《Forever | ✓》17. The Dinner
"Babe, I'm sorry."
"Will, don't you dare."
"I don't think I'm going to be able to make it."
A week ago, that Tiff had invited Will and I for a little family dinner, as a thank you for bringing the dress to her last time, for the fitting.
I thought that this could be a cute and Will could meet Emma and Mr Hunter, too. I had always been close to them growing up and held them in the highest regard. It would mean a lot to me if they also liked Will.
However, the kitchen at the cafe flooded. It happened just as they were closing up and Will was currently trying to sort it out - which still seemed to be a work in progress.
"Babe, I'm really, really, sorry," he apologised, again.
I looked at myself in front of the mirror, dressed up and ready to go, but it just felt like maybe this dinner wasn't meant to be.
"Is it really not fixable?" I asked softly, wondering if there was any chance he would be able to make it.
"I don't think so. The pipe is fixed but I'm currently standing in a couple of inches of water. I have to get this sorted. I'm sorry, babe," he said.
I knew that it wasn't like he had done this on purpose. It was his cafe. He couldn't just leave it flooding.
"It's fine," I sighed. "I can just call Tiff and cancel, and come help you," I told him.
"No, don't do that. I know you'd hate yourself for cancelling last minute like that. Besides, I have a few of the guys with me, we'll get this sorted," he said.
I sat down on the bed, feeling a little sad now.
"I can...mop...something?" I offered - well it was more of a pathetic excuse for help.
"Honestly, Serena, I think there's been enough damaged," Will joked, laughing as soon as he got the words out.
"Jerk," I replied.
I could still hear him laugh and I couldn't stop the smile that came over my face. I was really trying to fight back my own laughter.
When it came to cleaning, I don't know why I was terrible at mopping. For some reason, I created more of a mess.
"Serena, really, it's okay. If I can get this sorted quickly, I'll call you and come over. If not, I'll meet you at home. Please don't be mad, though," Will said.
"I'm not mad. Frustrated at the situation, but not at you," I said.
I found it hard to ever be mad at Will. He was like a happy puppy all the time - it was impossible to be angry at him.
"Okay, good," Will said, with an exaggerated tone of relief. "Have fun at the dinner and text me when you're there and back. I'm sorry about this, babe. But I'll make it up to you, I promise."
"It better be good," I told him.
He chuckled. "It'll be better than good," he replied.
It was going to be food of some kind. I just knew it.
"Serena! Thank you for coming," Tiff said, as she hugged me.
"Thank you for the invite," I smiled, when we finally broke apart.
Tiff then frowned slightly. "Where is your fiancé?" She asked, her eyes drifted around me.
"Will had an emergency at the cafe. He might make it, but it's not likely," I told her.
I had texted Will once I reached Tiff's place. He told me then, that it was likely the damage caused was going to keep him there for a while, possibly all night even.
"Oh no," Tiff frowned. "I hope everything works out. Devon is stuck at work too," she said with a soft smile.
Before I could say anything else, Tiff face-palmed and shook her head. "Oh, look at me. Keeping you here like an idiot," she said, noticing that we were still in the foyer. "Come in," she tugged at my arm, leading me further inside.
Tiff took my coat and hung it up and lead me into the living room, where I saw Emma and Mr Hunter, standing with Tiff's parents.
As I walked into the room, their heads turned my way, with Emma immediately smiling and walking towards me.
"Rena, my dear," Emma said, pulling me into a hug. "Oh, it's so good to see you," she said.
I hugged her back, a smile on my face as I did so. "Hi," I grinned, when we broke apart.
"Peter, look who it is," Emma said, rather loudly. I found it amusing she was pointing out the obvious.
Mr Hunter grinned as I moved towards him.
"Rena!" He shouted.
He placed the drink he held onto the mantel-shelf above the fireplace, where he was stood and then opened his arms.
I happily walked into them and he wrapped me into a bear hug. "Oh, darling. How I've missed you. Although, I'd be a little more happy to see you if you brought some of your Mum's baked goods with you, like the good old days," he added and I laughed at his words.
"Peter," I heard Emma's voice behind us, in a playful, scolding tone.
I pulled out of the embrace. "Sorry, Mr Hunter. Hopefully the next time I see you, I won't disappoint," I smiled.
Mr Hunter smiled at me, holding out his pinky and I laughed, whilst linking my pinky with his. A grown man like him still using a pinky promise is too adorable.
"It's time you called me Peter now, Rena," he then said and I nodded. I still wouldn't - it's too weird.
"Serena-" Emma then said and I turned to face her, as she stood with Tiff's parents. "-You know my sister, Lucy and her husband Stefan."
I nodded. I had met them a couple times, including at the engagement party.
"It's nice to meet you, again," I smiled.
"Likewise, dear. It's lovely seeing you again," Tiff's Mum said, her husband raising his glass and nodding too, in agreement, I think.
As we all continued to speak, I suddenly felt my hand grabbed by another, with a gentle tug.
"Serena, come with me for moment," she said, excitedly. "I want to show you the adorable place setting I got. Oh and the idea I had for the guests. I didn't want the usual guest book so I thought of something else..."
She rambled on whilst pulling me away from the group and I looked at them with a helpless expression.
It was sweet how excited Tiff was about her wedding, I was just a little worried about my arm and whether or not it would survive the little journey to wherever Tiff was taking me.
I guess dinner could wait a moment.
For what seemed like a long while, Tiff told me all about the plans that she had for the wedding. I had to admit, it was pretty cute. I would have to use this as inspiration for whenever I start planning.
Just as Tiff began to show me another one of her Pinterest boards, we heard a knock on the door.
A second later, Emma walked into the room.
"Hey, Aunt Em." Tiff greeted her.
Emma smiled. "Lucy wants you dear. Something about the food," she said in an uncertain tone.
Whatever it was, Tiff seemed to be panicked by it and immediately jumped up and practically sprinted out the room.
I was confused. "What was-"
"It's better not to ask," Emma chuckled and I just nodded, listening to her advice.
Emma then took a seat in front of me on the bed I was sat on. "Sometimes I forget it's been so long," she said.
I smiled at her words. "I know. Although sometimes it feels like no time has passed at all."
With Emma and Mr Hunter, it really just felt like I'm that little girl, going over to their house with muffins that my Mum made. I think with them, I may always feel like that.
"Rena, I just..." Emma hesitated, which made me frown a little. "I never really got a chance to properly thank you before."
"For what?" I asked.
"You dropped everything to be by my Liam's side after..." she didn't finish her sentence, but I gathered where she was going with that.
I placed my hand on top of hers, seeing the sad smile on her face. "It's alright, honestly," I told her.
Emma pursed her lips and it looked like she wanted say something more, but held herself back.
It always made me nervous when someone would do that, because it just made me assume whatever they were going to say, wasn't good or just bad news.
Although, this was Emma. I doubt she'd say anything bad.
"I know that it's not my business and I'm probably intruding but whatever happened between Liam and you, I hope you both work it out," she said.
I was a little startled by her words. I hadn't even realised that Emma knew that there was some kind of tension between us, or at least used to be. Instead of agreeing, I chose to act oblivious.
"I'm sorry?" I questioned.
"I'm his mother, Rena. I could tell something wasn't right," Emma said, with one of those all-knowing Mum looks. "You both were seemingly fine four years ago and then suddenly, it was like you were gone. Anytime your name was mentioned, I saw this look on his face, like regret or guilt or sadness. I wasn't sure, but it was something."
Honestly, I wasn't too surprised that Emma noticed all of this. She would always know if something was up with Liam. Even when we were little and he tried to hide his injuries after football, she would know.
"We had a disagreement," I told her, very vaguely.
I didn't want to tell Emma everything, since it really was between Liam and I. We had an argument, we had a falling out, but we were sort of friends again.
She just nodded in understanding. "Like I said, I hope you work it out."
"You're not going to ask what it was about?" I asked her, eyeing her a little suspiciously.
Emma shook her head. "You're both grown ups and you can handle it," she shrugged.
Before I could reply, I saw her gaze wonder down to my left hand, more specifically my ring finger.
"Look at this beauty," she commented, gently lifting my hand, to look closely at my ring. "Tell me about him. What's his name? How does he look? What does he do?" Emma bombarded me with questions.
I laughed at her excitement. This was how my Mum reacted when I first mentioned that I was dating someone.
"His name is Will. He's pretty gorgeous, though I'll never tell him that. He already has a big ego. He owns a cafe, not far from where I work, which is kind of how we started dating. We were together for a few years before he proposed," I told her.
Emma squealed and covered her mouth. She then quickly pulling me into a hug. "Oh, I'm so happy for you."
She released me from the hug and instead gently cupped my face.
"I'm really happy for you," she said with a small smile.
Our sweet little moment was then interrupted by Tiff barging into the room, clapping her hands loudly.
"Dinner's ready!" She announced.
Finally, I thought. I was starving right now.
When Emma, Tiff and I came downstairs, I was expecting to just move swiftly to the dining area and then start on dinner.
However, there was a slight bump in that plan, when I suddenly heard my name called by a very familiar voice.
I looked towards the source of the voice and saw Bea running towards me and then crashing into my legs, as she wrapped her arms around them.
"Hi, Bea." I smiled, crouching down to her eye level.
She placed both her hands on my face, squishing my cheeks. "You're here!" She exclaimed, before looping her arms around my neck.
I hugged her back. "How are you, my little bumblebee?" I asked her and she let out a little giggle at the nickname.
"I'm happy you're here," she mumbled into my hair, nuzzling her head into the crook of my neck.
We pulled away from each other and I stood up, with Bea holding my hand.
My eyes then drifted to the area where she had to come running from, only to see Liam standing there with Mr Hunter and Tiff's parents.
I really hadn't thought about Liam or Bea being here. Tiff didn't mention and it never occurred to me, to ask. In hindsight, that seemed stupid now, since I knew his parents were going to be here.
"Um, hey," I greeted Liam, awkwardly.
"Hey," he nodded back.
Liam looked exactly how I felt, awkward.
"Serena, look! I'm wearing the bumblebee tights," she proudly showed off.
"You look beautiful, sweetheart," I grinned at her and she gave me a toothy smile in return.
"Let's eat now. I'm starving," Tiff announced and I internally sighed in relief.
As we all then made our way to the dining room, Bea carried on to hold my hand, not letting it go. I assumed that she missed me, which was quite sweet. I hadn't expected us to bond like this, especially so soon.
When we sat down at the table, Bea immediately took a seat next to me.
I was surprised that she didn't choose to sit next to Liam and even more surprised, that he didn't say anything against it. Although, from the expression he held on his face, it didn't seem like he was all too happy about it either.
Our seating arrangement left me sitting right opposite Liam, which was just perfect. As if I didn't already feel awkward.
The food was soon brought in and we all wasted no time to dig into the delicious meal.
As I began eating, I felt a tug on my arm and look to my side.
"I wore the Bumblebee tights to school too," she said.
"You did?" I asked her, trying to keep the same level of enthusiasm in my voice as her.
Bea nodded vigorously. "Yup. Everyone said I looked so pretty."
I gently pinched her chubby little cheek. "I bet you looked beautiful," I told her and Bea giggled in response.
"Serena, how long have you owned your bridal shop?" Lucy, Tiff's Mum, asked.
"You own a shop, Rena?" Mr Hunter asked me.
I looked at him, with a smile. "Yeah, it's just a small wedding boutique."
"Oh she's playing it down, the shop is too beautiful," Tiff said.
"Like a princess store," Bea added sweetly.
I let out a little chuckle at her words. She had never been, yet she had a description of it. If she ever saw it, I hope she wouldn't be disappointed.
"It was my Aunt's store at first. I worked for her and later took over. Then the owner of the store next to me retired and since we had a good relationship, he let me have his store as well, which is now a little cake shop," I told Mr Hunter, who seemed pleased with my words.
"I'm proud of you, dear. I'm sure Mark and Zara are as well," he replied and I smiled at his words.
My parents were really were proud of me. They were skeptical at first, in terms of the shop. They wondered if I would actually be able to make something out of it and keep it running, but they were still supportive nonetheless. Luckily, I had that business degree to make use out of.
"How are they?" Emma asked.
"They're good. I'm planning to make a trip to see them soon," I smiled at her.
"Oh, I see you got a ring on your finger," Lucy then spoke up. "Who's the lucky man?" She asked.
"His name is Will," I answered.
"I've met him too. He's a real charmer," Tiff added in and I smiled at her.
The day Tiff came in, Will popped in to give me lunch and the two met. Of course, Will and his charm made an impression on her as well.
"He couldn't make it?" Lucy questioned.
I briefly explained the situation Will was having at the cafe and everyone nodded.
"I can't eat this," Bea whined softly, staring down at the spaghetti on her plate, with a pout and her arms crossed.
I wanted to laugh at her actions. Whilst the rest of us had a different main, Bea was given spaghetti, although right now she was glaring it at it like it was her enemy.
"Here, let me help," I smiled at her.
I began to help her with her food, twirling a few of the strands with a fork and feeding her. I even tried to show her the 'twirling on a spoon' method, which she seemed to like.
As she learned the method from me, a loud voice was then heard.
"Stop!" Liam yelled, his eyes fixated on me.
I was startled, along with everyone else at the table, especially when he smack his hands down onto the hard surface, standing up from his head.
"Just stop, okay?" Liam snapped and I flinched from his unexpected outburst.
"Liam!" Emma yelled at him.
"What is the matter with you, son?" Peter's voice then boomed in the hushed silence of the room.
My eyes stayed on Liam, wondering the hell was going on?
"Suddenly, before anyone else could get a word in, he pushed his chair back and walked out the room.
Okay, seriously. What was that?
Emma placed her hand on my arm and I looked up at her concerned face.
"I'm so sorry, Rena. I don't-...I don't know what just happened," she apologised and I shook my head.
"No. Please don't apologise," I told Emma, since I'm pretty sure we were all on the same boat here, confused as hell.
"Excuse me," Mr Hunter cleared his throat. "I need to have a word with that boy," he said, getting up from his seat, the sound of his chair scraping the floor echoing in the awkward silence.
"If you don't mind..." I stopped him, causing Mr Hunter - and everyone else to look at me - "Could I?"
I had no eagerness to go and put my hand in the lion's mouth, but in this moment, I feel Mr Hunter may only do more damage.
He'd probably yell at Liam from snapping at me, but I don't really think it was me that he was having a go at. Especially not with the way he looked at me.
"Of course," Mr Hunter nodded, sitting back down into his chair. "Feel free to smack him if necessary," he added.
I knew he was serious and nodded. "Sure," I replied.
Just as I got up, I felt a small hand hold onto my finger.
I turned to look at Bea, who had a worried expression on her face, her eyes glassy and lip quivering.
"I'm sorry. I can eat the spaghetti by myself," she said.
For a moment I was confused on why she mentioned that, until I realised that she must've assumed that it was her fault that Liam snapped.
"Oh, honey. It's okay. It's not your fault," I told her, gently holding her cheek. "Do you remember how I said it was okay to be sad sometimes? Your Dad's just feeling a little sad. But he's okay."
She nodded, sniffling slightly. "Okay."
I placed a kiss on top of her head, before turning to Emma. She nodded at me and I smiled, knowing that she would take of Bea.
After leaving the dining room, I had to wander around to find Liam. Stupidly, I didn't ask where he could be or where I could find him.
I don't know why I assumed I could find Liam instantly, as if I could pick up his scent.
After looking through yet another room and coming up empty, I decided I should maybe just go back to the others, to ask where Liam could be.
Just as I was heading back, for some reason my eyes looked towards the garden and I saw a lone figure, sitting on the back porch steps.
Found him.
Opening the doors to the garden, I took one step outside, cautiously.
His back was towards me, I could see his head was bowed down. Just from his posture alone... he looked defeated.
"Liam?" I called out, softly.
"Please, go away. I don't want to talk," he replied, his voice was cracking, rougher than normal, as if he'd be crying. Or at least he wanted to.
I let out a deep sigh. "Well, you're going to have to," I told him, taking another step forward.
"Go away, Serena," he said again, this time more harshly.
He used my proper name, which meant that he was serious. Unfortunately for him, so was I.
I took another step closer to him.
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