《Far Away, In Another Place | Ruikasa》Part 3 - Spending Time Together


I woke up when the sun brightened up my room. Tsukasa was curled up against me and was still sleeping.

I ran my fingers through his hair, which was a mess. I then got up and went to brush my teeth.

When I got back, Tsukasa was awake.

"Good morning!" Tsukasa smiled while sitting up.

"Ah, your awake."

"Yup! Are you feeling better?"


"That's because a star took care of you!"

I smiled watching him do his little pose. I walked over to the bed and sat down next to him. He placed his head on my shoulder.

His tone changed, "So, when are you moving?"

I could tell he was upset. "In a week..."

Again his tone changed into a happy one, "Let's make your last week here the best one ever!"

Since my mom and Nene's mom have been friends for a while, Nene had already known the 'grand' news before me because her mom told her. Emu is the only one who doesn't know yet.

Tsukasa and I went to Pheonix Wonderland in search of Emu.

"TSUKASAAAA!" Emu yelled leaping onto Tsukasa.

"AHHHHHHHH!" He yelled falling over.

"Oh hi, Rui!" Emu shouted after getting off of Tsukasa.

"Good morning Emu," I said.

"Ahem," Tsukasa paused, "Emu, we need to tell you something..."


"No... I'm moving," I sighed.

"Whattttt? Noooooooo!"

"It's okay Emu, my dad's got a better job so- it'll be okay."

"But Ruiiii, you can't go!"

"Emu he has to." Tsukasa added.

"Fine! I'm going to go get chocolate! Without you!" Emu stomped off to go get her chocolate.

Later, Tsukasa took me to a park. We walked around and talked.

The rest of the week was fun as well. We watched movies, went to places, etc. It was the most fun I've had. Probably the only fun I'll have for a while...

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