《Charisma》~ six ~


Just a lil sum sum, What do y'all think of the way the picture of Charisma is, Whenever I switch point of views should I have it like that? Let me know.

"Why wouldn't she tell then" I rolled my eyes . I didn't know Kayla moved to Atlanta, I had to figure it out from Aug.

We had gotten back so close over these past two months I stayed with him. So he was a good friend. I was saving up money to get out of his house. I just needed around 3k more and I would move out.

"Damn Charisma, that was wrong of ha' not to tell you" August shook his head.

"Yeah it was" I sighed. "Oh August guess what?"

"Chicken butt" He muttered.

"Funny" I rolled my eyes. "I got the job" I jumped a little.

"Word? Thats wassup" August smiled at me.

Whew that smile-

"Imma be doing hairrrr, imma be doing hairrrr" I did a little dance.

"So you gone be a beautician, das wassup" he chuckled.

"Maybe you can let me do somethin' to that mane you like to call hair" I pointed to his hair. I don't know what it was doing.

"Play too much" He smacked his lips and walked away.

"Sorryyyy" I ran in front of him.

"Ain't no sorry bihh" He looked at me.

I busted out laughing.

"You really gone try and play my hair" He fake sniffed.

"Poor baby"

"Man shut up pOoR bAyBeh" He mocked.

"Say that again" I said.

"Man no you wierd." He chuckled.

"I like the way you say baby" I shook my head. I went to the kitchen to pull out stuff to make for dinner.

"Aww is da lah' baybeh mad?" He teased.

"Nope, you said it" I grinned, popping the garlic bread in the oven.

"Irritatin'." He muttered. "What'chi cookin'." He stood behind me.

"Spaghetti" I said turning the stove on.


"Dat sound good"

"It will be, grab the noodles for me" I said.

I don't know if he did this on purpose, but he pressed himself against the back of me and reached and got the noodles.

I coughed a little and he handed me the noodles.

"Das all you need?" He asked.

"Y-yessir" I coughed.

"What's wrong?" He sat at the counter.

"Nothing" I said, sitting at the opposite side of him.

"Mhm, wierd" He muttered.

"So how was your day?" I asked. His demeanor changed a little. Which I noticed every time I asked him.

"Don't even say fine, because I know it's not" I held up my hand.

He sighed and was quiet for a minute.

I got up and walked over to him. "What's wrong Auggie-Pooh?" I asked softly.

"It's my momma man" He sighed, looking at me. I saw the hurt in his eyes.

"Oh i'm sorry, You don't have to talk about it if your not ready" I nodded.

"You a real one, you know dat?" He looked at me.

"Eh I'm okay" I brushed my shoulder.

"But whatever is happening, when you feel like taking i'm right here, and don't forget to ask God because he can help you too" I smiled at him, and went to check and see if the water was boiling.

I didn't realize he got up, and when I turned around he was right there.

"Oh shit Aug you-" Before I could finish my sentence, he pressed his lips against mine.

I kissed him back as his tongue poked my lips begging for entrance, I let him, and our tongues danced.

I moaned a little, which I guess egged him on, because he reached behind me and cut the stove and oven off, never breaking the kiss.

He picked me up and set me on the counter, standing between my legs, I felt him press him against her.

I threw my head back as he kissed my neck.


"A-Aug we should s-stop" I moaned out.

He stopped kissing me, and I breathed out.

"Sorry" He muttered before walking upstairs to his room. I heard the door shut and I stood there and touched my lips. I hope August isn't mad.

I decided to just finish up the food, leaving August a plate in the microwave and headed to my room to eat and grab a shower before work.

I knocked on his door and didn't receive an answer, I tried again. He still didn't answer.

[ Hey Aug, I'm heading off to work. See you later I guess - 11:45 p.m ]

[ Read 11:46 p.m]

Okay wierd. I shrugged it off and went downstairs to see Kai pulling up.

"Hey boo" She smiled as I got in the car.

"Hey Kai" I smiled at her.

We made conversation until we arrived at the club where Tiana was waiting for us in her outfit. We all went and did our jobs. Good news is I made quite some money tonight since there was a big party.

"Girl August kissed me" I muttered.

Kai looked over at me. "Dead ass?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but it was weird because I told him we should stop, and he just got quiet and has been ignoring me" I rambled.

"Maybe it was his first kiss" She shrugged.

"Okay but he doesn't have a reason to ignore me" spat. It just didn't make sense.

"Well talk to him Charisma" Kai stressed.

She was right. We pulled up to the house and I went inside only to be confused. I saw suitcases and stuff. Aug was sitting on the stairs smoking a blunt.

"Aug, what's happening? You going somewhere?" I asked.

"Nah but you are" He exhaled.

"You're kicking me out?" I muttered in disbelief.

"Yeah, my driver gone take you to ya new place. I jus' went ahead and bought it for ya" He mumbled.

"But why August" I felt myself grow angry

"I think we spend too much time around eachotha' we need our space" He rolled his eyes.

"Is this because of the kiss?" I asked.

He stared at me for a long time.

"Just go, Charisma" He put the blunt back up to his lips.

"Fuck you August!" I screamed.

He chuckled a little too evil for my liking.

"Fuck me? Get outta here wit dat. I took yo broke ass in! Dis is my house, I could put you out whenever I please"

"You a bitch" I sniffed

"Ya momma" got He simply kept smoking the blunt.

His driver, Emmanuel helped me grab my bags and load it into the car.

I cried all the way there. He really didn't have to say all that. That's why I hate depending on people, they only do it for a period of time. We arrived at the complex.

With the help of E we made about two rounds getting all my things inside. August bought me a bed and couch and a T.V. It was an okay way to start off.

"Thanks Emmanuel" I muttered.

"No problem, Charisma, I'm sorry about August"

"I don't know what I even did."

"August is dealing with his own things right now" Emmanuel sighed. "Have a good night Charisma, if you need anything let me know"

He gave me a hug and left.

I fell down on the couch and sobbed. Fuck August. If he wants space, I'll give him space alright.

What y'all think wrong with August?

Why would he kick her out like that?

What will happen between the two.

I hope you guys are enjoying this so far. I honestly am not a huge fan of it so far, but I want to see where it will go.

Bye loves <3

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