《Sontails: Truth Of The Heart》Sick Kitsune


Tails' POV


I slowly sat up and gently shook my head. My eyes could barely stay open as I looked around in mine and Sonic's room. I slowly looked at the alarmclock on the desk next to the bed and it read: 7:30 am. "*sigh*

I have been waking up three times during the night and now I am wide awake. It must have been what we did last night...

I felt my cheeks turn red as I think about last night. I sigh in happiness and look at Sonic, my lover~

I gave him a loving kiss on his lips and brushed my fingers through his long dark blue quills, but they weren't the same, they felt sticky and a little wet. Probably from last night.. We did get pretty sweaty during it.

We both needed a shower... But it didn't seem like Sonic wanted to, because he reached his strong arms out and hugged me close to his chest. "You're not going anywhere, are you?" I heard Sonic say and even if I couldn't see his face, I know he smirked.

"I were thinking of taking a shower. We're both gor a pretty sticky fur" Sonic gave me a light kiss on my forehead and sat up with me on his lap, looking in my eyes and smiled warmly. "Why not a bath?" I chuckled and kissed his cheek, typical Sonic. He doesn't agree with me.

I sat slowly up and felt a hint of pain, everywhere actually... but my head and belly were worse. 'Maybe I should drink some water...'

Sonic turned on the hot water for the bathtub and I drank some cold water from the tap. When the bathtub got filled, we both got in and Sonic let me lean my head on his chest.

He gently rubbed my head in with shampoo and did the same with his quills afterwards.

We quickly got done with all the soap, now he was just stroking my wet namesakes while I relaxed my head on his chest.

I always enjoyed his company and I purred of enjoyment. My tails started to wag a bit and I heard him chuckle lightly. I smiled and suddenly began to feel a little- "Ah-Ah- Achoo!!" I sneezed...

Sonic only laughed and kissed me quickly on my lips. "My little Tailsy feels sick?~" I blushed pink when he called me that, I always blush when he calls me nicknames.

After the bath we got dressed and Sonic went out on a run to smooth his fur, while I just stayed here to work in my workshop. Man, I haven't really been in my workshop for a while.


I also noticed that the Tornado were a little broken. Ok, it is broken...

So, I started to take a look on it. "Hm..." and I wrote down on a note what needed to be fixed.

But everytime I started to think or try and find a solution, my head just felt heavy like a rock and just refused to think. I also had a hard time to see correctly and my throat felt thick and unconfortable. 'Am I sick?'

An hour later I heard running footsteps and a door open and lock. 'Sonic must be back' I smiled and sneezed a few times. He came running in my workshop and hugged me from behind. "Hi Cutie~" and kissed my neck lightly while I let out a giggle, but now I just felt weak. 'Jeez, Thanks body...'

I suddenly just gave up and leaned against Sonic. He grabbed me and had a worried expression on his face, but he lifted me off the ground and layed me down on the dark-green couch in the living room.

Sonic removed the glove from his right hand and heldt it on my forehead. It wasn't cold, but not too warm either. "Hm.. Seems like you are sick..." He didn't have a disapointing look, but a caring one. "Don't worry~ I'll take care of ya"

Sonic's POV

I cooked some chillidogs for breakfast. Even though it was 2 pm. Neither of us have eaten. I also peeked to the living room where Tails layed on the couch. He had one of his hands on an ice bag I gave him to cool down and had his eyes closed.

He didn't look good at all. His fur was turning lighter, the sweating increased and his breathing was heavy and unsteady. 'Jeez. He is sick...'

I finished and put on some chillidogs on his plate and put it on the table next to him. He opened his eyes slowly and just looked at the plate, but he just pushed it away from him. "Not hungry..." 'liar...'

I sat next to him and stroked his ears. They were so soft and funny to play with. I looked at him worried. "Hey, buddy? You should eat, it's not good for ya if you haven't eaten" No answer. I held a hand on his belly and felt a deep growling. 'He is hungry...' I knew that Tails wasn't feeling good, maybe he have lost his appetite.

I quickly ran to the kitchen to get a cold glass of water and brought it to him. "Here. You should at least drink some water" He sat up slowly and gulped down the water. He was finished in no time and it looked like he was thirsty. I asked if he wanted more, but Tails just shook his head slowly.


He faced away from me, like he didn't wanted to talk at all. 'Man, he isn't himself...' I lowered my ears and let him sleep a bit. Sometimes, he just needed some space and I respected that.

I decided to go to his workshop to see if he had invented anything new. I looked through his blueprints and saw a lot of lines and circles here and there, stuff I don't really understand. But they all had a title. Titles like: Pet-project, Digital weapon and plane fixes. That was a note by the way. When i looked through the notes i saw that many things needed to be fixed or replaced. "Looks like the good ol' Tornado is getting a little old..."

When i turned around I noticed a book in one of his drawers. I took it out and read the title: "Memory book?" I looked through it and saw many pictures of me and Tails together as kids. "Awh, man. Memories..." Then I remembered something, why not give my love some joy?

I took the book with me and walked to my sick kitsune. "Tailsy?" He only answered with a groan. Jeez, he is in a bad mood. I sat down beside him and stroked his head lightly. "What do you want Sonic?" His tone weren't annoyed, but it wasn't welcoming either. I slowly moved down to his cheek and kissed it. "mm.. ok ok, I am listening" Tails slowly sat up and had a little smile on his face. "That's better~" Now he had a light blush on his cheeks while looking down a bit embarressed.

"So, What is it?" I heldt him around his shoulder while i gave him the memory book. "Maybe some time for a memory rush?" He giggled a little when he saw the book and looked at me. "Are you sure it's a good idea that you are so close to me? You might get sick too..." I looked at him confused. "Me? Sick? Ha! never" I squeezed him playfully and he just smiled.

We were sitting there, curled up with a blanket and in each others warmth. I have gotten up to give him a warm chillidog and he gained his appetite back when he noticed how hungry he was. Slowly but surely, he ate up his food. We looked at memories of us together, laughed, blushed of embarressment and smiled of every picture there was.

"Hey! Remember this park? You always wanted to play in this ballpit that was there" I pointed at a picture where Tails were drowining in colorful balls in a ballpit. "I were 8 back then. Man, i have grown..." I saw Tails lower his ears and I just smiled. "Yeah, you have grown. A lot, but your beautiful and always have been~" I kissed his forehead and i felt his smile grow. "Thanks Sonic~ You have always been there for me, through thick and thin"

"And you have done the exact same, lil bro~" I saw him smile more than ever right now. "Sometimes Sonic... I wish we could travel back in time..." I sighed and petted his head. "We can't go back, no matter what we do. But we can make new memories and remember them. Just like these" I pointed at the pictures. "That's why we have to enjoy every single moment of our life, because some moments happen just once"

I think my words calmed Tails, because he smiled and kissed me on my lips and looked at me. "Thank you again, Sonikku~" My heart skipped a beat at that name. I have gotten used to that he calls me that and I begin to like it. I hugged him close and looked at him. "Hey... You look better already!" His eyes weren't tired, his fur has gotten the orange-yellow color back and he looked more happy than grumpy. Tails still had his fever, but aside that he looked pretty fine.

"You should get some rest~" I slowly got out, but his hand heldt mine. "Can... You sleep with me?" He looked so cute with thise begging blue orbes. "Awh, ok ok. You are too cute for this~" I carried him up to our bedroom and put him on our bed. I cuddled close to him and smiled brightly. "Sleep well my kitsune~" I heard his soft giggles. "I am 14 Sonic" My hand petted his back and I kissed his forehead for the, Chaos knows time, today.

"You're still my kitsune~" We both fell asleep in each others warmth. I could tell that Tails was feeling better already. In my dream we were running through Emerald Hill Zone.

Hmm... I have a plan for tomorrow, if Tails feel better'

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