the dog house" Zander said.

I shook my head then walked into my room. I was shocked to see Genesis packing her clothes. Little does she know, she ain't leaving.

"What you doing?"

"I'm leaving. I don't have time for bullshit games with niggas" Genesis said.

"What you mean? I ain't even do shit."

"Why was she here Jeremiah? Why did you try to chase after her when she was leaving? Maybe I moved too fast with this relationship stuff. I can't deal with this shit right now" Genesis said.

She was on the brink of tears. I knew there was more to it than Lola. Genesis is stressed out right now. Lola being here just added to that stress.

"You feel like we should step back from this relationship? Cool, I'm not letting you and Kaiser leave though."

"I'm not going home. I'm going to Sammy's place. I'll be safe there" Genesis said as she wiped her eyes.

"Why are you crying? Talk to me Gen."

"I'm just not ready for this. You STILL have too much going on. She was in your place, while my son was here. I can't deal with that type of shit right now. I have enough going on" Genesis said as she sighed.

"I didn't know she was coming here. I would never purposely put you in a situation like that."

"Why did she feel comfortable popping up here? Because YOU didn't tell her about us. You still care about her feelings, and that's understandable. I need to separate myself from this situation though. We both need time to get over our pasts" Genesis said.

"So you don't wanna do this anymore?"

"No, I'm just not ready. I don't know what I was thinking" Genesis said.

I ran my hands over my face then shook my head. "I'm not tryna let you go Genesis. I got a lot of pride, but I'm begging you to give me a chance. I'm new to this shit. You're ready, you're just scared."

"I don't wanna get hurt. I've been through enough" Genesis said as she broke down.

"I got you baby."

I pulled Genesis in for a hug then allowed her to cry into my chest. She needed that release.












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