《Sonic x tails》Healing


Minutes later they were in there drive way"um sonic do we have any medicine inside?"tails said rubbing the area were his voice box was cause of how much it hurt."um I think so"sonic said going in for a kiss but realized it would not help his throat.sonic carried tails inside and laid him on the couch kissing him on the cheek.tails face lit up bright red."c..can you get pain medicine"tails said trying to talk the best he could."sure"sonic said.sonic put the medicine in a med cup and gives it to tails."thanks so..sonic"his voice scratchy.he took the medicine and then slowly fell asleep leaned up against sonic.

Sonic POV

I put some sleeping pills in his medicine because I have a surprise when he wakes up but he can't walk but he can stand and that's all I need for the surprise."goodnight my prince"he sang out to him.sonic picked up tails bridal style and carried his to the basement and set him down leaned against the brick wall and hid behind the box's.1 hour later tails woke up."mmmm uhh were am I" he said noticing his throat is better.sense it was so dark he had to use his sense of smell."sniff I smell the basement sniff and sniff soni..."tails was interrupted by sonic gently but quickly slammed tails into the wall while holding tails hands together above his head so tails could not get away."sonic what the fluff

let my arms go!"the fox scolded at sonic."sorry love but this is part of the surprise"the hedgehog said with a smirk on his face."sonic I am serio...."tails was interrupted by Sonics sweet kiss...again.tails was fine with it at first because he was kissing him gently but he started to get deeper and deepening the kiss a lot more than he should have done tails just sat there with pain in his throat from Sonics kissing but until he finally said "son...sonic..........sto.....stop...it...............................h..hurts"tails said while sonic kissing him interrupting every word tails said.sonic stopped."oh


sorry tails forgot your voice box situation"sonic apologized."I..it's okay"tails said barely talking

Hey guys hope y'all are Liking this sontails story and I will update I am working on the next part and I honestly won't stop making this book until I get bored and want to write another book

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