《STAY DOWN |2020|》Five.


"You was feeling shorty yesterday huh?" Zander asked.

I knitted my eyebrows, "fuck you talking 'bout cuz?"

"Gen, I seen you sharing blunts with her and shit" Zander said.

"Nigga and? That doesn't mean I was feeling her."

Zander smacked his lips, "since when do you share blunts? You barely share with the homies."

"Yeah, that's because y'all niggas be eating ass and shit."

"On crip I don't eat ass. You got me mixed up with Kareem" Zander said.

"Yeah, aight cuz."

"I can get ole girl's number if you want it" Zander said as he smirked.

Niggas love playing matchmaker and shit.

"I'm cool."

"You know damn well you want that girl's number. Cappin' ass" Zander said as he shook his head.

I ignored him then turned my TV on.

I don't know Genesis like that, and she's definitely not my type. She seems like a cool girl though.

"You must think she's ugly or something" Zander said.

I sighed, "did I say that? I don't even know that girl. Stop trying to play matchmaker."

"I'm just trying to get you out of that entanglement. You hate it there bro, I can tell" Zander said.

I couldn't help but to laugh.

"I'm single nigga. Ain't no relationships or entanglements."

"Does Lola's crazy ass know that though? I doubt it" Zander said.

"She knows."

"Shit, she doesn't act like she knows" Zander said.

I ignored him then started looking through movies on Netflix.

I rolled over then looked at the time. It was three in the morning, and somebody was banging on my fucking door like the police.

"Mmm, who is that?" Lola groaned.

Ignoring her, I grabbed my gun off of the dresser. I wasn't expecting company, and muthafuckas know not to pop up at my crib at three in the morning.


I walked to the front door then looked through the peephole. I was surprised to see my sister standing there with a hoodie and glasses on.

"Senia? What the fuck are you doing here so late?"

"He- he beat me" Yesenia mumbled.

"Your boyfriend?"

Yesenia nodded then took her glasses off, revealing her black eye.


"I fell asleep, and I didn't have his dinner ready when he got home" Yesenia said.

I clenched my jaw then moved to the side so that she could come in.

"Get in here."

Yesenia walked in then sat down on the couch.

"How long has this been going on? I know this ain't the first time he hit you."

"A few months" Yesenia mumbled.

"Why didn't you say something? He could've killed you! He could've killed my niece!"

"He didn't mean to do it, J" Yesenia said.

"Who was tha-" Lola stopped midsentence when she seen Yesenia.

Yesenia rolled her eyes then stood up.

"I'm going to a hotel" Yesenia said.

Yesenia has only been around Lola a handful of times, but she never liked Lola's vibe. Lola is jealous of my sister simply because I put her before any and everybody. Me and my sister have always had a close relationship, and Lola doesn't like that. Why? Only Lola knows the answer to that.

"Um okay? Bye" Lola said as she waved.

"Bitch don't get sassy with me! I'm not in the mood" Yesenia spat.

"Who pissed in your cheerios this morning? You started with me" Lola said as she crossed her arms.

"Both of y'all need to chill out. Lola, take your ass in the room" I demanded.

"So you're not gonna say anything to her? You're not gonna address the fact that she called me a bitch?" Lola asked.


"I'm sure you've been called worse. Everybody knows you've fucked nearly every drug dealer in LA" Yesenia said as she smirked.

Lola lunged at Yesenia, but I quickly pulled her back.

"She's pregnant! Are you fucking crazy?!"

"Her face isn't pregnant though" Lola said as she tried to escape my grip.

"What? You better calm the fuck down!"

"You see what I mean? She's rude to me EVERYTIME she comes around me, and you never do anything about it. Just let me go so I can go home" Lola said.

I let her go then she stormed off to my bedroom. I didn't care to argue with her.

"I been told you to kick that bitch to the curb. Her vibe is off" Yesenia said as she sat back down.

"I'm not worried about that right now. Where is that bitch ass boyfriend of yours?"

"Don't kill him J. He didn't mean to do this. He's just frustrated with work and stuff, and that's why he lost his temper" Yesenia said.

I scrunched up my face, "do you hear how dumb you sound? Look at your face! You been letting this nigga beat your ass for months! He's going on a t-shirt fasho."

"What about Nayeli? She won't have a fath-" Yesenia said before I cut her off.

"She doesn't need that nigga. You really want his woman beating ass around Nayeli? Hell nah! You got me fucked up. I'm not about to let you turn into one of those brainwashed ass females that run back to their abuser."

"He would never hurt Nayeli. Just give him a chance to be a father" Yesenia said.

I sighed, "if he hurt you while you're carrying Nayeli then what makes you think he won't lose his temper and hurt her when she's actually here? I can't risk that shit."

Yesenia wants Nayeli to have a relationship with her father and that's understandable. I can't risk the safety of my sister and my niece though. Her boyfriend has to go, and I'm willing to go back to my old ways to make sure that he goes.

"Ugh, I knew you would act like this. I should've just went to a hotel" Yesenia said as she shook her head.

Before I could say anything, Lola walked out of my bedroom.

"Don't bother calling me either" Lola said.

I didn't say anything. I just watched her walk out of my crib.

I stayed up to talk some sense into Yesenia then I took my ass back to sleep.

When I woke up Yesenia was gone.



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