《The Fragmented Luna》Friends


"Can I have a moment alone with my niece and her friend", Aunt Tabby asked Principal Sanders. Principal Sanders mulled over his answer for a few minutes. Principal Sanders exchanged a look with my Aunt Tabby then looked towards Valerie and me.

"Fine Tabby, but only a moment", he stated curtly. It was not surprising that Principal Sanders allowed my Aunt to walk all over him. Aunt Tabby was close friends with some very powerful authority figures on top of being a lawyer.

Valerie looked at me with an amazed expression in her eyes. Valerie and I walked in the room behind my Aunt Tabby's menacing form. We sat down in the seats across from Principal Sanders chair. I waited with baited breath for my Aunt Tabby to start screaming her face off.

"What the hell were you thinking", Aunt Tabby hissed softly. I sat silently under the intimidating gaze of my Aunt Tabby in the principals office. I guess she wanted to portray silent but deadly this time.

"She called her mother a whore", Valerie said in my defense. It felt nice having someone defend my behavior. Even if did something wrong no one ever gave me the benefit of the doubt. Aunt Tabby looked cross at Valerie for interrupting the lecture she was about to start.

"And what's your name", Aunt Tabby asked politely. A look of concern was now on my Aunt Tabby's face. My mother was a hard subject to bring up in front of Aunt Tabby.

"I'm Valerie. I saw the whole thing", Valerie stated matter o'factly. I smiled at Valerie thankful to have her in this room with me. She seemed to have put my Aunt Tabby in a good mood.

"Are you willing to go on record if charges are pressed against her", my Aunt Tabby questioned skeptically. I felt bad that as my Aunt cross examined poor Valerie. "Are you willing to say anything necessary to get Rowen out of trouble", Aunt Tabby asked. It was a trick question that was meant to check if Valerie might lie for me.

"No, I'm sorry", Valerie started. "I won't lie. I was raised to only tell the truth", Valerie continued. Aunt Tabby folded her hands together and sat back in the principal's chair. She seemed satisfied with the answer Valerie gave her.

"Alright then", Aunt Tabby said. "Girls let me take care of this. You just sit quietly and hang tight", Aunt Tabby asserted. If Aunt Tabby said she would take care of a situation she meant it.


"Times up", Principal Sanders said. Principal Sanders sauntered into the room with his chest puffed out. He tried to look like he was in charge. He sat in his chair, placed a hand on a folder, and started to look at his papers. He turned each page meticulously as he tried to look important. Suddenly Principal Sanders stopped thumbing through his papers to settle on a single page.

"We have to wait before we proceed for Ember's father to arrive. Why don't you take a seat", Principal Sanders stated. Principal Sanders gestured for Aunt Tabby to sit in a nearby chair with a determined expression on his face.

"Do we know when he will arrive", Aunt Tabby asked. Aunt Tabby stayed in an upright position as if to show her authority. I noticed it getting hotter in the room. The air conditioner was not on; it made the room stuffy.

"No we don't. He wont be here for awhile. In the meantime if the girls want to confess what they did wrong we can settle the manner quickly", Principal Sanders said. Principal Sanders who overdressed for an office without central air started to sweat profusely.

"No Mr. Sanders", Aunt Tabby said sweetly. "The girls will not be confessing to anything", Aunt Tabby stated sternly. Principal Sanders fidgeted in his seat as Aunt Tabby sent a killer stare in his direction. He moved his fingers up to his collar to loosen the sweater vest.

"OK, I just need details about what happened", Principal Sanders stated. A few drops of sweat dropped onto his sweater vest as he spoke.

"Alright girls tell him everything but one at a time though. We want to give him honest answers" Aunt Tabby said. Principal Sanders agreed. I'm pretty sure Principal Sanders did it so her could get everyone out quickly. I didn't blame him for rushing; It was hot in his tiny office.

Only an hour later Principal Sanders was leading all three of us out of the office without any real punishments. All we had to do was a month of community service work around the school. I don't know how Aunt Tabby did it but she was my hero.

"I think you've had enough fun for the day", Aunt Tabby said to me. "Say goodbye to your friend and we will meet Samuel at home", Aunt Tabby said.

At the mere mention of Samuel's name I felt my mood turn dark. Aunt Tabby was such a great person compared to her slimy boyfriend. Today she stood up for me but tonight who knew how she would treat me. She protected me here but she left me open to Samuel's perverse behavior. I didn't really understand her. I turned to Valerie who looked at me curiously.


"Valerie ", I said. "Thanks for today", I told her in an honest tone.

"I know we aren't really friends but if you ever need someone to talk you can call me on my cellphone", Valerie said in concern. "Actually here. Put your number in my phone and I'll put mine in yours", she said. I exchanged phones with her and put my number in. That's two numbers I never expected to have gotten in my life. I walked quietly out to Aunt Tabby's car.

It was a relatively quiet car ride but I felt Aunt Tabby brooding in the seat next to me. She didn't say a single word to me the entire car ride. After 15 minutes of silent brooding we arrived at home. I wanted to get to my paint or do something to focus my energy. I readied myself to make a hasty exit.

"Not so fast", Aunt Tabby said. "You're not allowed to paint for the next few nights as punishment. And you will never humiliate me like that ever again", she stated. I nodded my head silently in response.

"Can I go inside now. I'm tired", I said to her pleadingly. I wanted nothing more than to go in my bedroom and hide for the rest of the night.

"Fine. Oh and Rowen. I'm sorry about what she said", Aunt Tabby said in a soft voice. I looked into her eyes which misted over slightly. She patted my head awkwardly as a show of comfort.

I ran into the house feeling strange about her tender touch. It was so out of character from her usual stoic self. It reminded me of happier times before the tragedy that took the lives of my parents.

I sat down at my computer desk to start the group assignment for English class. As I started to write a few sentences for the group assignment I head a buzzing noise. It was my phone. It never buzzed though. I looked at the message.

"Hey Rowen. Its Valerie. Let me know if you got this message", it read. Perhaps life might be easier with friends.

I stepped out of my bedroom pondering my response. I needed to change out of these sticky clothes. Yuck, my clothes felt like they were an attachment of my body. It felt like every piece of my clothing was syrupy. I took my clothes off quickly as to keep the gooey substance off my skin. I stepped into the shower, let the warm water spray over my body, and let it wash away the day.

It was nice to lather my body wash over my pale skin. Afterwards I stood in front of the mirror examining myself. I didn't find myself very pretty; my red hair stood out, my pale complexion made me look haggard, and my face was freckled. I loved my eyes though. I had my mothers hazel eyes that changed depending on the light. I looked at my purple scar across my face with disdain.

It wasn't the only scar. My stomach had a scar which no one ever explained to me. I traced my hand over the ragged line across my stomach. It was definitely a stab wound but I didn't dare look at it for too long. It made me think of those trees at night that I kept drawing. I didn't like to think about those trees because they left a sour taste in my mouth.

I wrapped the towel tightly around my petite frame and returned to my room. I deserved to move on from the past that caused these scars. I grabbed my phone from its charging place on my nightstand. I took a chance and typed back 'Hey Valerie. I got your message. I think I might need that friend. You should stop by sometime'. I hit send without hesitation.

A short beep later a message came through. 'Sure what's your address. I'll stop by sometime'. My heart caught in my throat at the idea of having a comrade in arms. I texted her back my address and relaxed into the comfort of my pillow as sleep pulled me in, not realizing sending that message would alter the course of my life forever.

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