《Game Of Thrones Texts {finished}》Westeros New President?


Cersei: ok, who wants to be the new president of Westeros?

Jamie: me!

Bronn: me!

Tyrion: duh

Petyr: hehehe...

Theon: me...

Cersei: Theon, wtf dude. Go back to whatever place you are from.

Jamie: SLAY sister!

Tyrion: wow, take it easy.

Cersei: please tell me why you should be the new president

Jamie: I will start! Hi, my name is Jamie Lannister. If you choose me, I will give you a free golden hand! Choose me! JAMIE FOR PRESIDENT. Call me the Kingslayer, 'cause I am SLAYING.

Tyrion: I want to stab myself.

Bronn: My turn! My name is Bronn. I kill people. Lol. #bronnforpresident

Tyrion: I feel so uncomfortable. But it is my turn! My name is Tyrion. People call me 'the imp' or 'halfman' well, let them, because I may not posses the power of heigt, I do posses the power of sarcastic jokes.

Jamie: sorry to interrupt, but did you literally call it 'the power of height?'

Tyrion: Hey, I didn't judge your speech!

Jamie: yes... Yes, you did.

Tyrion: shut up! Where am I? Oh yes, I am smart and witty.

Bronn: and always drunk!

Tryion: those are just details. With me, you need to look at the big picture.

Jamie: the 'big' picture HA!

Tyrion: 😠

Tyrion: whatever, just vote for me

Petyr: my name is Petyr. I am the one and only owner of a brothel.

Jamie: how is that a talent?

Petyr: you mingle your own sister.

Jamie: why do people ALWAYS have to bring that up

Petyr: Cersei reading all of this and just ignoring

Cersei: I won't react to this crap. It is decided. I will become president, because you guys suck. Your speeches suck and I feel like I am the only normal person in this chat.

Tyrion: you can't just name yourself the president!

Cersei: watch and learn, brother

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