《Sonic x tails》A very jelious amy


5 minutes later They heard the doorbell ring and tails glanced at the door way with a annoyed look knowing who it was."I will get that" tails said with a sigh."awwww but we were just getting deep into it"sonic said with a wine."well that's when I would have stopped because of my throat"he said stiffly."okay then"sonic said with a sigh.i got to the door and Amy pounced on me thinking I was sonic."sonik..."she said noticeing it was me tails."oh hi tails sorry that you were sonikku"she said embarrassed."it's okay"I said.

Sonic POV

I came running up the stairs seeing amy on top of tails and I got super over protective.i dragged tails from underneath her gently."TAILS WHAT THE HELL"I scolded at tails."s..sorry"I said generously."why the fuck do you care"Amy said stiffly."I.....uhhh....no reason"I quickly said.then she pounced on as I glanced at tails crossing his arms in jeliousy.i laughed. at the sight.i slid from under Amy and went over and started tickling my kitsune."come here you"I said as I started to pin him on the floor like Amy did to me.and I started tickling tails."ahahahaha st...stop sonic ahaha wh...what did I d..d..do ahahaha"tails said in between laughs."say the magic word"I said with a smirk on my face not noticing Amy pulled her hammer out because she got jelious that I was hanging out with tails,I did not even notice she was still in the house I thought she leafed."PLE.....PLEAS....PLEASE!!!"tails yelled at the top of his lungs not able to control his yelling.i shook my head "that's not the one I want though"I said with a smirk.he started to puppy eye so I closed my eyes."I DO....DONT KNO...KNOW ANT OTH....OTHER ONES!!!!"he yelled louder than the last time he yelled."I OK.,,OKAY I MIGH...MIGHT KNO..KNOW!!"he yelled."so what is it as I opened my eyes to his cute puppy eyes."I LOV...LOVE YO..YOU!!"he yelled cutely so I stopped cause that was the magic word I was looking for."are you happ...."he tried to say are you happy but was interrupting by Amy's hammer hitting him hard in the head."TAILS!!"I yelled as he was thrown by the hammer against the wall."GRR AMY!!" I yelled as I slapped her and scolded her."S..sonic"I heard tails say in a soft quiet voice."tails are you okay"I said while picking him up bridal style as he blacked out in my arms "I don't thin..."he tried to say I don't think so but quickly blacked out.then Amy kit me blowing me off my feet then she ran out of the house i that hit broke my toe but I was not worried about it I was worried about tails.


Hope you like this and I will be updating very often so tell me what you think of my story so far

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