《The Fragmented Luna》Someone Is Always Watching


Despite Aunt Tabby's promise that she would be waiting in the entry hallway, when I entered, it was completely empty. I felt the hairs on my arm stand up as I walked down the quiet corridor. The noise of the hardwood floor creaking under my feet reverberated in the emptiness of these halls. A melancholic feeling infiltrated my soul as I walked further inside.

"Why don't we get something to drink", Aunt Tabby said from somewhere nearby. I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound of her meek tone. "Would you like some water, or lemonade or soda", Aunt Tabby asked in a jittery tone. I tried to read Aunt Tabby's expression but her eyes gave nothing away. She shuffled around the table like a wild feline trying to determine her next moves.

"I guess, I'll have some lemonade", I answered cautiously. "But Aunt Tabby why did you have me rush home so soon", I asked her. I wanted to hear whatever bad news she had to tell me as soon as possible.

"I'll just get the lemonade, Rowen", she responded. I noticed that her eyes were blood shot but I couldn't determine the cause. Aunt Tabby never answered my question but left the room to fetch the lemonade.

It felt like an eternity as I sat in the chair waiting for Aunt Tabby to return. I stared at the clock on my phone watching the minutes pass. Ten minutes passed before I began to wonder what could possibly be taking her so long?

It became quite clear the reason for her lengthy trip as she re-entered the room. Aunt Tabby staggered into the room with a pitcher of lemonade in one hand and a couple of plastic cups in the other hand. She was unsteady as she tried to balance the items in her hand. I rushed over because it looked like she was about to tumble over. I spread the plastic cups across the dining room table with one cup for each of us. I watched Aunt Tabby fumble with the pitcher of lemonade as she placed it on the table with shaky hands.

"Did you want a snack", Aunt Tabby said after she finished putting everything together. She paced around the room unable to settle down into a specific spot waiting for my answer. I felt vexed by the lack of information Aunt Tabby provided.


"No thanks, Aunt Tabby", I said to her politely. "Can you tell me whats wrong. Why did you have me rush home so quickly", I asked her honestly. I kept my mood calm as I tried to interpret her facial expressions.

It was when I looked at her face that I noticed on her face were bruises scaling across her cheekbone. Oh god the bruises looked atrocious on her pale skin. She tried to cover them up with makeup but in this light it was clear that something terrible happened.

"No reason. I just wanted to spend time with you tonight", Aunt Tabby said curtly. "Let me pour you that lemonade" she said. I looked aghast as my Aunt Tabby bent over to pour the lemonade. She wore a shawl but as she bent the shawl slipped off her neck. I saw bruises lining her neck as if a hand were around her throat at some point. The severity of her injuries haunted my soul. Aunt Tabby realized her neck was visible to me. She pulled herself upright so that the shawl tightened around her neck once again.

"You can tell me if something is going on", I said worriedly. "Is something going on that you haven't told me", I asked her nervously. I felt parched so I took a sip of the lemonade in the plastic cup before me. The taste was bitter as the acidic lemonade went down my throat and settled unevenly in my stomach.

"I just had an accident", she stated in a somber expression. "Nothing to worry about. Lets just eat dinner", she said jumpily. She stroked her hand against her bruised cheek bone and neck as if reminding herself of the incident. A sinking feeling entered the pit of my stomach in response. I knew that a horrifying event occurred but I could only use my imagination to picture the event.

"Where did those bruises come from Aunt Tabby", I asked angrily. I didn't like that she thought she couldn't trust me enough to tell me the truth. "I'm not a baby you can tell me the truth", I said assuredly. I was on the edge of my seat in anticipation of an honest response from her. I thought we were closer since everything that happened these past few weeks.


"Samuel. It was Samuel", Aunt Tabby muttered softly. I always knew Samuel was a creep but I never expected him to stoop as low as this to hurt someone else. "I thought he loved me this whole time but he never loved me at all", Aunt Tabby said with tears in her eyes. I didn't want to burst her bubble but I knew Samuel never loved my Aunt Tabby. I rose up from my seat in an attempt to comfort her in her weak state. She offered me that same comfort only a short while ago so she deserved my support now.

"I'm so sorry", I told her as I patted her hair in a gentle caress. "Did you go to the authorities", I perused in a quiet tone. Silence entered the room creating a palpable tension in it's wake. In my opinion this situation warranted the intervention of a higher authority. Samuel was a man with one too many screws loose if he thought he could get away with a crime so serious.

"No, I couldn't", Aunt Tabby said nervously. "I'm too afraid to tell anyone. Besides he said he was leaving town. Just wanted some money", Aunt Tabby stated anxiously. Aunt Tabby looked like she had something else to say but I didn't want to pester her. I gave her the comfort that she needed but in the back of my mind I sensed trouble. These past few days we made such progress I didn't want to ruin it with my beliefs.

"He is going to come back Aunt Tabby. You can't truly believe that he is going away forever", I stated in a definitive tone. If Samuel's threats from previous few days meant anything Aunt Tabby and I were in serious trouble. Aunt Tabby didn't say anything but hung her head so that she stared at the dining room floor.

"I believe him Rowen. He isn't coming back for me. He's finished with me", she said in a haunted tone. I felt the temporary trust that we shared these past days dissolve into nothingness by her behavior. It felt like Aunt Tabby still cared for this asshole despite all the hell that he put her through.

"You still love him, don't you", I asked her in a defeated tone. "Did you even want to break up with him or did you do it because of me", I asked her in a hoarse voice.

"I'm sorry Rowen, I still love him. I don't want to hurt him. We were supposed to be together but...", She stated. I closed myself off from her because I didn't need to hear anymore lies from her.

"But I came along and fucked everything up, Just say it", I screamed loudly. I threw the pitcher of lemonade against the wall in a fit of rage. The glass shards splattered everywhere in fragmented pieces as a trail of liquid soaked into the dining room floor. I felt like those shattered pieces of glass as pieces of me that healed broke all over again.

"Rowen, I think I will go upstairs and get some rest. It's going to be a long day tomorrow. Lots of things are going to change from now on", Aunt Tabby said in a darker tone. I watched her retreat into the background as she left me behind to face the storm of emotions swirling within me.

I picked up the shattered pieces of glass around the empty dining room with a heaviness in my heart. The lemonade was wiped away from the dining room floor but the stain on my heart took its place. I felt my back pocket ping from a text message that read 'I am always watching', from the number unknown. a shiver went down my spine as I felt eyes watching me from a window. I looked outside but nothing was there. I was safe; for now at least.

AN:// Sorry it took me so long to update. everyone had the stomach flu. plus the little baby is very sickly too. If she doesn't get better we have to have her hospitalized for further testing, lots of stuff is on my mind. mostly just glad we are all over this stomach bug and hoping little baby can gain weight again. Comment below if you like my story. Also did I mention, I really really hate the stomach flu//

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