《The Fragmented Luna》Breaking Point


The impending doom of my unknown future left me unsettled this morning. It was only hours ago that my Aunt Tabby and Samuel announced their engagement but I already felt uneasy. I tossed and turned in the night horrified that someone as disgusting as him was closer to being a permanent fixture in my life.

When I went downstairs to get a glass of water I tiptoed cautiously. I didn't want to wake Aunt Tabby who was up late into the night drinking. I was at the bottom step; the floor creaked ever so slightly. I knew no one could hear such a small noise but paranoia still entered my mind. I walked into the empty kitchen, opened the cabinet, and grabbed a coffee mug. I made green tea this morning. I remembered Ann's idea that green tea helped her attain tranquility in her life.

I sat at the table sipping my green tea and waited for peace to come; it did not. I didn't finish my green tea because it was too bitter. I placed the remainder of the tea on the counter. I looked out the kitchen sink window trying to admire the beauty in life. I noticed vibrant flowers sprouting from the ground of the neighbors garden. I watched a bird playing in the bird pond on the front lawn. The red bird dipped its head into the water without a care in the world.

Suddenly, the flowers darkened as a shadow appeared in the window behind me. I could feel the shadows' hot breath fanning across my neck. My stomach churned as an arm reached over my shoulder to grab something from my side. The arm grabbed the unfinished coffee mug that held the left over green tea inside. I turned around and saw Samuel with an amused expression in his eyes. I watched in horror as he stroked the handle of the coffee mug tenderly.


"I can't help but notice that you didn't finish your drink", Samuel stated. He stared into my eyes and brought the cup up to his grimy lips. He ran his tongue along the rim of the coffee mug appreciatively; he took a sip. When he finished he placed the empty cup on the counter beside me.

"It tastes delicious Rowen", Samuel said as he attempted to move closer. I prayed for some sort of divine intervention to make him disappear. I heard the click clack of heels that signaled my Aunt Tabby's arrival. Samuel moved across the room in a manner of seconds before she arrived.

"Hey sweetie, good morning", Aunt Tabby said as she greeted Samuel. She placed a deep kiss on his lips and turned towards my immobile frame. "Good morning Rowen. Don't you have a bus to catch?", Aunt Tabby questioned as she looked at me with disdain.

"Kids", Samuel muttered to Aunt Tabby. He smirked at me as he wrapped his arm around my Aunt Tabby's waist. I ran out of the room at a high speed as bile rose up my throat. I reached the sink just in time and retched violently. Afterwards, I rose up from the bathroom floor to start my school day.

I didn't pay much attention as I readied myself for school. I threw on a plain t-shirt, my hoodie and a pair of loose fitting jeans. I rushed to the bus stop quickly because I was eager to escape. I was alone like every morning but I felt eyes on me. I wasn't wrong; I noticed my Aunt Tabby's car pulling up to the curb. It was Samuel driving with Aunt Tabby in the passenger seat.

"Rowen, I made you lunch", Samuel stated. He made sure his hand brushed against mine as he handed me the lunch bag. "I'm sure you'll find a way to thank me for the food later", he said. I waited until they were gone before I broke down.


I jumped at the sound of the bus door opening as Felix pulled up to the stop. He had a look of concern on his face as he took in my appearance. I hated letting my emotions show but there were no hiding my tears. I walked onto the bus with trepidation.

"Rowen, do you want to talk about it", Felix asked. I shook my head no in response. I avoided his gaze as I took my usual seat. Surprisingly, no one harassed me on the bus this morning. I was thankful for the quiet. I didn't know how much more turmoil I could handle for one day.

It was relatively quiet in my first few classes, but 'when it rains it pours' as some jerk once said. I arrived early to third period feeling relaxation seep through my veins. I relaxed because Ember and the trail of girls who followed her were not here today. I sat in the dark room with my headphones while I listened to calming music on my phone.

It all happened rather abruptly; my head phones ripped out of my ears, my hoodie became wet with a sticky substance and my patience reached an end. Ember stood with a cocky grin looking satisfied with herself. On a normal day I ignored her harassment by focusing on the positives. She picked the wrong day to initiate a confrontation with me; I was hostile.

"That's what you get for not listening, you freak", Ember stated angrily. I pushed my chair back so hard that it slammed against the wall loudly. The bell rang. The students trickled into the room not hesitating to stare at the scene unfolding before them. I scrunched my hands up into tiny fists.

"Back off", I threatened pleadingly. I started to count in my head like Ann told me to do when I was angry at someone. Ann told me that violence was not the answer in situations like these. I focused on my breathing in an attempt to find sanity. Someone slammed open the door; I looked up and saw Nixon. He placed his feet up lackadaisically on the desk as if to enjoy the event.

"No. I won't. Do you know what I think?", Ember asked. "Only a whore of a mother could give birth to an abomination like you", Ember finished in a sing song voice. I knew she was only trying to show off in front of Nixon but she picked the wrong day.

"I told you to back off", I stated as I lost my count. The teacher walked into the classroom at the exact moment my fist connected with her face. 'Crunch'. I looked at Ember as blood spewed from her nose onto her pink dress. The entire class was deathly silent as they watched Ember screaming like a banshee. The teacher rushed over to Ember's side with quick strides. Ember lay on the floor clutching her nose that continued to bleed.

"It won't stop bleeding. I'm going to die. Someone call 911", Ember stated dramatically. I was so dead.

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