《Jack of Clubs (BxB)》27: His Lips Tasted Like Fresh Chlorine
"What can I get you two?" The waitress asked us, one hand holding her notepad, the other cradling a pen.
I looked to Sam, waiting for him to order first. I was curious as to what he wanted to get. "Um, honestly, I can just smell the burger and fries, so that's all that's on my mind."
The waitress laughed, writing it down. I couldn't ignore her lingering gaze on Sam. Not to mention the fact that the second she finished writing, she removed one hand to play with her hair. I wanted to jump up and wring her neck for looking at my Sam like that.
"I'll have the same." My voice was monotone as I stared at her blankly. I wasn't about to be polite.
She soon left, but not without glancing at Sam a couple more times. I glared daggers in her direction until she disappeared into the kitchen.
"Aw, are you jealous, Sugar?" Sam teased, weaving his fingers through mine over the table.
I raised a brow. "Is that even a question? She practically undressed you with her goddamn eyes. It was a bit disturbing."
He smirked. "Oh, so you don't want to see me undressed?"
My face flushed and I glared at him. "You are so annoying."
"Which is exactly why you agreed to come on a date with me. And why you're my boyfriend." Sam smiled contently, reaching one hand over to ruffle my hair.
I bat it away. "I'm not five years old."
"No, you are definitely not. That would be pedophilia." He deadpanned.
I rolled my eyes in disgust. "I don't ever want to hear a sentence like that come out of your mouth again."
"You're so dramatic." He laughed.
"Haven't we already been over this?"
The food was really good, greasy king approved. They were very generous with the amount of fries they managed to pile on top of our plates. Sam and I happily dug in, but not without the waitress flirting with him first.
The look on her face when I held his hand was priceless. She went as pale as a ghost, looking around wildly. I could see Sam biting his lip, as though he was trying to bite back a snort. It didn't take long for her to hightail it over to someone else's table.
"I think you gave the poor girl a heart attack." Sam said once she was out of hearing range.
"That's what she gets for eyeing my man."
"Ooh, I've upgraded to man."
"Don't push it."
We ate in peace, joking and conversing until we were nearly finished eating. It was starting to become later in the day, so the restaurant began to really fill up. It was nice though, getting to spend time with Sam out in public without worrying about anything and everything around us.
Even though that one family didn't care about our relationship, I knew that there would others who did. It was best for us to just keep to ourselves and avoid too much PDA.
"So what are we doing now?" I asked Sam. My stomach felt like it was on the verge of exploding. I really regretted telling myself that I could handle one more bite.
"Swimming, of course." He stated as he rubbed his hands off on his napkin.
I tilted my head. "Isn't it a rule that you have to wait a half hour after eating before you go swimming?"
He waved my comment off. "Nah, that's just an urban legend."
I raised a brow. "I think I might throw up."
"Just don't think about it too hard."
When we reached the pool, I was shocked to see that no one was inside. Outside, the sun was set, causing the room to mostly be lit up by the neon lights under the water. I ended up waiting in there for a couple of minutes while Sam left to get our swim trunks from his car.
I hadn't been swimming in a long time. I was pretty sure that the last time I did go, was when Keira was still around. She took Millie and I out with a bunch of her friends. Kiera was always one of the popular kids, so she was constantly doing things that she shouldn't have been. Millie could persuade her to let us do pretty much anything.
We ended up going to some quarry, wherein everyone drank and swam. Millie and I passed out next to a tree after a couple of hours. We nearly got hypothermia from the freezing water and cold air combined. Everyone was too drunk to notice us, but when the sun began to rise, Keira finally woke us up with a horrified expression.
I missed her a lot. I remembered that Millie said she was in town a week or two ago, but I guessed that I missed my opportunity. I was so caught up in my own shit, that I honestly forgot about her. Didn't Millie say that she would be back within the month? I hoped that I would catch her the next time she was around.
"Hey." Sam's voice caused me to startle from the chair I sat in.
"Hey." I smiled up at him.
"Here you go." He handed a plain black pair of swim trunks to me.
I gave them a once over, before nodding approvingly. "I'll never know how you do it."
"Well." He placed a brief kiss to my forehead. "I wasn't planning on telling. Defeats the magic."
We both got changed in the bathroom stalls, and I suddenly felt every conscious. He was going to see me in nothing other than shorts, which borderline looked like boxers. As we all knew, I wasn't exactly strong. Compared to him, I looked like a goddamn skeleton.
It was really embarrassing.
"Sugar?" He said from the other side of the stall door. "Is something wrong?"
I let out a small breath, before unlocking the door and stepping into the open air. "Nope."
His hazel eyes gave me a slow once over, causing for me to look the other way. I couldn't ignore the way his tooth dug into his lip.
"Have I ever told you that you're beautiful?" He asked.
If I was beautiful, then what was he? Godlike? Divine? You could see every detail of his torso, and every curve of his abs. I couldn't help but notice the V that curved down into his trunks, where it disappeared like an unanswered question. I could feel my face go red the longer that he stood in front of me.
What the hell was wrong with me? I never reacted like that when I had to change in the locker room for PE, so why was a half-naked guy making me act that way?
Maybe because he wasn't just some half-naked guy. He was Samson Warner. He was my boyfriend. He was my rival. He was the only boy on the planet who could make my heartbeat triple it's speed. He was the boy who I couldn't stop thinking. He was the boy that I had fallen for.
Holy shit.
Oh my God.
I had fallen for him.
I was in love with him.
"Sawyer." Sam waved a hand in front of my face, causing me to jump. My heart skipped a beat. "Are you alright?"
"Um..." I blinked for a second, trying to remember what the hell words even were. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go swim."
Sam gave me a weird look, but shrugged his suspicion off. In the time it took for us to make our way out from the bathroom and towards the pool, my mind had managed circumnavigate the world.
It had only been three weeks since we first kissed. Three weeks. Yet, I was now one-hundred percent sure that I had fallen for him. I couldn't seem to wrap my head around that. I was in love with Samson Warner.
I felt like I might pass out.
"Let's jump in!" Sam smiled down at me, and the butterflies inside of my chest did backflips.
"Alright." Was my reply, because that was all I could muster.
We walked around the pool to the deep end. The pool air was so hot that it clung to us like skin. However, I couldn't find it in me to care. Why should I have cared when I was about to go swim with the boy I loved?
I was never going to get sick of saying that.
"On the count of three." Sam announced, backing up against the wall so that he could get a running start. I joined him. "One, two-"
We both ran and jumped in before he ever said three. The water felt cool in contrast to the air, but I didn't mind it. It was nice.
I clawed my way to the surface, gasping for air.
"You didn't wait until three." I told Sam.
"Neither did you." He laughed.
The day began to creep into night as we continued to fuck around. The amount of times we both got out of the pool, only to jump back in right after, was ridiculous. But it felt so perfect. I hadn't laughed quite like that in weeks.
I took a seat on one of the steps, leaning my head against the railing in an effort to catch my breath. Sam was swimming towards me from the other side of the pool.
When he reached my side, he sat on the floor, looking up at me from where he was nearly submerged under the water.
"Did you have fun today?" He asked.
I almost snorted before I realized that he was being serious. I brought a hand up to run through his soaked hair. "Of course, I did."
That instantly caused a grin to kiss his face. I liked being taller than him like I was right then - it was the only time that I was the one in control of the affection.
"It's pretty late, do you need to be home?"
I thought about it for a moment. "Usually I'd be home by now, but since I'm not, I could just tell my parents that I'm staying the night at Millie's."
His demeanor lit up, causing a wave of relief to wash over me. "You'll stay at my house?"
"Where else would I go?" I joked.
He pulled his pruny hands out of the water and placed them on each side of my face. Those starstruck hazel eyes looked directly into mine. "I'm so fucking lucky to have you, Sawyer."
I could have cried out of happiness. "I'm so fucking lucky to have you too, Sam."
He carefully closed the distance between us. His lips tasted like fresh chlorine, and I was sure mine did too. The kiss lasted a while, but it was soft and certain the entire time. It caused flowers to bloom in my stomach.
By the end of it, we were both gasping for air.
After that, we messed around for a few more minutes, then headed back to the bathroom to change and dry ourselves off. He wouldn't stop kissing me every chance he got, but I wasn't complaining. I loved every second of it.
The outside air was harsh against my skin, only reminding me that winter was almost there. It was only a matter of weeks. Maybe even days. By the time we reached the car, my hair felt like straw against my face.
Sam quickly turned up the heat, rubbing our hands together for warmth. The car ride back to his house was spent telling each other random stories from our childhoods.
"But my father always loved to take me swimming." Sam said, his eyes sparkling as he thought of the fond memories. "And when he didn't, my grandparents would. We were really close, but they're both passed now. That key I keep used to belong to their house. They were nerds, totally in love with Middle Earth."
"My parents aren't like yours, nor are my grandparents." I murmured. "They like their own things, but I was never really apart of it. Dad constantly tries to get me into football, but I've never had the desire to indulge. My mom doesn't really have any interests. She likes cooking, and being a good housewife, but those aren't really things she feels the need to drag me into. I don't even remember my grandparents, since the ones on my dad's side are deceased, and the ones on my mom's cut her off."
His eyes briefly met mine before he looked back at the road. "There's nothing your parents have ever done with you? No special places?"
I tried to come up with anything, but I was pulling at straws. "No, I spent most of my time when I was younger doing things with Millie and her sister."
"She has a sister?" He raised a brow.
"Yeah, she's in college, but she used to do stuff with us all the time."
"I think it's weird that neither of us have siblings."
"I agree. What were the chances of that?"
After more time passed, the houses grew more elegant, even visible from under the dark sky. It didn't take long for me to spot Sam's driveway approaching.
We entered the house, and I looked at Sam curiously. "Are your parents still not home?"
"No, they're out of town for the night." Sam answered with a smirk.
I raised a brow. "Are you sure you actually have parents, because I'm starting to think that it's all a lie."
Sam laughed, holding a hand out for me to grab. "Come on, let's go up to my room."
The closer we got, the more my heart sped up. I could tell that something was going on by the was his thumb caressed my hand. Not to say that I was bothered by it, because I was definitely not.
We were soon drowning in sexual tension, which I never thought would happen. I mean, we were two teenage boys, so it was bound to happen eventually - but I never really thought about it much. It had always been heated make out sessions and nothing more.
When we entered the room, he didn't bother with the lights, instead pressing me against a wall and cupping my cheek. I didn't waste a second, pulling his face to mine and connecting our lips.
The kiss grew heavy pretty quickly, and I could feel him fighting to get closer. His teeth hungrily bit my lip, causing a moan to escape my throat. I could feel his smirk as he brought his tongue into my mouth. My hand ran through his damp hair.
His hands eventually traveled down to my waist, our bodies trying to close the distance, but it seemed impossible. No matter how close we got, it felt like he was still too far away.
I wanted him.
I needed him.
"Sawyer." He moaned into my mouth as he pulled away from the wall and towards his bed. I didn't think a word could make me feel like that, but I guessed that there was a first for everything.
He lightly pushed me onto it without ever letting go of my waist. The feeling of his hands riding up and under my shirt caused me to release yet another moan. A shiver ran down my spine at our colliding skin.
That continued on for a while, before he finally pulled back long enough to toss my shirt across the room. I quickly helped him with his own, before reconnecting our lips.
He hovered over top of me, our legs grinding against each other.
Eventually, Sam spoke up breathlessly. "We don't have to go any farther."
I shook my head. "I want to."
"A-are you sure, because-"
I cut him off with another kiss, hoping to convey my answer. He seemed to get the memo, his hands traveling down to the button on my jeans. It wasn't until after he unbuttoned them and pulled the zipper down, that he once again pushed back.
"I really don't want you to do anything you're uncomfortable with-"
"Sam." I looked him directly in the eyes. "If you don't want to do this, then we don't have to."
He furrowed his blonde brows. "I want to."
"And so do I." I laughed, pulling him back towards me.
We kissed yet again, before he began trailing kisses down my neck, the pleasure causing me to arch my back against his exposed skin. The lower he traveled, the more frequent I would let out a breath. When he finally reached my naval, he began pulling my pants down.
Before he did anything else, he once again brought his face to mine, whispering something into my ear that caused my heart to stop. "I love you, Sawyer."
I wrapped my arms tightly around his warm neck. "I love you too, Sam."
It didn't take long for things to accelerate after that.
Soon, there was no longer an us, we were one in that moment.
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