《Charisma》~ four ~



I just stared at her in shock. We both stared at each other until I felt August behind me.

"Aye whats all dis- oh wassup Kayla" He moved me from the front of the door.

Kayla ignored him and hugged me so tight. I hugged her back, tears streaming down my face.

"Where have you been?" She sniffed.

"Oh ya know, a little everywhere" I said.

"Y'all know eachother?" Aug spoke.

"Yessir" I smiled at him. "This is my bestfriend, I knew her since second grade" I smiled.

"Oh damn" Aug said.

"How do y'all know each other?" I asked the two.

Kayla looked at him, and he looked at her.

"Y'all in a relationship or something?"

"Man hell nah" They blurted at the same time.

"Well okay then" I chuckled.

"We mess around from time to time" Kayla admitted.

"Oh" I shrugged, I don't really care, it's none of my business anyway. I followed August and Kayla to Aug's beautiful living room.

I sat next to Kayla in the couch. I gave her a once over, within this past year she got her boobs done, got plastic surgery on her butt and obviously some other things.

She was still beautiful nonetheless. I shouldn't be too concerned on her physical appearance. She was my bestfriend, someone who's been there for me. Plus I knew it when I first saw her. Her thighs don't match.

But I mean, hey it's your body, even if we were only 20. She hugged me again.

"Damn I've missed you" She sighed.

"Me too sis"

"Aye imma let y'all gon' head and catch up, I gotta go make a few runs anyways" Aug said,

"Stay safe" I called after him. I heard the door shut and I gave my attention back to my bestfriend, I haven't seen in a year.


"Well I originally stopped over to get my sunglasses that I left, but looks like I came for something else instead" Kayla smiled, that contagious smile.

"Awww" I hugged her again.

"But Charisma please tell me everything that happened, where did you go? How did you end up here? Have you talked to your mom?"

"Okay" I said, telling her everything that's been happening this past year.


"Well my boyfriend wants to meet up for dinner, so I should get going" Kayla said, standing up.

"Boyfriend?" I was confused, since she said her and August only messed around.

"Yeah, it's complicated, I don't like August, just the dick" She sighed.

"Mhm, well come see me again" I smiled hugging her.

I walked her out the house and went back in to clean up the tissue we had scattered on the couch. We had a whole crying fest for like 2 hours.

I was happy seeing her again. At least a positive part of my past was back. I fiddled with my fingers, before looking around the house. I was bored and decided to explore.

I heard the front door open and I immediately looked, only to see August and a girl who looked to be in her mid 30's

"Wazzam?" He greeted as I followed them in the kitchen.

"Hey Aug" I smiled.

"Dis' my assistant, Giana" He motioned towards the woman.

"Hi Giana, nice to meet you" I held out my hand.

She smiled and returned the handshake. "Likewise"

"Oh these are for you" She pointed to the multiple bags. I looked at some of the stores, seeing Forever 21, Charlotte Russe, Bath and Body Works, the famous orange Nike bag and more.

Checking the sizes and what not. They were all my size, I awed over all the stuff he bought me. To be a man, he has style.


"Auggie-Pooh, you shouldn't have" I teared up.

"You like em" He chuckled.

I sniffed, laughing.

"You are blessing me way too much" I hugged him again. He stiffened, like he usually does, before hugging me back.

"Well G, can you help ya take them ta her room?" He asked. Me and Giana took all the bags upstairs in a single trip. Ain't no two trips bihhh.

August eventually came up and watched us unpack. I smiled to my self. Just to think two days ago I was sleeping in abandoned allies.


After dropping off the pole, I collected my money and went to the back. Kai and Tiana waited in our room.

"Hey girlll" They greeted.

"Heyy" I smiled at them, removing my mask and putting the money in my bag.

"How much y'all make?" Tiana asked.

"five thousand" Kai shrugged.

"four thousand, seven hundred sixty eight" I counted the last of the ones.

"Oh y'all we got rackssss" Kai stuck her tongue out and threw it back.


We changed into our regular outfits and headed home. Tiana was giving me a ride.

"So what made you start stripping?" I asked.

She glanced at me. "Sorry if I'm going too far" I muttered.

"Nah it's good love, I dropped out of college, it wasn't really for me" She shrugged.



"I was homeless. But then this girl Jayla offered me a job" I said.

"Watch our for her ass, she sneaky" Tiana spat. Taken aback by her harshness. I was puzzled.

"She's been nothing but nice to me" I looked at her.

"Maybe she won't try shit with you" Tiana muttered.

I sensed a change in her demeanor, so I left that topic alone. She soon pulled up and I unlocked the door and headed inside. The kitchen light was on and I saw Aug sitting at the table with a blunt, looking through mail.

"Wazzam?" He greeted, taking a long inhale of the blunt.

"Nothing much" I yawned. I walked into the other part of the kitchen. "You mind if I get some of these wings" I looked over at him.

"Ion care" He shrugged his shoulders.

"Bet" I popped them in the microwave. "How was your day?" I asked, playing with the little fake fruit in the basket.

A weird look flashed across his face. "Fine" He muttered. Hmm strange.

Deciding not to push any farther, I grabbed the wings from the microwave and grabbed a bottle of water.

"I'll see you in the morning Aug" I playfully bumped his shoulder.

He smiled and shook his head.

"Night Charisma" He drawled in that sexy ass accent.

"N-night August"


That accent had her feeling some type of wayyy.

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