《STAY DOWN |2020|》Six.


I've been blowing Yesenia's phone up for an hour now, and she has yet to answer. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed in her. Our parents didn't raise no stupid ass kids. Yesenia needs to get her mind right ASAP.

I threw on a white t-shirt and some sweatpants then headed to my car.

My first stop would be Yesenia and her boyfriend's apartment. Her and my niece's safety is everything to me. I refuse to sit by and let this nigga abuse my sister.

Just as I was about pull off my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID and seen that it was Yesenia.

"Where the fuck are you at? I've been calling you for the past hour. Please don't tell me you went back to that nigga."

"Relax J. Did you forget that I'm a college student? I had class today" Yesenia said.

I completely forgot that Yesenia is in college.

I sighed, "my bad sis."

"It's fine. I know you're just trying to protect me and Nayeli. I need you to come get me though. My car won't start for some reason" Yesenia said.

"Your car is brand new. Why won't it start?"


"Aye, you better calm yo ass down. I'm on the way though."

"Bye" Yesenia said before hanging up.

Normally I would cuss her ass out, but she gets a pass for being pregnant. I know those hormones are fucking with her right now.

"It's about time" Yesenia said as she got into my car.

"Shut up, I stopped to get you something to eat" I said as I handed her an In-N-Out bag.

Her eyes instantly lit up.

"Awwww! Thank you big brother" Yesenia said as she dug into the bag.

I chuckled then shook my head.

I was about to pull off when I spotted a familiar face.


Genesis was walking out of the building with a bookbag over her shoulder. I was surprised to see her there, it made me look at her differently. This whole time I thought she was just a typical bottle girl/stripper. I guess I was wrong about her.

"HELLO" Yesenia shouted

as she snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Keep them nasty ass fingers out my face."

"Shut up! I was trying to ask you about my car. What are we gonna do about it?" Yesenia asked.

"I'll call a tow truck when we get to mom and dad's crib."

Yesenia knitted her eyebrows, "why are we going to their house?"

"You need to tell them about yo bitch ass boyfriend."

Yesenia sighed, "I'm not ready to talk to them yet."

"Well, you don't have a choice."

I turned the radio up then pulled out of the parking lot.

"Both of my babies? What a pleasant surprise" my mom said as Yesenia and I approached her.

"Hey mommy" Yesenia mumbled.

"How are you and my grandbaby doing?" My mom asked as she rubbed Yesenia's stomach.

Yesenia looked at me then dropped her head.

"Her boyfriend has been beating her ass. Take the glasses off Yesenia."

My mom's mouth dropped, "WHAT!?"

Yesenia slowly removed her sunglasses, revealing her black eye.

My mom gasped as she observed the bruise.

"Why would he do this to you?" My mom asked.

"I- I didn't have his dinner ready when he got home" Yesenia mumbled.

"JONATHAN! GET IN HERE" my mom shouted.

Moments later my dad walked into the livingroom.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Look at her face" my mom said.

"What the fuck happened to you?" My dad asked as he examined Yesenia's face.

"Travis hit me" Yesenia mumbled.

"HE DID WHAT!?" My dad shouted.

"He hit her because she didn't have his dinner ready. Who the fuck does he think he is?" My mom asked.


I knew my mom was pissed off because she hardly ever cusses.

"I don't give a fuck about that! There's no reason why a grown ass man should be hitting a woman" my dad said.

"We need to go to the police" my mom said.

"Nah, I'll handle it."

"No sir! You are not going back to that life. I refuse to let you do something crazy" my mom said.

"The police won't do much. He'll be out of jail by next week" my dad said.

"We can get a restraining order" my mom said.

"Who's to say he'll obey the rules of a restraining order?"

"Jeremiah, let the police handle it" my mom said as she looked into my eyes.

I nodded, "okay."

My mom can go to the police all she wants, but I'm still gonna handle this shit my way. Restraining orders don't guarantee a person's safety.

"This old ass white man keeps grabbing my ass. I almost smacked his damn dentures out of his mouth" Kelis said.

I laughed, "not the dentures sis."

"The only thing that's saving him is the fact that he has money" Kelis said.

Kelis has always and will always be about her paper.

I laughed, "wassup with you and Kareem though? Did y'all fuck last night?"

"Chile, that dick was CRAZY GOOD. Don't even get me started on the head" Kelis said.

"Oop! This is tea sis. Kareem definitely gives me good dick vibes."

"Too bad that was our first and last time fucking" Kelis said.

I knitted my eyebrows, "what do you mean?"

"He asked me to go on a date. It seems like he wants more than sex, and I'm not ready for that right now. I'm young and I'm living life" Kelis said.

Kelis isn't the Wifey type at all, and she's not ashamed of it either. She has the mindset of a guy. A relationship just isn't in her plans right now.

"He might just be your soulmate."

Kelis waved me off, "girl bye."

I laughed, "you never know. Just let him take you out."

"You really think I should go on a date with him?" Kelis asked.

"Yes, Kareem seems like a nice guy."

"Oh really? I thought he had evil energy sis" Kelis said.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "I guess Kareem and the rest of East's crew aren't too bad. East still gives me evil vibes though. He's so mean for no reason."

"He's a street nigga. He probably has people problems" Kelis said.

I shrugged, "I guess so."

"Do you like him?" Kelis asked as she smirked.

"Girl what? I don't even know that man."

"I see y'all smoking together at the party yesterday" Kelis said.

"That's all it was. I just wanted to get high."

"Whatever you say sis. Let me go bring these old heads their bottles" Kelis said.

She grabbed the bottles then walked off.


This is why I hate working the bar. These people have no type of manners.

I put on a fake smile then walked over to him.

"What can I get you sir?"

"Whiskey on the rocks" he said.

I nodded, "coming right up."

After a long night at work I finally made it home. Kaiser was down for the night, so I decided to take a hot bubble bath.

As I was sitting in the bath I found myself scrolling through East's Instagram. He doesn't post much, but he does have a few pictures on his page. This man is undeniably gorgeous. Everything about him is PERFECT.

As rude as he is, I can't help but to be intrigued by him.



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