《The Fragmented Luna》Secrets Unravel


I met Valerie at the end of 9th period with the intention of working on my English project with Nixon at her house. I felt uncomfortable by the thought of conversing with Nixon at the moment but we had a project to finish. Valerie flailed her arms dramatically as I walked towards her; she looked like the wacky inflatable arm tube man. She didn't care that Ember, Beth and quite possibly half the school population stared her down. I walked swiftly towards her to get her to stop drawing attention towards us.

"Gurllll", Valerie drawled out. "We have to find Nixon so he can't escape this study group. I'm so pumped that we all get to hang out again", Valerie stated in a bubbly tone. I texted Aunt Tabby earlier letting her know that I would spend the night studying with Valerie. She told me to have a good time but not stay out too late. Aunt Tabby was busy working on some sort of civil court case the next few days so I had the choice to do anything I wanted. Also I didn't like coming home to an empty house anymore.

My phone pinged that I had a new message which was weird since, Aunt Tabby was busy, and I was with the only other person texted me. It was a text from Aunt Tabby that read 'Change of plans. You need to come home immediately'. I knew Aunt Tabby wouldn't be home unless something horrible happened. In a way I felt relieved because I didn't have to face Nixon after the incident.

"Valerie", I said. Valerie turned her head to give me her full attention. "I think we might have to change our plans for another day. My Aunt Tabby told me to come home immediately and I'm not sure if you should come over", I stated solemnly.

"No, I was looking forward to having you come over", Valerie said as she pouted her lips in displeasure by my statement. Valerie clung onto the sleeve of my hoodie as if her life depended on it. "What will I do without you there to make life interesting. Ian and Nixon are so annoying I might die of boredom", she said theatrically.

My phone pinged again with another message from Aunt Tabby that read 'Please get here as soon as possible. I need to know you are safe. See you soon'. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up by the threat within those words. I needed to get home immediately to find out the meaning behind them.


"I'm really sorry I can't come. I wouldn't miss out on our study group but it's serious", I said honestly. My mind raced a mile a minute with the endless scenarios of what waited for me at home. I clenched the backpack hanging over my shoulder tightly as fear crept up on me.

"It's a relief that you won't be there", a deep male voice stated from behind me that was Nixon. I nearly jumped out of my skin from his sudden closeness to my body. I felt my scar burning from the intense blush that crept onto my face. "You know how your parents feel about you going out on school nights", Nixon stated rudely.

"Nixon you are not the boss of me. Besides Rowen needs us to drop her off. The buses already left by now", Valerie stated pointedly. Valerie placed her hands on her hips as she stared Nixon down intensely.

"Fine, I'll drop her off", Nixon huffed out tersely. "I'm just glad that I don't have to see you later", Nixon stated rudely. I felt angered because I treated him in a perfectly acceptable way but he still didn't treat me with respect. For now I ignored him though; I had more important things on my mind than his insensitive attitude.

Nixon drove with Valerie up front while I sat in the back seat lost in thought. No one said a word about the awkward tension that I emitted throughout the drive. The different scenarios played in my mind for my Aunt Tabby's sudden return home. There were no scenarios in my head that had a happy ending in the end. I felt relieved as Nixon pulled into the driveway with ease. I stepped out of the car with heavy footsteps prepared to spend the night worried about my life.

"Hold up Rowen, I'm coming in with you", Valerie stated abruptly as she opened the passenger side door to head into my house. "I want to make sure everything is alright", Valerie continued. I didn't respond but walked up the pathway to the front door.

"I'm not leaving you here Valerie", Nixon stated in an angry tone. "Ian won't be happy if I don't bring you home with me", Nixon stated. Valerie threw her hands in the air but didn't listen to Nixon's request. I didn't respond but walked up the pathway to the front door hoping Valerie would leave.

"Well, I'm not going home. I'm worried about you Rowen", Valerie stated as she held onto my wrist to stop me from going inside. "Did Aunt Tabby write in any of your messages that you couldn't bring friends or did you assume we weren't invited", Valerie asked questioningly.


"Well, she never actually said not to bring anyone", I stated after giving it some thought. Nixon sent a dirty look my way; I guessed he didn't like my answer. "But...", I started to speak. I moved my wrist out of her grip to open the door.

"No buts about it. I'm coming with you", Valerie stated in a determined tone. I knew Valerie enough now to understand that she meant what she said. It was her determination that helped us to grow closer but it was also a trait that could work against certain situations.

"Fine, but if Aunt Tabby yells at me I blame you", I said as I let her inside. I opened the door to go inside not knowing how Aunt Tabby would feel. Valerie followed me inside my house with a very pissed off looking Nixon trailing behind her. There was no turning back from the consequences of their presence now; for better or for worse they were a part of my life. Aunt Tabby stood in the entryway with a stressed expression on her face. As soon as she saw me her facial structure softened into one of relief.

"I'm so glad you're safe. I don't know what I would do if something were to happen to you", Aunt Tabby said as she wrapped her arms tightly around me. Aunt Tabby looked over at Nixon and Valerie she had a confused look on her face. "Thank you for bringing her home. Why don't you come inside Rowen. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask your friends to come back another day", Aunt Tabby said with a dark expression.

"Oh no worries", Nixon stated. "Valerie and I have to go home anyway. We just wanted to make sure she got home safe ", Nixon finished. I looked over at Nixon like had had two heads because it was so out of character to see him being respectful towards authority. I always saw Nixon yelling at teachers or making jabs at his classmates in school. It was hard to imagine Nixon being a polite young man to any person ever.

"Alright, no worries. It's a school night after all", Aunt Tabby said. "Rowen, I'll give you a moment to say goodnight to your friends. I'll be right here so don't make it too long", Aunt Tabby told me. Aunt Tabby stepped out of the room to give the three of us space.

"Rowen, is there something wrong with your Aunt. She seems on edge", Valerie asked me. I looked over to see Valerie with a deep expression marring her feature. It looked like she had something she wanted to say to me but she stayed quiet as a mouse. "I hope everything is alright", Valerie finished with a worried expression.

"Honestly, I have no clue", I said worriedly. "I just know that when she's like this it means something very bad has happened. Something very very bad", I finished. I felt very nervous about what was waiting for me behind those doors. Aunt Tabby seemed so out of character I knew something horrible happened.

"I hope everything is alright", Valerie stated. "I'll be waiting for you to text me back immediately to let me know you're OK", Valerie finished. Valerie pulled me in for a hug in an attempt to reassure me that everything was alright.

"I, for one, am glad we can finally go home", Nixon remarked rudely. "I didn't want to come here in the first place", Nixon finished. Valerie slapped him hard across the back of his head in response to his negative attitude. I didn't understand him at all because every time he was around me he acted like a jerk.

"Good night Valerie", I said. I turned to face Nixon with determination in my gaze. "Good night Nixon, thanks for the ride", I said shyly. I opened the door to the house and saw Nixon nodding his head slightly in response.

"Oh, Nixon", Valerie said. "Don't forget about your English assignment with Rowen. Just because she can't hang out today doesn't mean she isn't going to need help with it at a later date", Valerie stated. She was right we needed to get that assignment done but I had other things on my mind.

"Sure, we'll see about that", I heard Nixon say as I closed the door on his face. I turned around to face Aunt Tabby who looked like she had nothing good to say. It turned out I was correct in thinking something had happened. Something had happened, something very very bad.

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