《The Fragmented Luna》Choices


An:// hey tell me guys what do you think so far?? Its going to be a little slow at first but I'm building up to something extraordinary. Please vote and feel free to leave comments.

I ran away because it was the obvious choice in such a delicate situation. I knew Aunt Tabby was a lawyer but at the moment she didn't seem like a choice. She was too busy snuggling up with Samuel who was the biggest pig in all of humanity. She would probably leave me to the sharks as punishments because I punched Ember Price in the face. I fanned my blushing face as panic set in that I actually punched Ember in the face. I calmed my breath thinking of the logical excuses I could give for my behavior. Sure she talked about the touchy subject of my parents but that was not a real excuse for punching her. I wondered the hell that I might face from my actions.

I was alone in the hallway clasping the wall for support in order to catch my breath. I felt safe enough to believe that I could leave school unnoticed. 'Clap, Clap, Clap'. I turned around to see Nixon Barros clapping with a stoic expression on his face. If he had something to say I wished he would just spit it out right this minute.

"Never pegged you for a raging lunatic", Nixon stated sarcastically. The usually unapproachable Nixon had the slightest grin on his face. This version of him was much scarier than the cold stoic version. His cool mask slipped back into place.

"Shut up. Just shut up", I yelled towards him. Oh lord, I really lost my marbles now. No one talked to Nixon like that without consequences, I thought. I examined Nixon who looked unfazed as he leaned back against the locker watching me. He didn't seem to be affected by my rude behavior.

"Bitch had it coming for a long time now", he stated as he pushed off the locker violently. I tensed as whatever bit of happiness that was in his eyes moments ago disappeared. I didn't have the time to contemplate his mood swings. At this moment he was the least of the worries I had to face. I stepped away from conversation to pace the halls once more.


"I'm so screwed, there goes my perfect record", I began mumbling as I walked in circles. "I'm missing class and we haven't even started our assignments together. What if she press charges? What if they arrest me", I asked hysteria bubbling over in my tone. I wasn't really talking to anyone but rather to myself out loud.

"At least you're not a murderer", Nixon stated quietly. My eyes focused on him as he ruffled his hand through his jet black hair. I wondered if the rumors about Nixon were true after all.

"Is it true what they say about you", I asked him inquisitively without thinking. Despite the fact that my future hung in the balance, I couldn't seem to reign in my curiosity. It was like I wanted to pick a bone with him.

There was something about Nixon that both made me attracted and terrified of his presence. Nixon's features were appealing enough with his jet black hair, his lightly tanned skin, and his bright blue eyes. He towered over others at around six feet tall with roughly two hundred pounds of solid muscle mass.

"What do you think Rowen", he said as he stepped closer. I was pea sized compared to him with my 5'3 frame and my puny one hundred. It made his closeness all the more intimidating. My reaction was to cower in fear from his gaze.

"Forget it", Nixon stated "You're no better than the rest of them", he stated in an icy tone. A look of hurt crossed over his eyes, or maybe it was my imagination. He pushed his shoulder blade into mine forcefully and walked away. 'What the hell did I ever do to him?', I thought to myself.

I didn't dwell on it for long because I had to make a decision. I paced the hallways before deciding to turn myself in. I walked down the hallway to third period with my head hung low.

When I arrived back in the classroom the teacher was trying to calm the students down. The moment I arrived though, whatever authority the teacher thought she had over the students disappeared. All eyes focused on me as I made the walk of shame. I felt my scar burn under the penetrating gaze of my peers.


"Rowen glad you came back. Wait one moment right up front. I'll get one of the security guards to take you to the principals office", the teacher said. I sat in the front seat awaiting my fate. I listened to my classmates whispering in hushed voices about my 'psychotic break'.

Out of nowhere, a waded up piece of paper landed on the desk. It came from the desk to my right. I opened the wad of paper it read 'hope your hand is okay'. I turned to see the owner of the paper with surprise. It was one of the quietest girls in the class Valerie Smith. I remembered that Valerie also faced Ember's bullying in school.

I always thought she was a little eccentric but I didn't really know much her. If I thought about it, I didn't really know any of my classmates. Everyone was afraid to stand up against Ember and her squad of empty headed sluts.

'My hand is good. But her face might not be' I wrote back. I tossed the paper back onto her desk. I watched her surprised expression as she opened the paper back up. She snorted quite loudly in response. The teacher looked over with contempt went back to dialing the security desk on the classroom phone. Valerie sat silently for a few moments to turn attention away from herself.

Valerie scribbled a quick note, tossed it back to me, and waited for me to open it. I unfolded the paper as quietly as possible.

'Its OK she will just get another nose job, but it won't change how ugly she is on the inside' the note read. Valerie and I both looked at each other; we broke out into uncontrollable laughter.

I almost forgot I was in a tremendous amount of trouble. Except that the teacher, who was no longer on the phone, stared at us with a angry expression

"Valerie, Rowen, am I interrupting something", the teacher stated with her hands on her hips. Valerie and I straightened in our seats uncomfortably.

"No, Mrs. Grendyl", Valerie stated in a hushed tone. It was nice to finally put a name to the face of this snobbish teacher. Mrs. Grendyl looked over at the note I held in my hands. She reached my desk, grabbed the note from my hands, and scanned the note briefly. I watched Valerie flinch in her seat with a worried expression. Mrs. Grendyl looked between the two of us with a knowing expression.

"Valerie you will be joining Rowen. Hallway now for the both of you", she stated. Mrs. Grendyl left the door open but returned inside the classroom, that way she could keep an eye on us. She turned her attention back to the riled up classroom.

"Anyone else want to go to the principals office", Mrs. Grendyl asked in a loud voice. The classroom quieted down immediately after that. She started her teaching lecture on Marine Life as if nothing happened.

Finally, the security guards came to take us to the principals office. I walked next to Valerie through the halls in silence. What would Ann tell me to do in this situation? She was like a lifeline I asked when I had trouble. I looked over at Valerie who looked worse for wear. We arrived; the security guards opened the door to the main office.

"Take a seat girls", the taller security guard said. We both sat in seats across from each other. I looked at Valerie and noticed her visibly shaking in her seat.

The principal stepped out of his office with confident strides. He had a jumbo belly, a balding head, and suspenders on over a sweater vest. He couldn't look more old school if he tried. It was strange to picture this dough faced fat man as an authority figure. Another figure stepped out beside him that I wasn't expecting. It was Aunt Tabby, and boy she looked indignant. 'Shit, how did she get here so fast', I thought to myself.

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