《Charisma》~ twenty-seven ~


I opened my eyes, and hopped up. I glanced around the unfamiliar room, it was spacious, and nice, but It didn't have any windows, which was weird.

I rubbed my arm, where I'm guessing they gave me the tranquilizer.

"Looks likely you're awake" Kayla opened the door.

I hopped up out the bed. "Where am I?"

"Somewhere August isn't." She shrugged. "Now I'm laying down some rules. You'll be able to leave this room 4 times a day. You don't need to leave if you have to use the bathroom, there's one in here. You can leave for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You'll have an hour of leisure time. You'll return to this room at night, and so on and so forth. Got it?" She asked.

I stared at her for a minute. I looked at the door.

If I tried to make a run for it... no.

"Yeah I've got it" I nodded.

"And if you try to escape, you'll face the consequences" She said, walking towards the door.

"Kayla, why are you doing this?" I sighed.

"Because I'm going to make August mines again. I thought you knew this" She turned and looked at me.

"We use to be bestfriend's though. And you're really doing all this over a nigga?" I asked.

A look flashed over her face, but it went away before she spoke again.

"A nigga that was mines first. Now try the sympathy card with someone else. Have a good night" She walked out the door. I heard her lock it.

I sighed and fell back on the bed. After laying there for a few minutes, I decided to get up and shower.

I walked into the bathroom, which was nice too.

I opened the linen closet, which held towels and other hygiene products.


I turned the shower on. I sighed when the hot water touched my skin.

After my shower, I dried off and put on lotion. I searched through the drawers, and found a tank top and some shorts.

I turned on the tv that was in there, and Colombiana

was on, I watched that until I eventually drifted off to sleep.

I woke up, and stretched. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was 8 o'clock in the morning.

Damn I must've been sleep good. I smirked when I thought about last night's events.

I reached over for the other side of the bed. I didn't feel Charisma, maybe she was downstairs.

I got up and brushed my teeth and handled my hygiene. After getting dressed, I went downstairs

Still no Charisma.

"Baybeh!" I yelled.

No answer.

I walked into the kitchen, and I saw a note in the counter, next to Charisma's phone.

I scanned the letter, and I was growing more pissed and pissed as I read it.

"The fuck do she mean tryna keep me safe?" I grabbed my phone and called Chris.

"Wazzam?" He picked up the phone.

"Aye Charisma left" I said into the phone.

"Left to do what?" He asked.

"Like she left. She wrote a letter talkin' bout she finna be gone for a while" I half-yelled.

"What the hell? Did you do anything?" I heard him starting to shuffle.

"Nigga I didn't do anything. She said she left to keep me safe. Safe from what doe?" I sighed.

"Maybe Kendrick got somethin' to do wit it. That nigga ain't fly back wit us. You know he was actin' weird. Call his ass" Chris said.

"Ight." I hung up the phone and quickly dialed his number.


"Wassgood?" He picked up the phone.

"Where the fuck is Charisma?" I asked.

"Whatchu talkin' bout? Ain't she wit you?" He asked.

"No nigga, I wouldn't have called" I rolled my eyes.

I heard him sigh. "August she left you?"

"Yeah, wait how you know?" I froze mid pace.

"Don't look for her. Or you might die" He said.

"You starting to piss me off. Whatchu mean I might die?"

"Kayla has her. She's trying to keep Charisma away from you. She's going to try and get you back."

"I'm tired of delusional ass bitches. She was neva' mines and I was neva' hers. But what you got to do with this?"

"I owed her a favor, but now I realize it was a mistake because I put my bestfriend and my homie at risk"

"Maybe you should start thinkin' then. Nigga you putting my girl in this dumbass situation!"

"I'm sorry. But look, maybe if you act like you like her, you'll be able to get Charisma, if you okay your cards right" He said.

"We'll see, I don't even wanna trust yo ass" And I threw down the phone

I'm getting Charisma back.

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