《STAY DOWN |2020|》Nineteen.


"This is our break room. Fancy right? This is probably one of my favorite areas in the building" Brittany said.

"It's definitely fancy" I said as I looked around.

Brittany is one of the vet employees here. Linda used to be the supervisor here, so she was able to get Brittany to show me around. Today is my first day at my new job. It seems pretty cool so far. I heard that customer service jobs can be messy, but everybody seems chill here. I think I'll like working here.

"You'll meet our supervisor soon too. He's running a little late this morning, but he'll be in soon" Brittany said.

I nodded, "cool."

"He's a bit of an asshole, but you'll get used to it though" Brittany said.

I laughed, "I've had my fair share of bitchy bosses. Nothing I can't handle."

"So you're good with bitchy? Cool, you'll fit right in then" Brittany said as I laughed.

"Speaking of the bitchy boss, there he is" Brittany said.

I turned to see a man walking through the double doors. He was wearing a black suit that fit him just right, his hair was cut kind of low, he was about six feet tall and let's not leave out that chocolate skin of his. I couldn't help but to stare at his fine ass. He seemed like such a serious person though. He didn't even crack a smile, but I'm familiar with his kind.

"He may be bitchy, but he sure is fine."

Brittany laughed, "yes he is. I may be a white woman, but I like my men the color of my coffee."

"Okay sis! Period" I said as I did the city girls hand gesture.

I'm liking Brittany already.

Brittany laughed then showed me to my cubicle.

"I know that cubicles are usually small and crowded, but we got lucky with ours. We have the big and spacious cubicles. You also have more privacy since you're in the corner" Brittany said.

"It's very cozy too."

"Just wait until you decorate it. I had a ball while I was decorating mine" Brittany said.


"Anyways, I'm about to go get our supervisor. I'll be right back" Brittany said.

I nodded then sat down in the rolling chair that was in front of my desk.

A few minutes later Brittany returned with our supervisor. He looked at me as if he was surprised to see me or something. I've never seen this man a day in my life though.

"I'm Lance, you must be Genesis" he said as he extended his hand.

"Yes, that's me. Nice to meet you" I said as I smiled and shook his hand.

"You're familiar with this type of work right?" Lance asked.

I nodded, "I've worked in this type of environment before."

I haven't exactly worked in an office environment before, but I'm familiar with customer service. Sometimes you have to lie your way to the top with these jobs.

"Great, let me tell you how we operate here. If you're going to be late, call ahead of time. If you don't call ahead of time, you get wrote up. If you call out too many times, you're fired. I don't play those kind of games. This is a professional work environment, and everything will be handled professionally. Being late and not showing up to work is NOT professional. Another thing, don't exceed your break times. I will write you up for that as well. As long as you do your job correctly and follow the rules, you'll be just fine here" Lance said.

I nodded, "gotcha."

"Cool, Brittany will be your trainer for the time being" Lance said as he looked at Brittany.

"If you ever have any questions or need any help my office is right over there" Lance said as he pointed towards his office.

"Thank you."

Lance nodded then walked off to his office.

"Alright, let's get this party started" Brittany said as she pulled a chair up to my desk.

"Where my baby at?" I asked as the facetime call connected.

East flipped his camera to show me a sleeping Kaiser.

"Awwww, I miss him so much."

"He don't miss yo ass" East said.


I smacked my lips, "don't say that East."

He laughed, "I'm just playing. You like your job so far?"

"Yeah, it's pretty cool. It gets very busy though."

East nodded then scratched the back of his head.

"What is it?"

"What you mean? I didn't even say anything" East said as he laughed.

"I noticed that you tend to scratch the back of your head when you wanna say something. What is it?"

East laughed, "my mom wants me to bring Kaiser to her house for Halloween. She loves the kids, so she asked me to bring him by. I wanted to make sure that you were okay with it first."

"Ugh, I forgot that Halloween is tomorrow. I can't even spend Halloween with my baby" I pouted.

"I'm okay with you taking him to your mom's house though."

"Cool" East said.

"Just make sure you send me some pictures of my baby in his PJ masks costume."

East nodded, "I got you."

"Alright, I'll see you later."

"Aight shorty" East said.

I smiled then ended the call.

Time went by pretty fast. Before I knew it, it was time to go home. My first day was smooth, but I know that's just the calm before the storm. Jobs always get stressful after awhile.

"Genesis!" Lance called out as I was walking to my car.

I turned around, "oh, hey Lance."

"I know this may be a little inappropriate, but you are so beautiful to me" Lance said.

I was taken aback my Lance's compliment. It was mainly because he's so sophisticated and wealthy looking. Then there's me, a chick from the projects with hella tattoos. I didn't expect him to be attracted to me.

I smiled, "thank you Lance."

"No problem, you should let me take you out one of these days" Lance said.

"Isn't that like, against the rules or something?" I joked.

He laughed, "it is. I won't tell if you won't though." Lance licked his lips then smirked.

I was hesitant at first, but I decided to give in. If he wants to take ya girl out then who am I to stop him?

"Let me see your phone."

He handed me his phone then I put my number in.

"I'll be calling you real soon" he said.

I smiled, "I'll be looking forward to that."

"Honey, I'm home!"

East laughed, "shut yo ass up. You gone wake lil man up."

I laughed then tossed my keys onto the counter.

"I forgot that he was sleeping. I lowkey wanna wake him up, but I won't."

"Let him sleep. You need to get some sleep too" East said.

"I need a hot shower first."

"I probably won't be here when you get out. I'll be back in the morning though" East said.

"Hmm, another hoe night huh?"

East laughed, "chill out shorty. Will you be okay though?"

"I'll be fine. This place is SUPER secure."

Not only does East live in a secure building, but he also has hella guns. This would be the wrong house for a muthafucka to run up in.

"Heard you. Keep your phone close by, and call me if you need me" East said.

I nodded, "will do."

East was about to head out until I called his name.

"Wassup?" He asked.

"I appreciate you. I don't care if we just met a month ago, you my dawg for life."

"The feeling is mutual babygirl" East said.

"Stay safe and strap up tonight."

East laughed, "always."

That's the thing, no matter what happens between East and I, that will always be my friend first.

After locking the door behind East, I checked my phone to see if I had any notifications. There was a text message from an unknown number.


I knew exactly who it was once I read the message.


I smiled then locked my phone.

After taking a hot shower, I went straight to sleep.


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