《STAY DOWN |2020|》Eighteen.


"Good morning lil man" I said as I picked Kaiser up.

He laughed uncontrollably as I threw him up in the air a few times.

"Don't drop my baby" Gen said.

"I got him. Tell your mama to shut up."

"MOMMY SHU-" I quickly covered Kaiser's mouth before he could finish.

I laughed, "I was just playing. Don't tell your mama that."

"He almost got a whooping. You saved his lil butt" Gen said.

"You ain't whoopin' him over here."

"Boy, go to hell" Gen said as I laughed.

"What you in here making?" I asked as I walked up behind Gen.

"Omelettes" Gen said.

"You cook everyday. You know you ain't gotta do that right?"

"I want to. You eat out too much" Gen said as I laughed.

"Let me find out you care about me like that."

Gen rolled her eyes playfully, "you been knew that."

I nodded, "you right."

Gen smiled then handed me a plate.

"I'm going to the gym today. You wanna come?" I asked as I sat down at the table.

"Are you saying I need to workout?" Gen asked.

"Nah, you look good. I like my women on the thicker side anyways. Maybe I just want your company."

Gen smiled, "you like being around me huh?"

"Not really, you lowkey annoying."

Gen rolled her eyes then mushed my head.

I laughed, "I'm just fuckin' with you."

"I know. You LOVE having me around and it shows" Gen said.

I can't even lie, I do like having Gen and Kaiser here. Gen cleans my crib, does my laundry, cooks for me and etc. Kaiser is slowly but surely turning into a mini version of me. That lil nigga gives me my daily laugh. Maybe my mom is right, starting a family doesn't sound too bad right now. I just need to find the right woman to do it with.


"It shows? How does it show?"

Gen laughed, "you're always up under me."

I smacked my lips, "that's cap."

"Oh really? Let's not go there East" Gen said as we both laughed.

"You ready to start your new job?"

"Yeah, I'll miss being around Kaiser all day though. You better take good care of my baby while I'm working too" Gen said.

"Come on now, you know I got him."

Gen smiled, "I know. I'm just messing with you."

My phone started vibrating, so I answered it. I didn't even bother looking at the caller ID.

"Yo" I said as I put the phone up to my ear.

"I've been calling you for the past two days. Are you okay?" Lola asked.

"I'm good Lola. I been busy lately."

"Oh okay, I miss you. I'm about to come over there."

"Nah, don't come here. I'll come to you."

"Why can't I go to your place? Are you hiding something?" Lola asked in a suspicious tone.

"I have family in town."

Gen busted out laughing but quickly covered her mouth.

"Oh okay, text me when you're on the way to my place" Lola said.

"Aight" I said before hanging up.

"Why are you lying to that girl? That's one of the main reasons why I didn't wanna come here" Gen said.

"What I got going on over here is none of her business. I pay the bills in this muthafucka."

"She sent me a lengthy message on Instagram last week" Gen said.

I knitted my eyebrows, "about what?"

"It was a heartfelt message about you being her soulmate. Then she started talking crazy. She called me a stripper hoe then told me to go find my baby daddy" Gen said.


"What the fuck? That shit ain't cool."

"I'm not tripping. Me and you are just friends. I'm just gonna fall back from all the flirty shit. I don't need drama in my life" Gen said.

Although I like Gen, I couldn't blame her for feeling the way that she feels. Did I want her to stop flirting with me and shit? No, but I understand where she's coming from.

"I'm so glad you're safe sis. East is a real one for letting you and Kaiser stay with him" Kelis said.

"He practically forced us to come here. He wasn't playing any games."

"Of course, why would he play games about his girl and his stepson?" Kelis asked.

I rolled my eyes, "don't start that shit. I'm actually falling back from East. He has an entanglement going on, and I don't want any parts of that."

"What do you mean? Y'all were just boo'd up in Miami" Kelis said.

"We were vibing and having fun. Now we're back to reality."

"So he's still fucking that Lola bitch?" Kelis asked.

"Yup, that's none of my business though."

"Chile, niggas ain't shit. Me and him ain't cool no more" Kelis said as I laughed.

"You are petty."

"With a capital P" Kelis said.

The front door opened, causing me to jump.

"I'll call you later. He just got back."

Kelis laughed, "okay sis."

I quickly hung up the phone then started scrolling through Instagram.

"Why you hang up so fast? You was talking about me?" East asked.

"No" I lied.

East laughed, "I'm just fucking with you."

He kicked his shoes off then sat next to me on the couch.

"You're back early. I thought you said you wouldn't be back until tomorrow."

"I changed my mind" East said.

"Hmm" I mumbled as I continued to scroll through my phone.

"EAST" Kaiser shouted as he ran over to East.

East smiled then picked Kaiser up, "Wassup lil man."

"Didn't I tell you to go to bed? It's ten o'clock."

Kaiser poked his lip out then laid his head on East's shoulder.

"You gotta do what your mama says lil man" East said.

"I'll go put him in the bed" East said, standing up with Kaiser still in his arms.

Moments later he returned to the living room.

"He's sleep?"

"Yeah" East said.

"Well I'll be damned."

East laughed then turned the TV off.

"I was watching that."

"Come watch it in the room with me" East said.

"Uh-uh, I'm not sleeping in there anymore."

East smacked his lips, "why not? You been sleeping in my room all week."

"Did you forget about our talk earlier?"

East stared at me for a moment then nodded his head.

"Okay, you can sleep in the room. I'll sleep out here" East said.

Am I mad at East? No. I just don't wanna mess around with him while he's fucking somebody else. We're still cool, but all the flirty shit has to stop until he figures out what he wants. I don't need a messy bitch coming to me as a woman. I have enough drama going on in my life.


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