《Charisma》~ five ~


"Wassgood you yellow muhfucka!" Chris boomed comin' in the do'.

"Nigga you can't talk" I chuckled dappin' him up.

"Hey Ro" I tickled her little stomach. She giggled, which instantly put a smile on my face.

"So what's been up with you?" Chris set Royalty down and gave her some toys, which she instantly occupied herself with.

"Not much, just been chillin' and what not" I muttered.

"Aye what's wrong man?" Chris glanced at me with a worried expression.

"Nothin' man, just the same old with my mama" I rolled my eyes. About 2-3 years ago, my mom won the mega millions, so we was set for life. She made sho' each of us had money, including Cha and da' girls.

We lived life comfortably, she did a hell of a job raisin' us, but when Mel died, errythang went downhill.

She started drankin', smokin' weed and just 'bout everythang else. Netia was quick to move out with Travis followin'.

I tried to stay and get her to go to therapy, which she agreed to. She wasn't really goin' though. She just kept gettin' high.

I shoulda known since she agreed so easily. Until one night, We was arguin' and she said some pretty hurtful stuff, blamin' me for my pops death, and sayin' I wun' shit.

She threw a bottle at me and it cut my side, Luckily Cha was comin' though the door and she helped me get to the hospital. I haven't talked to my mom since that day.

Travis reaches out ta me tellin' me mama had been clean for a little over a year. I ain't go lie, dat made me happy. But I didn't want ta go see her.

"Damn man, I'm sorry for askin'." Chris sighed.

"You'all good my nigga" I chuckled.


"Aye man, where Ro at" Chris stood up. I hurried to the kitchen, but I didn't see her. Chris was yellin' her name looking through the house.

We heard someone shuffle doe. the stairs. It was Charisma, holdin' Ro, who had her thumb in her mouth.

"She pushed my door open and crawled inside" Charisma chuckled, tucking Ro's little stomach.

"Ro why you go upstairs" Chris grabbed her, her lip started trembling.

"I'm sorry baby, i'm sorry" Chris cooed. Royalty grabbed his nose and squeezed it.

"Ah shit!" He groaned. Me and Chrarisma laughed a lil' Chris looked at her, like she was crazy, but he jus took Royalty from her.

"Oh hi" Charisma smiled and held out her hand, Chris grabbed it and shook it.

"I'm Chris, you?" He gave her a goofy smile.

"Charisma" She chuckled.

"Nice name" He winked at her.

"Thanks Chris. Aug I'm getting ready to go job searching, I'll see you later" She smiled at me.

"Nice meeting ya!" Chris yelled behind her.

"Likewise!" We watched her walk.

"Damn" Chris licked his lips. Stole the words right out my mouth. Ha thick ass had on some leggings and a stripped shirt with a blue jean jacket and her grey 11s

"Nigga take a pic, it'll last longa'." I playfully pushed Chris.

"Shit, I might, why you got her fine ass in yo house though" Chris asked.

"She was in a situation, so I decided to take her in" I shrugged.

"Where you meet her at."

"Da strip club, Charisma"

"Bruh she named after a strip club" Chris joked.

"Whatchu implyin' I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Nun man" He sat at the counter and bounced Royalty in his knee.

The doorbell rung and I jogged over to it, thinking it was just Charisma who left somethin'.


"Aye my nigga Kendrick!" I dapped him up.

"Wassgood homie, wassgood Chris" Kendrick followed me into the kitchen.

"What's good you black bitch!" Chris laughed.

"Aww nah nigga you racist" Kendrick smacked his neck. Royalty looked at him like he was crazy.

"My bad Ro" He smiled at her. She turned her head and chewed on her finger.

"What y'all niggas been up to?" Kendrick said, sitting at on of the barstools.

"Nun man, jus been taking care of Royalty." Chris shrugged.

"Same man, just been coolin'." I said.

"That's wassup" Kendrick nodded.

"Tell him about that shorty you got staying here" Chris smirked.

"Oh yeah, my friend was in a lah' situation and I decided to help" I said.

"What's her name" Kendrick said.


"Last name?"

"Jackson" I shrugged.

He looked hella surprised for a second.

"Is she like dis tall?" He held his hand up to his chest.

"About." I nodded.

"Lightskin, curly hair, bad little body?" Kendrick named of all her characteristics.

"Yessir" I was growin' confused.

"Damn dat use to be mah' bestie in highschool" Kendrick chuckled.

"Foreal?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yup" He chuckled.

He started filling us in on him and Charisma, by the sounds of it, they was bad as hell; Her, Kayla, and him.

We eventually ordered food, which turned into us watch as basketball game, while Royalty bounced around in her little walker.

Charisma came in about a few minutes later, smiling.

"Hey, Aug"

She froze when she saw Kendrick, and he smiled and got up and hugged her, spinning her around.

"Damn I missed you" She smiled at him.

"Same nugget" He laughed.

She chuckled and they followed eachother into the kitchen. Me and Chris just stayed and finished the game, letting them catch up.

They came in the living room laughing.

"What's funny" Chris nosy ass asked.

"Nun ya business" Kendrick said.

Charisma simply shook her head and plopped down on the couch next to me. Out of habit, I started massaging her legs and she relaxed.

"Y'all just nasty" Kendrick shook his head.

Charisma through a pillow at his head. Royalty and Chris laughed. She instantly got up and picked Royalty up out her Walker and sat down next to me.

She accidentally sat on my hand, and bounced back up.

"My bad" She mumbled.

"It's coo"

"He wanted you to do that on purpose" Chris snickered.

"Shut up glow worm"


Charisma and Aug getting close close *sips tea*

I don't have anything to say. But I should probably work on trying to update Persian Rugs, I'm having writers block right now.

*A bad bitch has left the chat*

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