《Sontails: Truth Of The Heart》Colorful laugher


Sonic's POV

I woke up with a groan. The sun shone in my face from the open window and the birds sang their morning melody from the trees.

I slowly sat up from the cozy bed and the fluffy fox fur of my love and yawned. I looked over at my sleeping kitsune and heldt a hand over his forehead. He had a normal temperature, which means he felt better already. 'Great! Now I can finish my little plan'

I slowly slid out of the bed and walked out of the bedroom. When I got downstairs, I made chillidogs for us and took out a picture from our memory book out. I made my way upstairs to our room with two plates of chillidogs for me and Tails.

When I walked in he was already awake and he looked around confusedly. "Morning sweetheart~" I said as I made my way to our bed. His cheeks turned red with a smile.

"Morning~ Did you make breakfast?" I nodded as a response and sat down in the bed again and cuddled him close. While I looked at Tails eating, I picked up a few things and stuffed them in a backpack.

Tails looked at me with confusion. "Are you going somewhere?" He asked with his mouth full of food. I looked back with a smile and threw the bag over my shoulder. "Nope. WE are going somewhere"

Tails looked at me surprisedly. "Are we?" He tilted his head as he finished eating. I just let out a gentle laugh and looked at him. "Just get dressed" along with a wink.


Tails' POV

I tried to see where we were going by recognizing our surroundings, but so far I couldn't see anything than a big blur of green and brown. "Sonic, where are we going?" I said loudly so he could hear me through the wind that zoomed through our ears. "Told ya. Secret." 'Easy and simple as always...'


He stopped outside an old bulding that gave me shivers down my spine. The bulding were huge and had plants and vines all over the walls. The painting were old and have gone off, the doors had locks and chains on them. "Sonic... We are going in there..." He saw my expression and put me down softly from his strong arms. They reached around me again from behind and he squeezed me gently so I could feel his warmth. "Tails, don't you recognize this place?" 'Am I supposed to remember this place?' Now I felt unconfortable, if this is a memory...

Sonic pushed me gently towards the locked doors and looked at them. "Hm..." 'Were he gonna break them?' Then he looked at me and smiled. "After you~" I smirked at him and then at the door. I spinned around once and broke the locks with my namesakes. The doors opened with a crack and we looked at each other unsecurely.

He took a hold of my hand and walked inside with me hanging after.

It was really dark and I had to use my selfmade, high-tec clock to light up the way for us. It was empty and our feet made echoes around the halls. This looked like to be somewhere many people used to go to before, a waterpark maybe? We walked over to two more big doors and Sonic opened them. As he did so a spider hang in front of my face and I backed away as quickly as possible with a surprised scream. I landed on the ground with a thud and looked with wide eyes. Sonic easily stepped on it and looked at me surprised. "Are you scared of spiders Tails?" I didn't want to answer that, so I just walked through the door with an annoyed look.


Sonic just shrugged it off and walked in too with me. When I looked around, I noticed no, remembered this place. "Sonic...?" I looked at him and he smiled warmly. This were the ball pit paradise, as I called it when I were four. The big ball pits, slides and the trampolines were still here. The bulding were still here! Memories flowed in my brain like a waterfall. When I always whined and dragged Sonic with me to only play here.

My entire body froze, somehow I just wanted to run and jump and play again. But I am 14 for Chaos' sake! I am too old for this! I looked at Sonic who walked to me and picked me up in bridal style. Once again, my cheeks heated up. "What do you say? One more time for the memories?"

I couldn't belive his words. HE wanted to play? But my brain were losing the war in my head.

'Screw it!'

I nodded and Sonic, literally, threw me in the ballpit. I let out a surprised scream as I landed in the pit of colorful plastic balls. It was surprisingly soft, but not so much when Sonic jumped on me afterwards. We sunk in the balls and I couldn't see his face because I only saw the plastic balls in my face. I sat up and Sonic were gone. "Sonic?Suddenly i felt a ball hit me in my head and I turned around to see Sonic attacking me with all sorts of colorful plastic balls. "Oh. You wanna fight!?" I said as I ran to him and attacked him with plastic balls as well.

"This means war pal!"

We laughed as we had our own plastic ball fight and running around like kids again. Up and down slides, climbing on the nets over the trampolines and trying to overpower the other. I don't think I haven't had this much fun in forever.

After awhile of running around like idiots, Sonic finally caught me and we both collapsed in the biggest ballpit. Breathing heavy and smiling. Sonic removed the balls from my face and kissed me softly on my lips. My heart pounded faster than it already did and I kissed him back as I heldt his head close to mine. We looked in each others eyes while breathing heavy, even Sonic did. I smiled alot, more than I have done for years.

"Thank you, for everything"

After that I felt my tiredness take over and Sonic's strong arms picked me up. Everything I remembered from that morning was laugher, memories and Sonic's playful attitude.

'Heck, I love him even more now~'

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