《Brunette》Part 23


Lauren and I ended up cuddling for the rest of the day until I got a phone call from my mom.

"Hey mom,"

"Hey for your birthday what do you want to do?"

"Lauren is planning it, you can have a break for once,"

"Are you sure? Does she need help with anything?"

I turn to Lauren.

"Hey Laur my mom asked if you need help with anything for my birthday,"

"No its fine,"

"Lauren said no,"

"Oh okay,"

"That's all I wanted to know, I'll see you at dinner,"

"Okay bye mom,"


I hang up and put my phone down.

"Laur we have to get up at some point,"

"We'll get up when we have to,"

"And when is that?"

"When I feel like it,"

"Lauren! Y/N!"Lisa yells.

Lauren groans.

I get up and pull her up too.

We walk downstairs and look at Lisa.

"So about your sisters, when exactly are they coming back to move?"

"About a month.Why?"I ask.

"Addison asked me out on a date and said when she gets back we're going and now I'm stressing. I don't know what to do,"

I chuckle and she looks at me.

"What!? What is funny about this I need help!"

"It's funny how you're worried about a date that is in a month, and Lisa Addison likes you because you are you. Be yourself stop stressing,"

"Thanks but that didn't help,"

"I don't how to help you then, oh wait! You have five other sisters!"

"Whatever, I'll figure it out,"

"Who's planning the date?"

"Her I guess,"

"Ask her and when she responds tell me,"


She walks to her room.

Lauren grabs my hand and looks at me.

"It's just realized we haven't gone on a date in a while,"She says wrapping her arms around me.

"There's been a lot going on,"

"So you wanna go on a date with me?"She asks.

"I would love too,"I mumble and peck her lips.


"I have to ask my mom, she wanted me home for dinner,"

"We can go tomorrow, tonight can be our night, tomorrow you can be with your family,"She says.

"Lauren I have to ask her, I'm not leaving Y/s/N here now that she asked Dani out,"

"She asked Dani out!?"

"Yeah I forgot to tell you,"

"They're in Dani's room right now, with the door shut,"Lauren says slowly.

I quickly get up and walk to Dani's room.

I open the door and groan.

"Really!? You ask her out and from what I saw I'm guessing she said yes, also rules apply."

"We didn't even do anything,"Dani says.

"First, the door was shut, second you were alone, third you were making out,"I say.

"Did you walk in on them!?"Lauren asks from her room.

"Lauren!"Dani yells and runs to Laurens room.

She tackles Lauren and Y/s/N grabs Dani and gets her off of Lauren.

I help Lauren up and Christina looks at us from the hallway.

She laughs and we all look at her.

"What?"I ask.

"This is what happened when you met our parents and Lauren tackled Lisa,"

"That was not a fun day,"I say.

"Yeah it could have been better,"

"Anyway, Y/s/N get ready I'm taking you home,"I say.


"Cause I'm going out later and I don't want to come back here then home,"


"Why can't I stay?"

"Is that even question?"

"What's wrong with me staying? You and Lauren have sex like everyday,"

I roll my eyes.

"We do not,"

"The other day I walked in on you guys half naked,"

"No one told you to open the door,"

"I wanted to talk to you,"

"You could've waited,"

"Are you guys really arguing over this?"Lauren asks.

"Yea- No,"I say as she shoots me a glare.

She smiles.

"Good, I'm not trying to share my sex life with my sisters,"She says.

"At least you have one!"Lisa yells.

We all turn to her.

"She's the only one, which is kinda sad she the second youngest out of us girls,"

"Okay well, if you guys would leave my room I would appreciate it,"

"Lock your door this time, I'm not risking it,"Y/s/N says.

"Why? You guys should've locked Dani's door,"

"Again we're not the ones that have sex everyday,"

"We didn't have sex when you walked in, and we've only had it once since we had the argument,"

"Wow! You want a medal?"

"I didn't know you two could even go that long, you're always on each other,"Christina says.

Lauren rolls her eyes.

"Alright everyone out. Now!"Lauren says and everyone walks out.

"You and your sister are unbelievable,"

"Yup, that's us,"

"Are you really going home?"Lauren asks.

"Yeah I have to take Y/s/N home, and I have to change,"I say.

"I like your outfit though,"

"Where are we going?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out,"She says and pecks my lips.

"Are you gonna kidnap me?"I ask.

She rolls her eyes.

"No, you'll figure out."

"I really should probably take Y/s/N home now,"I say.

She leans in and kisses me.

Damn it. You know what she's staying but Lisa is watching her.

I groan and she pulls away.

"Fine she can stay,"

She pulls me to her bed and pushes me on my back.

"Meaning you stay here while I get everything ready,"She says.

I groan.


"Because this date isn't gonna set it's self up,"

"Can't you do it later?"

"Nope, I'll be back at 7:00,"She says.

"That's 3 hours from now,"

"You'll live,"

"Will I?"

She rolls her eyes and pecks my lips.

"I love you princess,"She says.

"I love you too Laur,"I smile and she walks out.

As she leaves Christina walks in.

"Is Dani's door shut? I still haven't set rules,"I say.

"You have rules too?"Christina asks.

"Yeah, she's still my baby,"I say.

"She's like two years younger than you,"

"I know, but I don't care,"

I get up and walk over to Dani's room and open the door.

"Okay rules, one no shut doors, two you can't be alone, three no making out, four you can't hang out 24/7,"I say.

"What!? You do all of that,"

"I know, but you're still a baby,"

"I'm not,"She says.

"Yeah you are, can you drive?"

She shakes her head.

"Are you old enough to move out?"


"Do you have a job?"

"Technically with you,"

"Whatever, but don't make me have to change the rules and monitor you 24/7,"I say.

"Speaking of we haven't uploaded since you started dating Lauren,"

"Yeah, I get distracted easily,"

"We need record at some point,"


"Yeah but not now,"

I walk out.

"Leave the door open!"I yell walking back to Laurens room.

I lay down on her bed and grab my phone.

I call Camila and she answers.

"So Lauren just cancelled another date or hang out with Lucy, I asked her if she was cheating and she avoided the question, I need to break up with her before I get crushed even more,"

"Camila I'll talk to Lauren and ask her stuff, I'll call you after,"I say.

"Thank you,"

"Anytime Mila,"



I hang up and groan as I call Lauren J.

She doesn't answer so I call again.

She answers.

"Hey Lo,"

"Hey Y/N,"

"Are you cheating on Camila?"

"No, why?"

"She thinks you are, you've been spending a lot of time with Lucy,"

"Oh that's why. Lucy is helping me with something,"

"Like what?"

"I'm planning on proposing to Camila at graduation, Lucy is helping me with everything,"

"Wait you gonna propose!?"

"Yeah, we've been together since middle school and we've know each other our whole lives, I'm ready. If she is too then I don't want to waste time making her mine forever,"

"Awe, look at Lauren being soft,"

"Don't ever call me soft, and please can you just tell her to trust me. I'm not cheating, I would never do that to her,"

"Yeah sure Lo, bye,"


I hang up and call Camila.

"Is she?"

"Okay hi to you too, no she isn't Camila. She loves you to much. Just trust her she won't crush you, you've been together for about 6 years now. She wouldn't cheat,"

"Okay thanks. I was just stressing about the idea,"

"It's fine Camz, love you,"

"Love you too,"

I hang up and put my phone down.

My phone vibrates.

I groan loudly and grab my phone again.

I check the caller ID.

"Hey Addi,"

"Hey Y/N, so I asked Lisa on a date. I'm taking her when we move there but I don't know anything about Tennessee, I don't where to take her,"She says.

"You'll figure it out, Lisa loves an adventure. Anything that isn't to cliché she'll be fine with. She'll love it though because you're the one going on a date with her,"


"Also Dani and Y/s/N are together now,"

"What's up with us and Cimorelli's?"

"Cimorelli's are perfect so nothings up,"

"I got to go, bye,"


I put my phone down and close my eyes.

I hear a knock on the door.

"What?"I ask without opening my eyes.

"What got you mad in the hour I was gone?"Lauren asks and I open my eyes to look at her.

I open my arms and she smiles.

She walks over to me and lays down.

She wraps her arms around me and kisses my neck softly.

"So why were you mad?"

"I wasn't mad I was annoyed,"I say.


"I called Camila, then I had to call Lauren, then Camila again, then Addison called me,"

"You still talk to Camila?"

"Yeah I've known her my whole life, she was there for me when no one was, so yeah I still talk to her, why?"

"I don't trust her,"

"Is this about that kiss?"

She rolls her eyes and turns around letting go of me.

"Lauren, you have to get over it at some point,"

"Some point isn't now,"

I straddle her and turn her head to look at me.

"I already said this before and I'll say it again. I don't love anyone like I love you. Camila is like a sister to me, you are my girlfriend. I love you, and only you,"I say and she looks away.

I get off of her.

"You know if you can't trust me why are we together?"I ask making her look at me.


"Why are we together if you can't trust me or believe a word I just said?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Lauren, you clearly think that kiss meant something to me even though I told you hundred times it didn't. Why?"


"Lauren give me an actual answer,"

"Because I don't like how close you two are, or how close you and Sabrina are,"

"We grew up together Laur, of course I'm going to be close to them. I've known them my whole life. I love them like sisters, I love you in a different way,"I say walking to the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To check on the two rats,"

I shut her door behind me and go to Dani's room.

I open the door and cover my eyes at the same time.

"You know we're not naked?"

"I was protecting myself just in case you were,"

"Why do you keep coming back?"

"Cause I already told you to leave this door open, if I find it shut one more time. I'll take your hinges and hide them."

"You wouldn't,"

"I would,"


I walk back to Laurens room and grab her phone from her.

I turn it off and put it on her nightstand.

I lay down on top of her and she smiles.

"For a second I thought you were going to break up with me,"She sighs.

"I would never do that, I love you to much,"I say.

She plays with my hair and I smile listening to her heart beat.

"So about this date, why don't I get to know where it is?"I ask.

"You'll figure out. I promise you I'm not kidnapping you,"She says.

"I wouldn't complain if you did,"

She smacks my arm and I groan.


"It's a surprise where I'm taking you,"

"I hate surprises,"

"You'll like this one,"

"How do you know?"

"You just will,"


I lean in and kiss her softly.

She smiles and reciprocates the kiss.

Once we pull away she smiles at me and pecks my lips.

She flips us over and looks at my lips.

She looks back at my eyes and connects our lips in a thirsty kiss.

I reciprocate the kiss and she kisses down to my neck.

The door swings open.

"You need to lock your door,"Dani says smirking.

Lauren gets off of me and glares at Dani.

"Dani what do you want?"

"Nothing I just thought that you guys have been in here for a while and I didn't want to hear anything,"

"You wouldn't have,"

"How was I supposed to know that?"

"Can you leave Dani?"

"Yeah, but don't have sex!"


We groan and get up.

We walk downstairs and my mom looks up at me.

"Hey mom why are you here?"

"Are you coming for dinner or not? You already said you were,"

"Mom I'm going out tonight,"

"Of course you always have time for Lauren,"She says.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"No matter what we can plan a family night and you'll cancel for Lauren,"

"Mom I don't know if you know this but I have a life too, Lauren is the most important person in my life so yeah I'm always going to have time for her. Unlike you I don't leave people, I'm committed,"

"What are you talking about?"

"Now that Roni, Nessa, and Addi are you moving back your moving away? I know you don't have a job in Cali, you just want to get away.Why?"

"It doesn't matter. If you're staying I'm selling the house and I want you out by the end of the month,"

"Don't worry it'll take me away few days,"

I groan and walk upstairs.

I go to Laurens room and slam the door shut.

Why can't I just be happy?

I look and Lauren lays down by me.

"If you want to we could cancel the date tonight. We could go out some other time,"She says.

"I still want to go on that date. Whatever happens with my family won't change what happens to us,"I say.

"I know, but you should still talk to me about it. I want to help you,"

"Lauren you being here and staying through all of this is enough help, it shows that you care,"I say.

She smiles and pecks my lips softly.

She gets up.

"We can go to that date now,"She says.

"Are you sure I don't need to change?"

"I'm sure,"

I get up and she grabs my hand.

We walk downstairs.

"Did she leave?"I ask the girls.


I out my shoes on and Lauren pulls me outside.

We get in her truck and I sit in the passenger seat.

We sit in a comfortable silence as she drives.

She stops the truck and gets out.

I get out and she grabs my hand.

"Where are we?"

"I know you've been stressed with everything going on right now, and you probably need a safe spot to go to,"She says.

I see a bonfire that wasn't lit yet with blankets and pillows surrounding it, but not close enough to start a fire if it was on.

"I know how much you miss just hanging out with the girls. You don't really talk to them anymore, so I called them and they should all be here soon."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, tonight is our night, I want you to be happy, and I know the girls will make you happy too."

I wrap my arms around her and she hugs me back.

"I love you so much,"I say.

"I love you more,"She mumbles.

"Not possible,"

I pull away from her.

"So who all is coming?"I ask.

"Camila, Lauren, Dinah, Normani, Ally, Sabrina, maybe more of the girls if they show up,"

"Camila and Sabrina? Are you okay with that?"

"They're your friends,"

"Thank you so much Laur,"

"Anything for you princess,"

She pecks my lips and I hold her there.

"Ew! I think we're gonna need to sit in between you,"I hear and pull away from Lauren.

I turn to the girl and see Franny and Nezza.

I run to them and tackle them in hugs.

"How are you here?"I ask getting up.

"Well someone may or may not have called us from your phone and asked if she could fly us here to surprise you as an early birthday surprise. We staying all month, so we're going to be here for your birthday and your graduation,"Franny says.

"Hey Lauren, it's nice to meet you,"Franny says.

"It's nice to meet you too Franny and Nezza,"

"We are here!"I hear Dinah and Normani yell.

"Yeah we are too,"I hear Camren shortly after.

I hug them all and we sit down on either chair that they brought or the blankets on the ground.

Lauren sits down on a blanket and I sit on her lap.

"I know you wanted to go on a date, just us, but I know you missed the girls and we haven't all been together for a while."

"It's perfect Laur,"

"It's think we should start the fire,"Dinah says.

"I'll do it,"Nezza says.

I look at her.

"Are you sure cause knowing you, you are probably gonna do something stupid,"I say.

"Fine Dinah can come with me to make sure I don't die,"

Dinah gets up and they walk into the trees behind us probably to find wood.

"We are Ally and Sabrina so late?"Lauren asks the girls.

The two come to the circle panting and I smirk.

"Called it!"

"Called what exactly?"

"Sabrina lips are sore, Ally has hickeys and their hairs a mess,"

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