《Charisma》~ twenty-eight ~


Ding Dong

The doorbell rang and I went and looked through da peephole.


I rolled my eyes. I thought about what Kendrick said, maybe it will help. So imma try it.

I opened the door and here she was smiling at me.

Dumb bitch

"Hey Aug" She chirped.

"Wazzam" I nodded at her.

"So you ain't gone let me in?" She chuckled.

I fought the urge to cuss her out. "Yeah come on in"

She stepped in and looked around.

"This is nice" She said.


"Why you look so uncomfortable" She turned and looked at me.

"I'm not." I said.

"Where's Charisma?" She asked.

"Why you worried about ha'?"

She raised an eyebrow. "I was just asking."

"Well it's none of yo business, whatchu doin' hea?" I folded my arms. I was tryin my hardest not to beat this bitch ass.

"I was just comin to see how you were doing. I haven't seen you in a long time" She stepped closer, and I took a step back.

"We ain't even coo nomo"

"Well lets be back cool, Aug" She smiled at me.

"Nah I'm straight onnat." I clenched my jaw.

"I know you miss me." She touched my chest.

"No not really" I shrugged her off me.

"Okay have it your way Aug" She smirked.

"Why the fuck you smirking?"

"Cause things are going to get really interesting" She chuckled, and walked around me walking out.

I'm finding Charisma, best believe that

I sat at the barstool in the kitchen and ate my cereal. I glanced at the "guard". He stood by the door with his arms folded.

"So did you chose to work for her, or she forced you to?" I asked.

"That shouldn't be your concern" He said, looking at me.


"I was just asking. You must owe her or something."

"Make my job easier, and stop trying to make conversation" He said.

"Well damn" I muttered and went back to eating my cereal.

After I finished, I just left the bowl right there, and as I stood up, I heard Kayla come in.

"Oh hey" She smiled at me.

"Hey" I responded dryly.

"I paid August a little visit" she smirked.

"What did you do?" I clenched my first.

"Oh you know, just talked to him." She shrugged, going into the kitchen.


"Well aren't you just nosy?" She chuckled. "It's none of your business"

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes. I walked back up the stairs, and paused.

It was my hour to be out my room, and I walked around the house.

I glanced at one of the men who were in the halls, he was on his phone. I opened a door, and there were some stairs.

I looked at him again and he was still on the phone, so I stepped down onto the stair.

When I made it down the stairs, I glanced around he basement, there were a few crates around and some other things.

I saw a door, and I walked over to it.

I pulled on the handle locked

"Dang it" I muttered.

"Hey! What do you think your doing?" The man asked.

"Oh- sorry I was just bored and wandered down here" I turned around.

"Go back upstairs, you have no business being down here" He barked.

I nodded and walked back up the stairs. I walked into the foyer, where I saw Kayla speaking lowly into a phone.

I backed behind the wall and decided to listen.

"I don't have a set plan on what I'm going to do with her, I just need her away from August" She spoke into the phone.


"I'm not going to hurt her unless she stepped out of line, But if August doesn't want to be with me, then he's not gonna be with anybody"

I wrinkled my eyebrows, psychotic ass bitch.

"I think Kendrikk is helping them, because I just noticed that C-". I accidentally bumped the wall and a painting fell.

"Shit!" I hissed and tried picking it up.

"Hold on I'll call back" I heard her say.

I put it back on the wall, as she came around to where I was.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Just walking around" I shrugged.

"How'd you knock the painting off the wall then?" She folded her arms.

"Jeez, you'd think since we were besties, you'd remember I was clumsy" I forced a smile.

"Mhm. You have a few minutes left before you need to return to your room" She said as she walked away.

Okay, this was something I just came up with. A lil small update.

There's going to be a small time

If your still in school, when do y'all go back? I go back in September after labor day (The 3rd)

And thanks for 9k reads! I can't believe y'all actually are reading this 😭


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