《Brunette》Part 22


It's been a week since my mom told us about her job offer.

I still have no idea what I'm going to do.

Y/s/N walks into my room and I look up at her.

"I don't want to leave,"She says sitting on my bed.

I wrap my arms around her.

"We'll figure this out, we always do,"

"Are you going to come, or stay?"

"I don't know, this is my home, we grew up here, my friends are here, Lauren is here,"

"So you don't want to go?"

"I do, but the only reason is you, that's a big reason, listen I'm gonna convince mom to let you stay, it's your life not hers,"

"She doesn't listen,"

"I'm gonna make her,"

"Tell her I'm going on a run, I need time,"I say

She nods and I put on leggings and a tank top with a sweatshirt just in case anything happens.

I grab my phone and go outside.

"I'll be back later!"

"You can't leave!"

"Yes I can!"

I walk out and start jogging to the park.

I sit on the bench and sigh.

Why do I have to make a decision, I'm indecisive, I don't know what I want exactly. If I don't go I ruin everything with Y/s/N, if I do go I could lose Lauren.

I grab my phone and call Sabrina.

She picks up instantly.

"Brina I still don't know what to do,"

"Do you want to stay here for the rest of your life?"

"I mean yeah, I don't want to leave everything behind, my life is here, childhood, you and the girls, my family is going to be here, Lauren is here,"I say.

"I think you already know your answer, you just don't want to admit it to yourself,"

"I don't know how to tell Y/s/N,"

"You'll figure it out,"

"Okay bye Brina,"


I put my sweatshirt on and put my phone in my pocket then walk home.

"I said you couldn't leave,"Mom comes up to me.


"I said I could,"

"I'm still your mother, whether you like it or not, so treat me like I am,"

"I don't see why I should, I'm staying and you're leaving me, you give me the choice, but oh wait since Y/s/N is younger than me she has to live with you? Ma she wants to stay! Let her! You know she has trust issues and moving schools and being the new kid is hard, do you want her to go through that struggle, you know that she only trusts me and the girls, so why make her leave all of it behind? Do you want her trust issues to become worse? If you were a good parent you wouldn't,"I say.

"You're right,"She sighs looking down.

"Just let her st- wait what?"

"You're right, I wanted to see if you fight for her to stay, and you did, I know if I leave her with you, she'd be safe. She can stay,"

"Y/s/N!"I yell running to her room.

She looks at me as if I'm psychotic when I run in her room.

"You can stay!"


"She wanted me to fight for you to stay and I did so now you can stay,"

She hugs me and I hug her back.

"Thank you so much,"


We pull away and she grabs her phone.

"Can we go to the girls house? I need to ask Dani something now that I know for a fact I'm staying,"

"Sure, I have to change first,"

I walk to my room and change into a white long sleeve crop top, high waisted black jeans, and my black converse.

I put my hair in a ponytail then walk back to Y/s/N.

She looks at me and smirk.

"Why'd you change?"

"Cause I'm not wearing sweats to see Lauren,"

"Why not? You always end up them anyway,"

I smack the back of her head and walk downstairs.

She follows and I grab my keys then we go to my car.


We get in and I start driving to Laurens.

Once we get there I look at Y/s/N.

"Are you asking her out?"

"Yeah, she finally left Emmyn, gotta shoot my shot,"

We get put of the car and I walk into the house.

I see all of the girls on the couch watching TV.

Lauren sees me and gets up.

She walks over to me and grabs my hand.

"Are you staying?"

"Yeah, and I got my mom to let Y/s/N stay,"

She pulls me to the couch where she was sitting and I sit on her lap.

Y/s/N goes to Dani and I smirk.

"So what made you stay?"Lauren asked.

"I guess I'm not ready to leave everything behind,"

"I'm not ready to leave you behind,"I say softer.

She pecks my lips and smiles.

"You wouldn't be able to leave me, we'd find a way back to each other,"

"I just didn't want to ruin this,"

"You're so cute,"

She leans in and gives me a soft kiss and we pull away as Lisa fake gags.

Lauren rolls her eyes and pulls me closer to her.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to see my sister make out with her girlfriend on my couch, or anywhere,"Lisa says.

"I'm pretty sure you'd do the same thing if your boyfriemd, or girlfriend had a choice of leaving the state and needed time to think, then came back and said they were staying because they didn't want to leave you,"

"Not in front of the girls,"

"So you would though?"

"I don't know know, I've been single for life,"

"Loser,"Lauren mumbles and Lisa glares at her playfully.

"Alright, now can we watch TV again?"Katherine asks.

My phone vibrates and I get up.

I walk to the kitchen.

I answer.

"Hey Mila,"

"Hey Y/N, did you make your decision yet?"

"Yeah, I'm staying. I'm not ready to leave,"

"Good, I don't need you to leave,"

"Yeah I didn't want to leave everything behind,"

"Alright, so I think Lauren is cheating on me,"

"She wouldn't do that,"

"I know but she's getting really close to that Lucy girl, she shuts down our plans to go hang out with her, she goes to her house literally every day,"

"Camila, I know Lauren. She would never cheat on you, she loves you to much,"

"I don't know though,"

"Talk to her about it, that's the only way you'll know for sure,"

"Okay, I have to though, bye love you,"

"Bye, love you too,"

I put my phone in my pocket and Lauren gets up and grabs my hand pulling me to her room.

I sit on her bed and look at her.

"Yes?"I ask.

"Lisa was being annoying, and what do you want to do for your birthday?"

"I don't care, I'd rather just stay at home and cuddle with you, but I know you won't let me. I don't care as long as I spend the day with you,"

"Be specific,"She says and gently pushes me.

I cup her face.

"I honestly don't know,"I say and peck her lips.

"What do you want at least?"

"Nothing, I just want to see my family, I haven't spent my birthday with them in years,"

"Are you sure?"


"Okay that isn't that easy to do, so your probably gonna have a party,"

"Not a big one, I don't like people,"

She rolls her eyes.

"Fine a big one,"

She smiles and I instantly smile.

"It's not your birthday but I want cuddles,"She says laying down and putting her arms out.

I lay down in her arms and she kisses my head.

"I'm happy your staying,"

"I'm happy I'm staying too, I don't know what I would do without you,"

"You would move on from me and find a cute girl who treats you better than I do, you'll fall in love with her, have kids with her, marry her, and die with her, in no particular order,"

"You and I both know I wouldn't be able to move on from you, and no one can treat me better than you do,"

"I love you,"She mumbles and kisses my head.

"I love you too,"

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