In Serial

The Girl He Used To Know - An UnderCurrent Story

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Author: Type:Female

Pierre Havelock is an author, atleast now he is. 
In truth 3 decades ago Pierre was dragged across space & time only to land on our boring old earth.
So when one of his 'characters', a girl based on someone he once knew in his past life, appears before him - Pierre is less than best pleased.

He is even less happy when said girl decides to make his house her new home!

Now on Royal-Road!

‘The Girl he Used To Know’ began life when I came across a rather silly prompt on a web-novel site I was using; 
"Theme: My 2D waifu is now my real life Valentine's!?"
Well with a title like that I couldn’t help but be interested by the idea of leaving my usual writing niche and trying something a bit more novel.

Tying it loosely back to my main series ‘UnderCurrent’, ‘GUK’ was born as a standalone romance novella which you are now holding, styled with Japanese tropes in mind from a more western perspective.
I hope you will find this to be an interesting and fun read - Designed with the intent of being a somewhat contemplative and ‘cosy’ story - Whatever the case I thank you for picking it up and giving it a once over.
- Momentie

I adapted Draft 2 to audio - I can't voice act, or edit, yet I kinda like it & find it personally the best way to enjoy the story😂 -

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