《Brunette》Part 21


The food gets here and my aunt paid for it so I didn't have to.

"Y/N are you going to move in with us, Tia looked at houses and found a few that she could look into,"

"Can you show me pictures?"I ask and she nods.

She pulls out her phone and shows me pictures of three houses.

"Yeah so which house are you leaning towards?"Addison asks.

"Probably the first one,"I say.

"Tia sent these pictures to the whole family and pretty much everyone who's responded said first house teens, third house adults and kids,"

"Yeah but, third house you better keep an eye on those kids outside,"I say.

"Their Florida kids these kids grew up in water,"

"That's true,"

"Anyway Tia is visiting the houses next week so she can decide before we leave,"

"Well next week I'm off for spring break,"I say.

After we continue talking and eating, Lauren kisses my cheek and walks towards the bathroom.

"About moving I'll have to talk about it with Lauren, see what she wants to do,"I say.


I get up and throw my trash away.

I walk back to the couch and sit down Lauren comes back I get up so she can sit down, then I sit on her lap.

"Hey Lauren, what do you want to do about the move? We can either buy a house with only you and I, or we can move in with my cousins,"I say.

"To be honest I think moving in with your cousins would be fun, and a great opportunity to get to know your family more,"She says.

"But if we get a house with just us, there would be no distractions."She says softly.

"I think I would want to move in with your cousins,"She says.

"So is that the decision?"I ask.

She nods and peck my lips.

"When do you want to tell your parents?"I ask.

"Whenever,"She shrugs.

I just now notice my dad still isn't home.

"Ma! Where's dad!?"I ask.

"He had to grade tests today"She responds.

After a few minutes dad walks in and puts his coat in the closet.

He looks at the girls and looks at mom.

After a few more hours the girls go home other than Lisa and Lauren.

"So Lisa what is your reason for staying?"I ask smirking.

"There is no reason, I'm just tired of staying home all the time,"She says.

"I'm going to bed so goodnight people!"I exclaim and Lauren follows me to my room.

I grab a towel and shorts, another one of Lauren hoodies, and panties.

"Babe I'm gonna shower,"I say.

"Okay, I'll be in there in a minute,"She says.

I walk into the bathroom and first turn on the water and wait for the water to warm up.

I strip out of my clothes and get in the shower.

After Lauren and I shower we lay down and cuddle.

"I love you princess,"She says and kisses my head.

"I love you to honey,"I say.

We fall asleep cuddling.

I wake up to my parents arguing.

I get up and brush my hair and then I put on cimorelli sweatpants.

I put my hair in a bun and walk into the bathroom.

I wash my face and brush my teeth.

I then go back to my bed and sit down.

Lauren moves and lays her head on my legs.

She smiles and I kiss her head.

"Good morning princess,"She mumbles.

"Good morning honey,"I respond.


She stretches then gets up and walks into the bathroom.

She comes back and throws on leggings and a yellow cimorelli sweatshirt.

I lay down and she comes back to bed.

I lay down on top of her with my head on her chest listening to her heart beat.

My door opens and I groan.

"What do you want?"I ask without looking.

"Well good morning to you too,"Tia says.

"Good morning Tia,"I say and sit up.

"Well I just came to remind you that we're checking the houses out today,"She says.

"Okay,"I say.

She walks out and shuts the door.

I lay back down on top of Lauren and I end up falling asleep again.

A few hours pass and I wake up.

I look up and see Lauren on her phone.

"Sorry I fell asleep,"I apologize.

"It's fine, you're light, and you're cute,"She smiles.

I lean up and peck her lips.

I get off of her and put on socks and shoes and walk downstairs.

I see Addison and Lisa on the couch.

They've gotten really close since they met.

I then see the twins in the kitchen.

"Guys who let the twins in the kitchen!?"

The twins roll their eyes and groan.

"If you two leave the kitchen right now I'll make pancakes,"If say and they run out.

After I made pancakes and everyone ate Tia saids it's time to check out the houses.

"Lauren do you want to come?"I ask and she nods.

We walk to my aunts car and get in.

She drives to the first house and we get a tour of the house.

There are 13 total bedrooms, each has their own bathroom, there's two dinning rooms, one inside and one outside, one kitchen, and one living room.

The second house has 8 bedrooms, half of them have their own bathroom, one dining room, a kitchen, and a living room.

The third house has 11 bedrooms, all have their own bathroom, one dinning room, a kitchen, and a living room.

Once go back home she texts the family group chat and ask which houses.

Everyone responds with house one and house three.

"Alright house one and three it is,"Tia says putting her phone down.

"Tia how are you going to pay for all of this?"I ask.

"Well, you see there's this thing called family, the adults sent me money,"She says.

"Makes sense,"I say.

"I'm going to your room,"Lauren says and kisses my cheek.

"I'll be up there in a minute,"I say.

Lauren smiles then walks upstairs.

"Just so you know I call the biggest room in the house,"I say and the twins, along with Addison groan.

I get up and go upstairs.

I walk into my room.

I lay down beside Lauren and she wraps her arms around me pulling me closer.

I lay my head on her chest and listen to her heart beat like I did this morning.

We lay there in a comfortable silence.

After a while we get up and walk downstairs for food.

We see Laurens sister on the couch and I look at them.

"When did you get here?"I ask.

"About an hour ago,"Christina says.

"So Lauren, you were going to move out?"Dani asks.

Lauren nods.

"What about after high school?"Christina asks.

"I'm going to take online courses,"Lauren says.

"Does mom know about this?"

"Not yet,"

"When are you moving?"

"After graduation,"

"You two are going to share a room?"

Lauren and I nod.


"I'm sorry for whoever lives with you guys,"

"We aren't gonna be stupid, my cousins are going to live there along with my sisters,"I say.

"So when are you going to tell mom?"Katherine asks.

"I don't know in a few days, and don't tell her. If she asks lie. Don't let it slip up,"Lauren says.

"You're telling us to lie to mom?"

Lauren nods.

"I want to tell her,"Lauren says.

"Fine,"Lisa says.

"But if any of us slip up you can't blame us, we've never lied to mom or dad,"

"I know,"

I walk into the kitchen and grab a bag of chips.

I toss the bag to Lauren and she catches it and opens it.

She offers the girls some and everyone says no other than Lisa.

Lisa takes some and then Addison comes downstairs.

She sees Lisa and smiles.

I raise my eyebrows.

"You two are getting really close,"I say and Addison turns around but I run and grab her.

She tries getting out of my grip.

"Addison if you don't stop I will drag you to the couch,"I say and she walks to the girls and sits down.

"Also just so you know, at the house my room is right next to yours so I don't want to hear you guys in the middle of the night,"Addison says to me and Lauren.

I roll my eyes.

"You won't Addi,"I say.

"I don't belive you,"She says.

"When was the last time I lied to you?"I ask.

"A few days ago when I asked if you at my food I had in the fridge and you said no but you did,"

"In my defense I was hungry,"I say.

"Y/N!"Mom calls me.

"What mom!?"

"Come here!"

I groan and walk upstairs.

I go to her room.


"First lose the attitude, second why do you want to move in with your cousins?"

"Because Ma, I'm tired of you and dad telling me what I can and can't do, I get your my parents, but all I can do is go to Laurens house, that's why half the time I don't tell you where I'm going, and I'm tired of seeing you and dad everyday, you're already my teachers, and I miss them, I'm really close to them, I trust them, if Im being honest I don't trust you that much. I'm not that close with you,"I say.

"What did your dad and I do?"I ask.

"It's what you didn't do, and I'm pretty sure Y/s/N want to move in too, she cant trust you after hid three sisters from her, her whole life!"I yell

"That's not her decision, she's 16!"

"It's you want her to hide herself, and have no one to talk to go ahead and keep her here, but if you want her to be happy, let her decide,"I say and walk out.

I walk back downstairs and sit on the couch.

Lauren sits beside me and looks at me.

"I heard you yell, Y/N this is breaking your relationship with your mom,"She says and I look at her.

"I don't care I just need to leave, I'm tired of her and dad always on my ass, at school, at home,"I say.

"Y/N what if one day they don't come back, what if they don't wake up? You're going to miss them being on your ass about everything,"She says.

"I hate it,"

"But you are going to miss it,"

"But at the moment I want to get away from it Lauren,"

"Just think to your self, is this worth ruining your bond with your parents?"

"Can we just talk about something else,"I say more than ask.

"Like what?"

"Anything,"I say.

She doesn't respond so I grab my phone and call Franny.

"Hey Y/N,"

I get up and walk upstairs to my room.

I shut my down and lay down.

"Hey Fran,"I say.

"So when are you and Nezza coming to visit?"

"We don't know, with Nezza being a dancer and going on tour with a lot of people, could be a while,"She says.

"I miss you guys though,"I say.

"I know and we miss you too, but as soon as we get a break, we are visiting,"She says.

"You promise?"

"I promise,"

"Also Kian and I broke up it was mutual before you go blow up his phone, we both lost feelings, and decided to stay friends,"She says.

"So you both agreed?"

"Yes Y/N,"

"Okay just making sure,"

"Nezza wants to talk to you,"Fran says.

"Okay Fran, love you,"

"Love you too,"

"Hi Y/N!"I hear Nezza.

"Hi Nezza,"

"So I banged my head on the floor earlier,"She says.

"Should I question?"

"I fell off of a hover board, twice, I hit my elbow on the counter the first time then my head the second time,"She explains.

"Why Nezza? You're prone to injuries, I'm surprise Franny let's you out of the house,"I say.

"Yeah, me too,"She says.

Lauren walks into my room.

"I have to go Nezza, I'll call you later,"I say.

"Okay, bye, love you,"

"Love you too,"I say and hang up.

I put my phone down and look at her.


"I'm sorry for not dropping the conversation earlier,"She says looking down and playing with her fingers.

"I'm sorry too, for not wanting to open up about it,"I say.

She walks over to my bed and sits down.

"That's not your fault, I shouldn't have pushed you,"

"It's fine Laur,"I say and grab her hand.

"Also who did you call?"She asks.

"My friends Franny and Nezza,"I say.

"They live in Florida don't they?"

I nod.

"I met them through Roni, and Nessa,"I say.

"Anyway, Lisa asked if she could talk to you,"Lauren says.


I get up and Lisa looks at me.

I nod and she walks up to my room.

I sit on my bed and she shuts her door.

"I have feelings for Addison,"She says.

"Shoot your shot,"

"Isn't it too early?"

"If there's one thing I know about Addison it's that she loves someone who isn't afraid to tell her how they feel, just ask her out on a date and see what happens,"I say.

"Thank you,"She says and walks out.

I can not lose this bet to Lauren. I'm already basically broke.

Lauren walks back in.

"What did she want to talk to you about?"

"She has feelings for Addison,"I say.

"What did you tell her?"

"I told her to ask her out,"

"Damn it Addison told me she likes Lisa, I pretty much already lost the bet,"She groans.

"They still have to become official,"I say.

"Yeah, that could take a while,"She says.

"Wanna watch a movie?"I ask grabbing her waist, pulling her on my bed.

She nods asked pecks my lips.

She turns on my TV, goes on Netflix, and chooses a random movie.

She lays down and opens her arms.

I lay down in her arms and she holds me close to her, wrapping her legs around me.

I really want to marry this girl. I want a life with Lauren.

I smile and she moves my hair and kisses my cheek before paying attention to the movie.

I zone out and think about life, until a scream in the movie makes me jump.

Lauren pauses the movie.

"Do you want me to change it?"She asks softly.

"No its fine,"I say.

"What do you want to watch?"She asks.

"It doesn't matter Lauren,"I say.

She puts on the Flash since our friends have tried to talk us into watching it.

She wraps her arms around me protectively.

I lean into her and we watch a few episodes.

"Y/N mom wants all of us,"Addison says through the door.

"Tell her I said later, I don't want to see her,"I say.

"Y/N, please at least just listen to what she has to say,"Lauren says.

"Fine,"I say and get up.

I open my door and follow Addison to the living room.

I sit on the couch.

"Okay, I got a job offer in California, I'm taking it, I'm also going to take Y/s/N, Y/N you have a choice of coming with us,"Mom says.

"What!? So you want me to either go with you and leave behind my life, or stay and leave my sister!?"I yell.

"Listen Y/N if you knew what I was going through you'd take the job too,"

"There you go again, breaking the family apart, I either go and only live with you, dad, and Y/s/N, or I stay and leave all of you."

"Why can't we just stay!?"

"Because, Y/N, I don't want to spend the rest of my life here, I want more opportunities,"

"So you're only thinking about how this is going to affect you!You never think about how it affects me!Or Y/s/N! You really want her to move schools?Try to find a different group of friends?After what already happened!?"I yell getting up.

"I'm sorry but-"

"That's the thing! You're not sorry! We're you sorry when you couldn't provide for the twins!? Or Addison!?No! Mom I'm tired of this! Does Y/s/N even get a say in this!?"

"No because she's sixteen!"

"It's her life though!"

"It's my daughter!"

"What about Veronica, Vanessa, Addison?"

"This isn't about them!"

"No it's about you, it always is,"

I say and walk upstairs.

I walk into my room and slam my door shut.

I slide down the door and let it out.

Lauren instantly hugs me and I grab onto her.

"L-Lauren it's not f-fair,"

"Shh, just let it princess,"She mumbles and kisses my head.

I continue crying into her shoulder as she rubs my back.

"It's okay baby girl,"

"No its not,"

"Just let it out, you can talk to me if you want to later,"

I continue crying and once I finish I go to the bathroom and wash my face.

I lay down on my bed and Lauren grabs my hand caressing my palm.

"Do you want to tell me why you were crying?"She asks.

"My mom told me she is taking a job offer. In California. She's taking Y/s/N with her and gave me a choice to stay or go. Lauren I want to stay but I don't want to be separated from Y/s/N. Now that all of my family is going to move here she wants leave. Everything is here. My childhood, my friends, my sisters now, soon all of my family, and you. I can't leave you,"I say.

"Hey princess, it's going to be okay. If she knows what's best she'll let Y/s/N stay,"

"But she won't, she only cares about herself, Lauren I don't know what to do,"I say my voice shaking.

"If you go it'll be fine, I have family in Cali that I can visit and then see you,"

"Lauren, I can't leave, my whole life is here,"

She grabs me and pulls me onto her lap.

"Whatever you do, I support it,"She says.

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