《Game Of Thrones Texts {finished}》Friendzone chat


Jorah: hello, fellow friend zoned people. I would like to get something of my chest

Theon: why am I in this? I am not in the friendzone?

Jorah: yes you are. You are literally friendzoned for life. Ain't got no sausage, ain't got no girls.

Theon: thanks

Jon Snow: why am I in this? I have a girlfriend!

Jorah: oh really?

Jorah kicked Jon Snow out of the chat

Varys: why am I in this?

Jorah: same story as Theon

Varys: ok

Tyrion: why am I in this again?

Jorah: I am not even gonna answer that

Tyrion: people in the internet literally call you the king of the friendzone #lame

Jorah: and what do the people on the internet call you? Frodo's twin brother? One of Snow white's seven dwarfs?

Tyrion: bruh. This boy needs some milk

Varys: What do they call me? Apart from super hot and mysterious 😏

Jorah: you look like a bowling ball. Some say you look like Paul de Leeuw

Varys: who is that?

Jorah: look him up

Theon: what do they call me?

Jorah: Reek.

Theon: 😶

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