《STAY DOWN |2020|》Seven.


"It's been so long since I've been to Disneyland. I feel like a kid again" Sammy said as she ate her cotton candy.

I've been so busy with work and school, so I haven't really had the time to take my son anywhere. I decided that today was a good day to bring him to Disneyland. Even with a busy life, you have to make time for the people you love.

"This is my first time coming here" Kelis said.

Sammy gasped, "girl what? You've lived in Cali your whole life. How have you not been to Disneyland?"

Kelis shrugged, "my parents were poor when I was growing up, and I never had a reason to come here when I became an adult."

"This is only my second time coming here. My foster parents brought me here on my birthday when I turned ten."

"Awwwww that's was so sweet of them" Kelis said.

"They weren't the richest family, but they made shit happen. I really miss them."

"It's gonna be okay bestie. They're watching over you" Sammy said as she wrapped her arm around me.

Everytime I think about my foster parents I get emotional. I miss them so much, and I wish they were still here.

"Mickey Mouse" Kaiser said as he pointed at Mickey Mouse.

"You wanna go take a picture?"

Kaiser smiled and nodded excitedly.

We walked over to Mickey Mouse then Kelis snapped a picture of us.

"Too cute! You should get that framed" Kelis said as she handed me my phone.

"I definitely need more pictures of us in my apartment" I said as I looked at the picture.

"We should get on the Dumbo elephant ride. Kaiser would love that" Sammy said.

We got on a few rides with Kaiser then headed back to my place.

"Somebody had a long day" Kelis said as she watched me lay a sleeping Kaiser down in his bed.


"He's definitely out for the rest of the night."

I tucked Kaiser in then headed back to the living room with Kelis.

"Now I'm bored" Sammy said as she flipped through channels on my TV.

"We should go out with the guys tonight" Kelis said.

"Zander and Kareem?" Sammy asked.

"And East" Kelis said as she looked at me and smirked.

I laughed, "what's that supposed to mean? I don't even know him. Y'all just keep forcing that man on me."

"I think y'all would be cute together. Y'all would definitely be the hottest couple in LA" Sapphire said.

"I'm cool. Y'all have fun tonight though."

"You're not coming?" Kelis asked.

"I'm gonna pass tonight. Y'all know I don't like to go out much. It gets old, especially since I work in a damn club."

"Or we can just have a chill night and invite them over here" Sammy suggested while smirking.

"I don't know about that. I don't really know them, and my home is something that's very personal and important to me."

"They're all nice guys. I'm sure they'll be respectful" Kelis said.

I sighed, "okay fine."

Kelis and Sammy started cheesing like a bunch of highschool girls.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "I'm going to take a shower."

"Mhm, go ahead and get cute for East" Kelis said.

"Bitch please! I ain't getting cute for nobody."

Kelis laughed then waved me off.

I didn't feel the need to get cute. Kelis and Sapphire are the only ones that are gonna be boo'd up. I'll be sitting on the couch sipping my wine and minding my business.

I followed Zander and Kareem into Gen's apartment. Her crib was clean, and it smelled like cleaning products. I wasn't gonna come here with Zander and Kareem at first, but I didn't have shit else to do.


"Where lil man at?" I asked as I sat next to Gen.

"Oh, he's out for the night."

I nodded then briefly observed Gen. A bonnet covered her hair, her face was bare, and she was wearing a big t-shirt with some shorts. Somehow, she still looked good. Gen is the type of woman that doesn't have to do too much.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm used to women doing the most just to get my attention. Gen was chilling though. She never even looked over at me. She continued to sip her wine and type on her laptop.

"Gen, do you have some tequila?" Kelis asked.

"Yeah, it's in the cabinet by the refrigerator" Gen said as she continued to type on her computer.

"I make the best margaritas y'all. Just wait until y'all taste them" Kelis said as she walked into the kitchen with Sammy

"Aye Gen, you got a man?" Zander asked.

Gen finally looked up from her laptop.

"Um, no. Why?" Gen asked.

"Just asking" Zander said as he gave me a look.

I shook my head then shifted my focus to the TV.

Moments later Kelis and Sammy walked back into the livingroom with some plastic cups.

"Here" Kelis said as she handed Gen and I a cup.

"'Preciate you."

I sipped some of the margarita then sat my cup down on the floor.

"I'm so tipsy and tired" Gen said as she closed her laptop.

She seemed a little less shy now that she had alchohol in her system.

"Did you finish that paper?" Kelis asked.

"I sure the fuck did. I had to get that shit out of the way" Gen said.

"You going to bed?" Sammy asked.

Gen stood up then grabbed her belongings.

"I have class in the morning" Gen said.

"We're gonna go out. You sure you don't wanna come? I can ask Lani to babysit again" Kelis said.

"Girl, no. I'm gonna call it a night" Gen said.

I heard little footsteps coming from the hallway, so I looked up and seen Kaiser. He immediately ran over to me with open arms. You would think lil man knew me or something.

I picked him up, "wassup lil man?"

He smiled then laid his head on my shoulder.

"Welp, I guess I'll be staying up after all" Gen said.

"You want us to stay and watch him?" Sammy asked.

"I got him. Y'all go have fun" Gen said.

"Are you sure sis? We don't have to go" Kelis said.

"I'm positive. Go turn up" Gen said.

I could tell that Gen was exhausted, but she didn't wanna ruin her friends' night. It was obvious that she needed some help though.

Everybody said their goodbyes then left.

"I'll take him" Gen said as she reached for Kaiser.

I shook my head, "I got him. Go get some rest."

Gen gave me a questionable look.

"You can trust me with him. I'll chill with him while you get some rest."

"You don't have to do that. I'll be fine" Gen said.

"I can see the exhaustion on your face. I have a sister who will most likely be a single mom, and I would want somebody to help her out if she was in a situation like this. Now go rest up."

"Thank you East" Gen said.

"It's not a problem."

Gen Kissed Kaiser's forehead then walked off to her room.

I stayed up all night with lil man, and I ended up falling asleep on Gen's couch.



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