《Sonic x tails》Terrified


As sonic met at the explosion scene he saw tails flying on the air then crash onto a badnick purposely to crush it."tails be careful!"yelled the hedgehog."yeah yeah what ev.....ever"he said while he dodged a speeding missle going towards his chest."alright sonic wanna do this a little quicker!"tails yelled down to sonic."sure okay tails"he yelled back as he lifted his arms to be picked up by his loves.tails flew up to the top of the robot then let him spindash in tails arms and then.shhhhhhrrrrooooo the speeding spin dashed hedgehog flew from tails arms killing the robot."yay we won again egghead do better next tim...."tails yelled but was interrupted by a sharp piece

of metal impaled him in his chest almost striking his heart."TAILS!!"sonic yelled with a huge lump in his throat as tears fell down his cheek.

2 weeks later tails woke up from his comma."we...were Am I"tails said very quiet not able to speak up.a grey wolf peared over tails."who are you"he said again not able to speak well."i am a nurse your in the hospital you went in a comma when you fell and was impaled by a piece of metal"she said softly.a nock comes from the door."oh visitors?" She asked him if she could let them in.tails nodded because of the extreme pain In his throat.sonic zoomed in collapsing on tails hospital bed then crawls on top of him begging for him to be okay.tails blushes as he noticed his position he was in on tails how his friends laughed

at them."well um good morning" he says climbing off him."sonic...how long have I been here"the fox said trying as hard as he could to speak up."um....2 weeks" the hedgehog unsure this would make tails feel better.


"Two we..."the fox tried to yell but the nurse stopped him."hey your gonna damage your voice box even more so no yelling"the nurse scolded."m..my voice box"the fox said trying to sit up but had to much pain in his chest were he was impaled."what does my chest have to do with my voice box?"the kitsune asked confused."well the metal impaled your chest and a different piece of metal flew at you and hit your voice box"sonic said with a lump in his throat."well I need to get out of here"the fox said thinking he knew what he was doing.the hedgehog slowly and gently pushed tails back down."you can't walk tails"sonic told him."so who is caring him home"the nurse asked."um I guess I can"sonic said trying not to give hints him and tails were together.he slowly picked tails up bridal style and ran home as tails blushed the whole way home.

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